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<H2>Issue EXPT-RATIO Writeup</H2>
<PRE><B>Forum:</B> Cleanup<P>
<B>Issue:</B> <A HREF="iss153.htm">EXPT-RATIO</A><P>
<B>References:</B> CLtL pages 204 and 211<P>
<B>Edit history:</B> Version 1, 4-Oct-88, by Aspinall and Moon<P>
Version 2, 6-Oct-88, Masinter (very minor discussion)<P>
Version 3, 31-Oct-88, Masinter (fix typo)<P>
<B>Problem description:<P>
The comment (page 204, 2nd para) that "... an implementation [of expt]<P>
might choose to compute (<A REL=DEFINITION HREF="../Body/f_exp_e.htm#expt"><B>expt</B></A> x 3/2) as if it had been written<P>
(<A REL=DEFINITION HREF="../Body/f_sqrt_.htm#sqrt"><B>sqrt</B></A> (<A REL=DEFINITION HREF="../Body/f_exp_e.htm#expt"><B>expt</B></A> x 3))" disagrees with the principal value definition on<P>
page 211. See the example below for a case where the two disagree. We<P>
believe the principal value definitions are consistent and reasonable,<P>
therefore the implementation comment is wrong.<P>
<B>Proposal (EXPT-RATIO:P.211):<P>
Clarify that (<A REL=DEFINITION HREF="../Body/f_sqrt_.htm#sqrt"><B>sqrt</B></A> (<A REL=DEFINITION HREF="../Body/f_exp_e.htm#expt"><B>expt</B></A> x 3)) is not equivalent to (<A REL=DEFINITION HREF="../Body/f_exp_e.htm#expt"><B>expt</B></A> x 3/2)<P>
and that page 211 rules.<P>
(<A REL=DEFINITION HREF="../Body/m_defpar.htm#defvar"><B>defvar</B></A> x (<A REL=DEFINITION HREF="../Body/f_exp_e.htm#exp"><B>exp</B></A> (/ (* 2 <A REL=DEFINITION HREF="../Body/v_pi.htm#pi"><B>pi</B></A> #c(0 1)) 3))) ;exp(2.<A REL=DEFINITION HREF="../Body/v_pi.htm#pi"><B>pi</B></A>.i/3)<P>
(<A REL=DEFINITION HREF="../Body/f_exp_e.htm#expt"><B>expt</B></A> x 3) => 1 (except for round-off error)<P>
(<A REL=DEFINITION HREF="../Body/f_sqrt_.htm#sqrt"><B>sqrt</B></A> (<A REL=DEFINITION HREF="../Body/f_exp_e.htm#expt"><B>expt</B></A> x 3)) => 1 (except for round-off error)<P>
(<A REL=DEFINITION HREF="../Body/f_exp_e.htm#expt"><B>expt</B></A> x 3/2) => -1 (except for round-off error)<P>
There can be no question that <P>
(<A REL=DEFINITION HREF="../Body/f_exp_e.htm#expt"><B>expt</B></A> x 3) ==> 1<P>
because <A REL=DEFINITION HREF="../Body/f_exp_e.htm#expt"><B>expt</B></A> is single-valued with an integer second argument, and<P>
(<A REL=DEFINITION HREF="../Body/f_sqrt_.htm#sqrt"><B>sqrt</B></A> 1) ==> 1<P>
definitely follows the principal branch of the square root function.<P>
But (<A REL=DEFINITION HREF="../Body/f_exp_e.htm#expt"><B>expt</B></A> x 3/2) is defined as (exp (* (log x) 3/2)) (page 211).<P>
(log x) ==> 2.pi.i/3<P>
according to the definition of the logarithm's branch cuts on page 211<P>
(which really comes down to the branch cuts of phase - page 210), so<P>
(* (log x) 3/2) ==> pi.i<P>
exp(pi.i) is -1.<P>
We believe the principal value definitions are consistent and<P>
reasonable, therefore the implementation comment is wrong.<P>
<B>Current practice:<P>
Symbolics Genera 7.3 currently returns the wrong answer, following page<P>
204 rather than page 211. Lucid Common Lisp, and <P>
Envos Medley implement the proposal.<P>
<B>Cost to Implementors:<P>
The obvious code changes in complex <A REL=DEFINITION HREF="../Body/f_exp_e.htm#expt"><B>expt</B></A>.<P>
<B>Cost to Users:<P>
<B>Cost of non-adoption:<P>
Self-contradictory language specification.<P>
Users can better predict the branch cuts in <A REL=DEFINITION HREF="../Body/f_exp_e.htm#expt"><B>expt</B></A>.<P>
Mathematical Explanation: When the <A REL=DEFINITION HREF="../Body/f_exp_e.htm#expt"><B>expt</B></A> function returns a complex result<P>
in CL (Cartesian) form, the phase of the complex number is effectively<P>
canonicalized. Information is lost, and that information is necessary to<P>
specify upon which branch of the <A REL=DEFINITION HREF="../Body/f_sqrt_.htm#sqrt"><B>sqrt</B></A> function the final result should lie.<P>
Another way to put it would be that although<P>
<A REL=DEFINITION HREF="../Body/f_sqrt_.htm#sqrt"><B>sqrt</B></A>(<A REL=DEFINITION HREF="../Body/f_exp_e.htm#expt"><B>expt</B></A>(x,3)) = <A REL=DEFINITION HREF="../Body/f_exp_e.htm#expt"><B>expt</B></A>(x,3/2)<P>
where <A REL=DEFINITION HREF="../Body/f_exp_e.htm#expt"><B>expt</B></A> and <A REL=DEFINITION HREF="../Body/f_sqrt_.htm#sqrt"><B>sqrt</B></A> are the mathematical multi-valued functions, it is not<P>
true that:<P>
pvsqrt(pvexpt(x,3)) = pvexpt(x,3/2)<P>
where pvexpt and pvsqrt denote the principal value versions of those functions.<P>
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