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<PRE><B>Issue:</B> <A HREF="iss358.htm">VARIABLE-LIST-ASYMMETRY</A><P>
<B>References:</B> CLtL pgs. 110, 122, 131<P>
<B>Category:</B> ADDITION<P>
<B>Edit history:</B> 26-Jul-88, Version 1 by Skona Brittain<P>
04-Aug-88, Version 2 by Skona Brittain<P>
08-Oct-88, Version 3 by Pitman<P>
<B>Problem Description:<P>
The syntax of items in the variable-list for various control structues<P>
(do, do*, let, let*, prog, prog*, and compiler-let) varies. This<P>
variation seems unnecessary.<P>
The allowed variations are indicated in the following chart:<P>
do &amp; do*: (var) (var init) (var init step)<P>
prog &amp; prog*: var (var) (var init) n.a.<P>
let &amp; let*: var (var val) n.a.<P>
compiler-let var (var value)<P>
Note that just plain `` var '' is prohibited in do forms<P>
and that the case of ``(var)'' is prohibited in let forms<P>
and compiler-let forms.<P>
Allow all the variations in all of the forms;<P>
i.e. add the prohibited cases mentioned above.<P>
I.e. change the variable-list in the syntax descriptions as follows:<P>
do &amp; do*: ( { var | (var [init [step]] ) }* )<P>
let &amp; let*: ( { var | (var [value] ) }* )<P>
compiler-let: ( { var | (var [value] ) }* )<P>
<B>Test Cases:<P>
(let (a (b) (c 3)) ... ) would be valid.<P>
(let* (a (b) (c 3)) ... ) would be valid.<P>
(do (a (b) (c 3)) ... ) would be valid.<P>
(do* (a (b) (c 3)) ... ) would be valid.<P>
(compiler-let (a (b) (c 3)) ... ) would be valid.<P>
The asymmetry is unnecessary and impedes learning of CL.<P>
Any other way to make these cases consistent, such as either<P>
omitting just ``var'' from do &amp; do* and prog &amp; prog*, or<P>
omitting ``(var)'' from let &amp; let* and prog &amp; prog*, <P>
would be an incompatible change to the language. <P>
This way just adds the flexibility found in some of the forms to all of them.<P>
<B>Current Practice:<P>
KCL allows ``(var)'' in let &amp; let* but not ``var'' in do &amp; do*.<P>
Symbolics Genera allows all three cases in all the forms; i.e. it conforms<P>
to this proposal.<P>
<B>Cost to Implementors:<P>
Extremely slight. (May involve subtracting code rather than adding it).<P>
<B>Cost to Users:<P>
<B>Cost of Non-Adoption:<P>
The variation in syntax makes them harder to learn.<P>
Ease of learning.<P>
Symmetry is more aesthetic than asymmetry, at least to some of us.<P>
<B>Discussion: <P>
Pitman supports this proposal.<P>
The issue about whether the atomic ``var'' should be allowed at all in the <P>
variable lists for let &amp; let* is a separate issue. (So is whether<P>
it should mean that the var is initially bound to nil.) Since it is allowed, <P>
this proposal merely says that the alternative syntax of an atom within a <P>
list with no initial value, ``(var)'', should also be allowed.<P>
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