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<HTML><HEAD><TITLE>Conclusion: What's Next?</TITLE><LINK REL="stylesheet" TYPE="text/css" HREF="style.css"/></HEAD><BODY><DIV CLASS="copyright">Copyright © 2003-2005, Peter Seibel</DIV><H1>32. Conclusion: What's Next?</H1><P>I hope by now you're convinced that the title of this book isn't an
oxymoron. However, it's quite likely there's some area of programming
that's of great practical importance to you that I haven't discussed
at all. For instance, I haven't said anything about how to develop
graphical user interfaces (GUIs), how to connect to relational
databases, how to parse XML, or how to write programs that act as
clients for various network protocols. Similarly, I haven't discussed
two topics that will become important when you write real applications
in Common Lisp: optimizing your Lisp code and packaging your
application for delivery.</P><P>I'm obviously not going to cover all these topics in depth in this
final chapter. Instead, I'll give you a few pointers you can use to
pursue whichever aspect of Lisp programming interests you most.</P><A NAME="finding-lisp-libraries"><H2>Finding Lisp Libraries</H2></A><P>While the standard library of functions, data types, and macros that
comes with Common Lisp is quite large, it provides only
general-purpose programming constructs. Specialized tasks such as
writing GUIs, talking to databases, and parsing XML require libraries
beyond what are provided by the ANSI standardized language.</P><P>The easiest way to obtain a library to do something you need may be
simply to check out your Lisp implementation. Most implementations
provide at least some facilities not specified in the language
standard. The commercial Common Lisp vendors tend to work especially
hard at providing additional libraries for their implementation in
order to justify their prices. Franz's Allegro Common Lisp,
Enterprise Edition, for instance, comes with libraries for parsing
XML, speaking SOAP, generating HTML, connecting to relational
databases, and building graphical interfaces in various ways, among
others. LispWorks, another prominent commercial Lisp, provides
several similar libraries, including a well-regarded portable GUI
toolkit, CAPI, which can be used to develop GUI applications that
will run on any operating system LispWorks runs on.</P><P>The free and open-source Common Lisp implementations typically don't
include quite so many bundled libraries, relying instead on portable
free and open-source libraries. But even those implementations
usually fill in some of the more important areas not addressed by the
language standard such as networking and multithreading.</P><P>The only disadvantage of using implementation-specific libraries is
that they tie you to the implementation that provides them. If you're
delivering end-user apps or are deploying a server-based application
on a server that you control, that may not matter a lot. But if you
want to write code to share with other Lispers or if you simply don't
want to be tied to a particular implementation, it's a little more
annoying.</P><P>For portable libraries--portable either because they're written
entirely in standard Common Lisp or because they contain appropriate
read-time conditionalization to work on multiple
implementations<SUP>1</SUP>--your best bet
is to go to the Web. With the usual caveats about URLs going stale as
soon as they're printed on paper, these are three of the best current
starting points:</P><UL><LI>Common-Lisp.net (<CODE>http://www.common-lisp.net/</CODE>) is a site
that hosts free and open-source Common Lisp projects, providing
version control, mailing lists, and Web hosting of project pages. In
the first year and a half after the site went live, nearly a hundred
projects were registered.</LI><LI>The Common Lisp Open Code Collection (CLOCC)
(<CODE>http://clocc.sourceforge.net/</CODE>) is a slightly older collection
of free software libraries, which are intended to be portable between
Common Lisp implementations and self-contained, not relying on any
libraries not included in CLOCC itself. </LI><LI>Cliki (<CODE>http://www.cliki.net/</CODE>) is a wiki devoted to free
software in Common Lisp. While, like any wiki, it may change at any
time, typically it has quite a few links to libraries as well to
various open-source Common Lisp implementations. The eponymous
software it runs on is also written in Common Lisp.</LI></UL><P>Linux users running the Debian or Gentoo distributions can also
easily install an ever-growing number of Lisp libraries that have
been packaged with those distributions' packing tools, <CODE>apt-get</CODE>
on Debian and <CODE>emerge</CODE> on Gentoo.</P><P>I won't recommend any specific libraries here since the library
situation is changing every day--after years of envying the library
collections of Perl, Python, and Java, Common Lispers have, in the
past couple of years, begun to take up the challenge of giving Common
Lisp the set of libraries--both open source and commercial--that it
deserves.</P><P>One area where there has been a lot of activity recently is on the
GUI front. Unlike Java and C# but like Perl, Python, and C, there's
no single way to develop GUIs in Common Lisp. Instead, it depends
both on what Common Lisp implementation you're using and what
operating system or systems you want to support.</P><P>The commercial Common Lisp implementations usually provide some way
to build GUIs for the platforms they run on. Additionally, LispWorks
provides CAPI, the previously mentioned, portable GUI API.</P><P>On the open-source side, you have a number of options. On Unix, you
can write low-level X Windows GUIs using CLX, a pure-Common Lisp
implementation of the X Windows protocol, roughly akin to xlib in C.
Or you can use various bindings to higher-level APIs and toolkits such
as GTK and Tk, much the way you might in Perl or Python.</P><P>Or, if you're looking for something completely different, you can
check out Common Lisp Interface Manager (CLIM). A descendant of the
Symbolics Lisp Machines GUI framework, CLIM is powerful but complex.
Although many commercial Common Lisp implementations actually support
it, it doesn't seem to have seen a lot of use. But in the past couple
years, an open-source implementation of CLIM, McCLIM--now hosted at
Common-Lisp.net--has been picking up steam lately, so we may be on
the verge of a CLIM renaissance.</P><A NAME="interfacing-with-other-languages"><H2>Interfacing with Other Languages</H2></A><P>While many useful libraries can be written in "pure" Common Lisp
using only the features specified in the language standard, and many
more can be written in Lisp using nonstandard facilities provided by
a given implementation, occasionally it's more straightforward to use
an existing library written in another language, such as C.</P><P>The language standard doesn't specify a mechanism for Lisp code to
call code written in another language or even require that
implementations provide such a mechanism. But these days, almost all
Common Lisp implementations support what's called a <I>Foreign
Function Interface</I>, or FFI for short.<SUP>2</SUP> The basic job of an FFI is to allow
you to give Lisp enough information to be able to link in the foreign
code. Thus, if you're going to call a function from a C library, you
need to tell Lisp about how to translate the Lisp objects passed to
the function into C types and the value returned by the function back
into a Lisp object. However, each implementation provides its own
FFI, each with slightly varying capabilities and syntax. Some FFIs
allow callbacks from C to Lisp, and others don't. The Universal
Foreign Function Interface (UFFI) project provides a portability
layer over the FFIs of more than a half dozen different Common Lisp
implementations. It works by defining its own macros that expand into
appropriate FFI code for the implementation it's running in. The UFFI
takes a lowest common denominator approach, which means it can't take
advantage of all the features of different implementations' FFIs, but
it does provide a good way to build a simple Lisp wrapper around a
basic C API.<SUP>3</SUP></P><A NAME="make-it-work-make-it-right-make-it-fast"><H2>Make It Work, Make It Right, Make It Fast</H2></A><P>As has been said many times, and variously attributed to Donald
Knuth, C.A.R. Hoare, and Edsger Dijkstra, premature optimization is
the root of all evil.<SUP>4</SUP> Common Lisp is an
excellent language to program in if you want to heed this wisdom yet
still need high performance. This may come as a surprise if you've
heard the conventional wisdom that Lisp is slow. In Lisp's earliest
days, when computers were programmed with punch cards, Lisp's
high-level features may have doomed it to be slower than the
competition, namely, assembly and FORTRAN. But that was a long time
ago. In the meantime, Lisp has been used for everything from creating
complex AI systems to writing operating systems, and a lot of work
has gone into figuring out how to compile Lisp into efficient code.
In this section I'll talk about some of the reasons why Common Lisp
is an excellent language for writing high-performance code and some
of the techniques for doing so.</P><P>The first reason that Lisp is an excellent language for writing
high-performance code is, ironically enough, the dynamic nature of
Lisp programming--the very thing that originally made it hard to bring
Lisp's performance up to the levels achieved by FORTRAN compilers. The
reason Common Lisp's dynamic features make it easier to write
high-performance code is that the first step to writing efficient code
is to find the right algorithms and data structures.</P><P>Common Lisp's dynamic features keep code flexible, which makes it
easier to try different approaches. Given a finite amount of time to
write a program, you're much more likely to end up with a
high-performance version if you don't spend a lot of time getting
into and out of dead ends. In Common Lisp, you can try an idea, see
it's going nowhere, and move on without having spent a ton of time
convincing the compiler your code is worthy of being run and then
waiting for it to finish compiling. You can write a straightforward
but inefficient version of a function--a <I>code sketch</I>--to
determine whether your basic approach is sound and then replace that
function with a more complex but more efficient implementation if you
determine that it is. And if the overall approach turns out to be
flawed, then you haven't wasted a bunch of time tuning a function
that's no longer needed, which means you have more time to find a
better approach.</P><P>The next reason Common Lisp is a good language for developing
high-performance software is that most Common Lisp implementations
come with mature compilers that generate quite efficient machine
code. I'll talk in a moment about how to help these compilers
generate code that will be competitive with code generated by C
compilers, but these implementations already are quite a bit faster
than those of languages whose implementations are less mature and use
simpler compilers or interpreters. Also, since the Lisp compiler is
available at runtime, the Lisp programmer has some possibilities that
would be hard to emulate in other languages--your programs can
generate Lisp code at runtime that's then compiled into machine code
and run. If the generated code is going to run enough times, this can
be a big win. Or, even without using the compiler at runtime,
closures give you another way to meld machine code with runtime data.
For instance, the CL-PPCRE regular expression library, running in
CMUCL, is faster than Perl's regular expression engine on some
benchmarks, even though Perl's engine is written in highly tuned C.
This is presumably because in Perl a regular expression is translated
into what are essentially bytecodes that are then interpreted by the
regex engine, while CL-PPCRE translates a regular expression into a
tree of compiled closures that invoke each other via the normal
function-calling machinery.<SUP>5</SUP></P><P>However, even with the right algorithm and a high-quality compiler,
you may not get the raw speed you need. Then it's time to think about
profiling and tuning. The key, in Lisp as in any language, is to
profile first to find the spots where your program is actually
spending its time and then worry about speeding up those
parts.<SUP>6</SUP></P><P>You have a number of different ways to approach profiling. The
language standard provides a few rudimentary tools for measuring how
long certain forms take to execute. In particular, the <CODE><B>TIME</B></CODE>
macro can be wrapped around any form and will return whatever values
the form returns after printing a message to <CODE><B>*TRACE-OUTPUT*</B></CODE>
about how long it took to run and how much memory it used. The exact
form of the message is implementation defined.</P><P>You can use <CODE><B>TIME</B></CODE> for a bit of quick-and-dirty profiling to
narrow your search for bottlenecks. For instance, suppose you have a
function that's taking a long time to run and that calls two other
functions--something like this:</P><PRE>(defun foo ()
(baz))</PRE><P>If you want to see whether <CODE>bar</CODE> or <CODE>baz</CODE> is taking more
time, you can change the definition of <CODE>foo</CODE> to this:</P><PRE>(defun foo ()
(time (bar))
(time (baz)))</PRE><P>Now you can call <CODE>foo</CODE>, and Lisp will print two reports, one for
<CODE>bar</CODE> and one for <CODE>baz</CODE>. The form is implementation
dependent; here's what it looks like in Allegro Common Lisp:</P><PRE>CL-USER> (foo)
; cpu time (non-gc) 60 msec user, 0 msec system
; cpu time (gc) 0 msec user, 0 msec system
; cpu time (total) 60 msec user, 0 msec system
; real time 105 msec
; space allocation:
; 24,172 cons cells, 1,696 other bytes, 0 static bytes
; cpu time (non-gc) 540 msec user, 10 msec system
; cpu time (gc) 170 msec user, 0 msec system
; cpu time (total) 710 msec user, 10 msec system
; real time 1,046 msec
; space allocation:
; 270,172 cons cells, 1,696 other bytes, 0 static bytes</PRE><P>Of course, that'd be a bit easier to read if the output included a
label. If you use this technique a lot, it might be worth defining
your own macro like this:</P><PRE>(defmacro labeled-time (form)
(format *trace-output* "~2&~a" ',form)
(time ,form)))</PRE><P>If you replace <CODE><B>TIME</B></CODE> with <CODE>labeled-time</CODE> in <CODE>foo</CODE>,
you'll get this output:</P><PRE>CL-USER> (foo)
; cpu time (non-gc) 60 msec user, 0 msec system
; cpu time (gc) 0 msec user, 0 msec system
; cpu time (total) 60 msec user, 0 msec system
; real time 131 msec
; space allocation:
; 24,172 cons cells, 1,696 other bytes, 0 static bytes
; cpu time (non-gc) 490 msec user, 0 msec system
; cpu time (gc) 190 msec user, 10 msec system
; cpu time (total) 680 msec user, 10 msec system
; real time 1,088 msec
; space allocation:
; 270,172 cons cells, 1,696 other bytes, 0 static bytes</PRE><P>From this output, it's clear that most of the time in <CODE>foo</CODE> is
spent in <CODE>baz</CODE>.</P><P>Of course, the output from <CODE><B>TIME</B></CODE> gets a bit unwieldy if the form
you want to profile is called repeatedly. You can build your own
measurement tools using the functions <CODE><B>GET-INTERNAL-REAL-TIME</B></CODE> and
<CODE><B>GET-INTERNAL-RUN-TIME</B></CODE>, which return a number that increases by
the value of the constant <CODE><B>INTERNAL-TIME-UNITS-PER-SECOND</B></CODE> each
second. <CODE><B>GET-INTERNAL-REAL-TIME</B></CODE> measures <I>wall time</I>, the
actual amount of time elapsed, while <CODE><B>GET-INTERNAL-RUN-TIME</B></CODE>
measures some implementation-defined value such as the amount of time
Lisp was actually executing or the time Lisp was executing user code
and not internal bookkeeping such as the garbage collector. Here's a
trivial but useful profiling tool built with a few macros and
<CODE><B>GET-INTERNAL-RUN-TIME</B></CODE>:</P><PRE>(defparameter *timing-data* ())
(defmacro with-timing (label &body body)
(with-gensyms (start)
`(let ((,start (get-internal-run-time)))
(unwind-protect (progn ,@body)
(push (list ',label ,start (get-internal-run-time)) *timing-data*)))))
(defun clear-timing-data ()
(setf *timing-data* ()))
(defun show-timing-data ()
(loop for (label time count time-per %-of-total) in (compile-timing-data) do
(format t "~3d% ~a: ~d ticks over ~d calls for ~d per.~%"
%-of-total label time count time-per)))
(defun compile-timing-data ()
(loop with timing-table = (make-hash-table)
with count-table = (make-hash-table)
for (label start end) in *timing-data*
for time = (- end start)
summing time into total
(incf (gethash label timing-table 0) time)
(incf (gethash label count-table 0))
(loop for label being the hash-keys in timing-table collect
(let ((time (gethash label timing-table))
(count (gethash label count-table)))
(list label time count (round (/ time count)) (round (* 100 (/ time total))))))
#'> :key #'fifth))))</PRE><P>This profiler lets you wrap a <CODE>with-timing</CODE> around any form;
each time the form is executed, the time it starts and the time it
ends are recorded, associating with a label you provide. The function
<CODE>show-timing-data</CODE> dumps out a table showing how much time was
spent in different labeled sections of code like this:</P><PRE>CL-USER> (show-timing-data)
84% BAR: 650 ticks over 2 calls for 325 per.
16% FOO: 120 ticks over 5 calls for 24 per.
NIL</PRE><P>You could obviously make this profiling code more sophisticated in
many ways. Alternatively, your Lisp implementation most likely
provides its own profiling tools, which, since they have access to
the internals of the implementation, can get at information not
necessarily available to user-level code.</P><P>Once you've found the bottleneck in your code, you can start tuning.
The first thing you should try, of course, is to find a more
efficient basic algorithm--that's where the big gains are to be had.
But assuming you're already using an appropriate algorithm, then it's
down to <I>code bumming</I>--locally optimizing the code so it does
absolutely no more work than necessary.</P><P>The main tools for code bumming in Common Lisp are its optional
declarations. The basic idea behind declarations in Common Lisp is
that they're used to give the compiler information it can use in a
variety of ways to generate better code.</P><P>For a simple example, consider this Common Lisp function:</P><PRE>(defun add (x y) (+ x y))</PRE><P>I mentioned in Chapter 10 that if you compare the performance of this
function Lisp to the seemingly equivalent C function:</P><PRE>int add (int x, int y) { return x + y; }</PRE><P>you'll likely find the Common Lisp version to be quite a bit slower,
even if your Common Lisp implementation features a high-quality native
compiler.</P><P>That's because the Common Lisp version is doing a lot more--the
Common Lisp compiler doesn't even know that the values of <CODE>a</CODE>
and <CODE>b</CODE> are numbers and so has to generate code to check at
runtime. And once it determines they <I>are</I> numbers, it has to
determine what types of numbers--integers, rationals, floating
point, or complex--and dispatch to the appropriate addition routine
for the actual types. And even if <CODE>a</CODE> and <CODE>b</CODE> are
integers--the case you care about--then the addition routine has to
account for the possibility that the result may be too large to
represent as a <I>fixnum</I>, a number that can be represented in a
single machine word, and thus it may have to allocate a <I>bignum</I>
object.</P><P>In C, on the other hand, because the type of all variables are
declared, the compiler knows exactly what kind of values <CODE>a</CODE> and
<CODE>b</CODE> will hold. And because C's arithmetic simply overflows when
the result of an addition is too large to represent in whatever type
is being returned, there's no checking for overflow and no allocation
of a bignum object to represent the result when the mathematical sum
is too large to fit in a machine word.</P><P>Thus, while the behavior of the Common Lisp code is much more likely
to be mathematically correct, the C version can probably be compiled
down to one or two machine instructions. But if you're willing to give
the Common Lisp compiler the same information the C compiler has about
the types of arguments and return values and to accept certain C-like
compromises in terms of generality and error checking, the Common
Lisp function can also be compiled down to an instruction or two.</P><P>That's what declarations are for. The main use of declarations is to
tell the compiler about the types of variables and other expressions.
For instance, you could tell the compiler that the arguments to
<CODE>add</CODE> are both fixnums by writing the function like this:</P><PRE>(defun add (x y)
(declare (fixnum x y))
(+ x y))</PRE><P>The <CODE><B>DECLARE</B></CODE> expression isn't a Lisp form; rather, it's part of
the syntax of the <CODE><B>DEFUN</B></CODE> and must appear before any other code in
the function body.<SUP>7</SUP> This declaration declares that the arguments
passed for the parameters <CODE>x</CODE> and <CODE>y</CODE> will always be
fixnums. In other words, it's a promise to the compiler, and the
compiler is allowed to generate code on the assumption that whatever
you tell it is true.</P><P>To declare the type of the value returned, you can wrap the form
<CODE>(+ x y)</CODE> in the <CODE><B>THE</B></CODE> special operator. This operator takes
a type specifier, such as <CODE><B>FIXNUM</B></CODE>, and a form and tells the
compiler the form will evaluate to the given type. Thus, to give the
Common Lisp compiler all the information about <CODE>add</CODE> that the C
compiler gets, you can write it like this:</P><PRE>(defun add (x y)
(declare (fixnum x y))
(the fixnum (+ x y)))</PRE><P>However, even this version needs one more declaration to give the
Common Lisp compiler the same license as the C compiler to generate
fast but dangerous code. The <CODE><B>OPTIMIZE</B></CODE> declaration is used to
tell the compiler how to balance five qualities: the speed of the
code generated; the amount of runtime error checking; the memory
usage of the code, both in terms of code size and runtime memory
usage; the amount of debugging information kept with the code; and
the speed of the compilation process. An <CODE><B>OPTIMIZE</B></CODE> declaration
consists of one or more lists, each containing one of the symbols
<CODE><B>COMPILATION-SPEED</B></CODE>, and a number from zero to three, inclusive.
The number specifies the relative weighting the compiler should give
to the corresponding quality, with <CODE>3</CODE> being the most important
and <CODE>0</CODE> meaning not important at all. Thus, to make Common Lisp
compile <CODE>add</CODE> more or less like a C compiler would, you can
write it like this:</P><PRE>(defun add (x y)
(declare (optimize (speed 3) (safety 0)))
(declare (fixnum x y))
(the fixnum (+ x y)))</PRE><P>Of course, now the Lisp version suffers from many of the same
liabilities as the C version--if the arguments passed aren't fixnums
or if the addition overflows, the result will be mathematically
incorrect or worse. Also, if someone calls <CODE>add</CODE> with a wrong
number of arguments, it may not be pretty. Thus, you should use these
kinds of declarations only after your program is working correctly.
And you should add them only where profiling shows they'll make a
difference. If you're getting reasonable performance without them,
leave them out. But when profiling shows you a real hot spot in your
code and you need to tune it up, go ahead. Because you can use
declarations this way, it's rarely necessary to rewrite code in C
just for performance reasons; FFIs are used to access existing C
code, but declarations are used when C-like performance is needed. Of
course, how close you can get the performance of a given piece of
Common Lisp code to C and C++ depends mostly on how much like C
you're willing to make it.</P><P>Another code-tuning tool built into Lisp is the function
<CODE><B>DISASSEMBLE</B></CODE>. The exact behavior of this function is
implementation dependent because it depends on how the implementation
compiles code--whether to machine code, bytecodes, or some other form.
But the basic idea is that it shows you the code generated by the
compiler when it compiled a specific function.</P><P>Thus, you can use <CODE><B>DISASSEMBLE</B></CODE> to see whether your declarations
are having any effect on the code generated. And if your Lisp
implementation uses a native compiler and you know your platform's
assembly language, you can get a pretty good sense of what's actually
going on when you call one of your functions. For instance, you could
use <CODE><B>DISASSEMBLE</B></CODE> to get a sense of the difference between the
first version of <CODE>add</CODE>, with no declarations, and the final
version. First, define and compile the original version.</P><PRE>(defun add (x y) (+ x y))</PRE><P>Then, at the REPL, call <CODE><B>DISASSEMBLE</B></CODE> with the name of the
function. In Allegro, it shows the following assembly-language-like
dump of the code generated by the compiler:</P><PRE>CL-USER> (disassemble 'add)
;; disassembly of #<Function ADD>
;; formals: X Y
;; code start: #x737496f4:
0: 55 pushl ebp
1: 8b ec movl ebp,esp
3: 56 pushl esi
4: 83 ec 24 subl esp,$36
7: 83 f9 02 cmpl ecx,$2
10: 74 02 jz 14
12: cd 61 int $97 ; SYS::TRAP-ARGERR
14: 80 7f cb 00 cmpb [edi-53],$0 ; SYS::C_INTERRUPT-PENDING
18: 74 02 jz 22
20: cd 64 int $100 ; SYS::TRAP-SIGNAL-HIT
22: 8b d8 movl ebx,eax
24: 0b da orl ebx,edx
26: f6 c3 03 testb bl,$3
29: 75 0e jnz 45
31: 8b d8 movl ebx,eax
33: 03 da addl ebx,edx
35: 70 08 jo 45
37: 8b c3 movl eax,ebx
39: f8 clc
40: c9 leave
41: 8b 75 fc movl esi,[ebp-4]
44: c3 ret
45: 8b 5f 8f movl ebx,[edi-113] ; EXCL::+_2OP
48: ff 57 27 call *[edi+39] ; SYS::TRAMP-TWO
51: eb f3 jmp 40
53: 90 nop
; No value</PRE><P>Clearly, there's a bunch of stuff going on here. If you're familiar
with x86 assembly language, you can probably tell what. Now compile
this version of <CODE>add</CODE> with all the declarations.</P><PRE>(defun add (x y)
(declare (optimize (speed 3) (safety 0)))
(declare (fixnum x y))
(the fixnum (+ x y)))</PRE><P>Now disassemble <CODE>add</CODE> again, and see if the declarations had any
effect.</P><PRE>CL-USER> (disassemble 'add)
;; disassembly of #<Function ADD>
;; formals: X Y
;; code start: #x7374dc34:
0: 03 c2 addl eax,edx
2: f8 clc
3: 8b 75 fc movl esi,[ebp-4]
6: c3 ret
7: 90 nop
; No value</PRE><P>Looks like they did.</P><A NAME="delivering-applications"><H2>Delivering Applications</H2></A><P>Another topic of practical importance, which I didn't talk about
elsewhere in the book, is how to deliver software written in Lisp.
The main reason I neglected this topic is because there are many
different ways to do it, and which one is best for you depends on
what kind of software you need to deliver to what kind of user with
what Common Lisp implementation. In this section I'll give an
overview of some of the different options.</P><P>If you've written code you want to share with fellow Lisp
programmers, the most straightforward way to distribute it is as
source code.<SUP>8</SUP>
You can distribute a simple library as a single source file, which
programmers can <CODE><B>LOAD</B></CODE> into their Lisp image, possibly after
compiling it with <CODE><B>COMPILE-FILE</B></CODE>.</P><P>More complex libraries or applications, broken up across multiple
source files, pose an additional challenge--in order to load and
compile the code, the files need to be loaded and compiled in the
correct order. For instance, a file containing macro definitions must
be loaded before you can compile files that use those macros. And a
file containing <CODE><B>DEFPACKAGE</B></CODE> forms must be loaded before any files
that use those packages can even be <CODE><B>READ</B></CODE>. Lispers call this the
<I>system definition</I> problem and typically handle it with tools
called <I>system definition facilities</I> or <I>system definition
utilities</I>, which are somewhat analogous to build tools such as
<CODE>make</CODE> or <CODE>ant</CODE>. As with <CODE>make</CODE> and <CODE>ant</CODE>, system
definition tools allow you to specify the dependencies between
different files and then take care of loading and compiling the files
in the correct order while trying to do only work that's
necessary--recompiling only files that have changed, for example.</P><P>These days the most widely used system definition tool is ASDF, which
stands for <I>Another System Definition Facility</I>.<SUP>9</SUP>
The basic idea behind ASDF is that you define systems in ASD files,
and ASDF provides a number of operations on systems such as loading
them or compiling them. A system can also be defined to depend on
other systems, which will be loaded as necessary. For instance, the
following shows the contents of <CODE>html.asd</CODE>, the ASD file for the
FOO library from Chapters 31 and 32:</P><PRE>(defpackage :com.gigamonkeys.html-system (:use :asdf :cl))
(in-package :com.gigamonkeys.html-system)
(defsystem html
:name "html"
:author "Peter Seibel <peter@gigamonkeys.com>"
:version "0.1"
:maintainer "Peter Seibel <peter@gigamonkeys.com>"
:license "BSD"
:description "HTML and CSS generation from sexps."
:long-description ""
((:file "packages")
(:file "html" :depends-on ("packages"))
(:file "css" :depends-on ("packages" "html")))
:depends-on (:macro-utilities))</PRE><P>If you add a symbolic link to this file from a directory listed in
<CODE>asdf:*central-registry*</CODE>,<SUP>10</SUP> then you can type this:</P><PRE>(asdf:operate 'asdf:load-op :html)</PRE><P>to compile and load the files <CODE>packages.lisp</CODE>, <CODE>html.lisp</CODE>,
and <CODE>html-macros.lisp</CODE> in the correct order after first making
sure the <CODE>:macro-utilities</CODE> system has been compiled and loaded.
For other examples of ASD files, you can look at this book's source
code--the code from each practical chapter is defined as a system
with appropriate intersystem dependencies expressed in the ASD files.</P><P>Most free and open-source Common Lisp libraries you'll find will come
with an ASD file. Some will use other system definition tools such as
the slightly older MK:DEFSYSTEM or even utilities devised by the
library's author, but the tide seems to be turning in the direction
of ASDF.<SUP>11</SUP></P><P>Of course, while ASDF makes it easy for Lispers to install Lisp
libraries, it's not much help if you want to package an application
for an end user who doesn't know or care about Lisp. If you're
delivering a pure end-user application, presumably you want to
provide something the user can download, install, and run without
having to know anything about Lisp. You can't expect them to
separately download and install a Lisp implementation. And you want
them to be able to run your application just like any other
application--by double-clicking an icon on Windows or OS X or by
typing the name of the program at the command line on Unix.</P><P>However, unlike C programs, which can typically rely on certain
shared libraries (DLLs on Windows) that make up the C "runtime" being
present as part of the operating system, Lisp programs must include a
Lisp runtime, that is, the same program you run when you start Lisp
though perhaps with certain functionality not needed to run the
application excised.</P><P>To further complicate matters, <I>program</I> isn't really well defined
in Lisp. As you've seen throughout this book, the process of
developing software in Lisp is an incremental process that involves
making changes to the set of definitions and data living in your Lisp
image. The "program" is just a particular state of the image arrived
at by loading the <CODE>.lisp</CODE> or <CODE>.fasl</CODE> files that contain
code that creates the appropriate definitions and data. You could,
then, distribute a Lisp application as a Lisp runtime plus a bunch of
FASL files and an executable that starts the runtime, loads the
FASLs, and somehow invokes the appropriate starting function.
However, since actually loading the FASLs can take some time,
especially if they have to do any computation to set up the state of
the world, most Common Lisp implementations provide a way to <I>dump
an image</I>--to save the state of a running Lisp to a file called an
<I>image file</I> or sometimes a <I>core</I>. When a Lisp runtime starts,
the first thing it does is load an image file, which it can do in
much less time than it'd take to re-create the state by loading FASL
files.</P><P>Normally the image file is a default image containing only the
standard packages defined by the language and any extras provided by
the implementation. But with most implementations, you have a way to
specify a different image file. Thus, instead of packaging an app as
a Lisp runtime plus a bunch of FASLs, you can package it as a Lisp
runtime plus a single image file containing all the definitions and
data that make up your application. Then all you need is a program
that launches the Lisp runtime with the appropriate image file and
invokes whatever function serves as the entry point to the
application.</P><P>This is where things get implementation and operating-system
dependent. Some Common Lisp implementations, in particular the
commercial ones such as Allegro and LispWorks, provide tools for
building such an executable. For instance, Allegro's Enterprise
Edition provides a function <CODE>excl:generate-application</CODE> that
creates a directory containing the Lisp runtime as a shared library,
an image file, and an executable that starts the runtime with the
given image. Similarly, the LispWorks Professional Edition "delivery"
mechanism allows you to build single-file executables of your
programs. On Unix, with the various free and open-source
implementations, you can do essentially the same thing except it's
probably easier to use a shell script to start everything.</P><P>And on OS X things are even better--since all applications on OS X
are packaged as <CODE>.app</CODE> bundles, which are essentially
directories with a certain structure, it's not all that difficult to
package all the parts of a Lisp application as a double-clickable
<CODE>.app</CODE> bundle. Mikel Evins's Bosco tool makes it easy to create
<CODE>.app</CODE> bundles for applications running on OpenMCL.</P><P>Of course, another popular way to deliver applications these days is
as server-side applications. This is a niche where Common Lisp can
really excel--you can pick a combination of operating system and
Common Lisp implementation that works well for you, and you don't
have to worry about packaging the application to be installed by an
end user. And Common Lisp's interactive debugging and development
features make it possible to debug and upgrade a live server in ways
that either just aren't possible in a less dynamic language or would
require you to build a lot of specific infrastructure.</P><A NAME="where-to-go-next"><H2>Where to Go Next</H2></A><P>So, that's it. Welcome to the wonderful world of Lisp. The best thing
you can do now--if you haven't already--is to start writing your own
Lisp code. Pick a project that interests you, and do it in Common
Lisp. Then do another. Lather, rinse, repeat.</P><P>However, if you need some further pointers, this section offers some
places to go. For starters, check out the <I>Practical Common Lisp</I>
Web site at <CODE>http://www.gigamonkeys.com/book/</CODE>, where you can
find the source code from the practical chapters, errata, and links
to other Lisp resources on the Web.</P><P>In addition to the sites I mentioned in the "Finding Lisp Libraries"
section, you may also want explore the Common Lisp HyperSpec (a.k.a.
the HyperSpec or CLHS), an HTML version of the ANSI language standard
prepared by Kent Pitman and made available by LispWorks at
The HyperSpec is by no means a tutorial, but it's as authoritative a
guide to the language as you can get without buying a printed copy of
the standard from ANSI and much more convenient for day-to-day
use.<SUP>12</SUP></P><P>If you want to get in touch with other Lispers, <CODE>comp.lang.lisp</CODE>
on Usenet and the <CODE>#lisp</CODE> IRC channel or the Freenode network
(<CODE>http://www.freenode.net</CODE>) are two of the main online hang-
outs. There are also a number of Lisp-related blogs, most of which
are aggregated on Planet Lisp at <CODE>http://planet.lisp.org/</CODE>.</P><P>And keep your eyes peeled in all those forums for announcements of
local Lisp users get-togethers in your area--in the past few years,
Lispnik gatherings have popped up in cities around the world, from
New York to Oakland, from Cologne to Munich, and from Geneva to
Helsinki.</P><P>If you want to stick to books, here are a few suggestions. For a nice
thick reference book to stick on your desk, grab <I>The ANSI Common
Lisp Reference Book</I> edited by David Margolies (Apress,
2005).<SUP>13</SUP></P><P>For more on Common Lisp's object system, you can start with
<I>Object-Oriented Programming in Common Lisp: A Programmer's Guide
to CLOS</I> by Sonya E. Keene (Addison-Wesley, 1989). Then if you really
want to become an object wizard or just to stretch your mind in
interesting ways, read <I>The Art of the Metaobject Protocol</I> by
Gregor Kiczales, Jim des Rivi<76>res, and Daniel G. Bobrow (MIT Press,
1991). This book, also known as AMOP, is both an explanation of what
a metaobject protocol is and why you want one and the de facto
standard for the metaobject protocol supported by many Common Lisp
implementations.</P><P>Two books that cover general Common Lisp technique are <I>Paradigms
of Artificial Intelligence Programming: Case Studies in Common Lisp</I>
by Peter Norvig (Morgan Kaufmann, 1992) and <I>On Lisp: Advanced
Techniques for Common Lisp</I> by Paul Graham (Prentice Hall, 1994). The
former provides a solid introduction to artificial intelligence
techniques while teaching quite a bit about how to write good Common
Lisp code, and the latter is especially good in its treatment of
macros.</P><P>If you're the kind of person who likes to know how things work down
to the bits, <I>Lisp in Small Pieces</I> by Christian Queinnec
(Cambridge University Press, 1996) provides a nice blend of
programming language theory and practical Lisp implementation
techniques. While it's primarily focused on Scheme rather than Common
Lisp, the same principles apply.</P><P>For folks who want a little more theoretical look at things--or who
just want to know what it's like to be a freshman comp sci student at
M.I.T.--<I>Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs</I>, Second
Edition, by Harold Abelson, Gerald Jay Sussman, and Julie Sussman
(M.I.T. <I>Press, 1996) is a classic computer science text that uses
Scheme to teach important programming c</I>oncepts. Any programmer can
learn a lot from this book--just remember that there are important
differences between Scheme and Common Lisp.</P><P>Once you've wrapped your mind around Lisp, you may want to place it
in a bit of context. Since no one can claim to really understand
object orientation who doesn't know something about Smalltalk, you
might want to start with <I>Smalltalk-80: The Language</I> by Adele
Goldberg and David Robson (Addison Wesley, 1989), the standard
introduction to the core of Smalltalk. After that, <I>Smalltalk Best
Practice Patterns</I> by Kent Beck (Prentice Hall, 1997) is full of good
advice aimed at Smalltalkers, much of which is applicable to any
object-oriented language.</P><P>And at the other end of the spectrum, <I>Object-Oriented Software
Construction</I> by Bertrand Meyer (Prentice Hall, 1997) is an excellent
exposition of the static language mind-set from the inventor of
Eiffel, an oft-overlooked descendant of Simula and Algol. It contains
much food for thought, even for programmers working with dynamic
languages such as Common Lisp. In particular, Meyer's ideas about
Design By Contract can shed a lot of light on how one ought to use
Common Lisp's condition system.</P><P>Though not about computers per se, <I>The Wisdom of Crowds: Why the
Many Are Smarter Than the Few and How Collective Wisdom Shapes
Business, Economies, Societies, and Nations</I> by James Surowiecki
(Doubleday, 2004) contains an excellent answer to the question, "If
Lisp's so great how come everybody isn't using it?" See the section
on "Plank-Road Fever" starting on page 53.</P><P>And finally, for some fun, and to learn about the influence Lisp and
Lispers have had on hacker culture, dip into (or read from cover to
cover) <I>The New Hacker's Dictionary</I>, Third Edition, compiled by
Eric S. Raymond (MIT Press, 1996) and based on the original <I>The
Hacker's Dictionary</I> edited by Guy Steele (Harper & Row, 1983).</P><P>But don't let all these suggestions interfere with your
programming--the only way to really learn a language is to use it. If
you've made it this far, you're certainly ready to do that. Happy
</P><HR/><DIV CLASS="notes"><P><SUP>1</SUP>The combination of Common Lisp's read-time
conditionalization and macros makes it quite feasible to develop
portability libraries that do nothing but provide a common API
layered over whatever API different implementations provide for
facilities not specified in the language standard. The portable
pathname library from Chapter 15 is an example of this kind of
library, albeit to smooth over differences in interpretation of the
standard rather than implementation-dependent APIs.</P><P><SUP>2</SUP>A Foreign Function
Interface is basically equivalent to JNI in Java, XS in Perl, or the
extension module API in Python.</P><P><SUP>3</SUP>As of this writing, the two main drawbacks of UFFI
are the lack of support for callbacks from C into Lisp, which many
but not all implementations' FFIs support, and the lack of support
for CLISP, whose FFI is quite good but different enough from the
others as to not fit easily into the UFFI model.</P><P><SUP>4</SUP>Knuth has used the saying several times in
publications, including in his 1974 ACM Turing Award paper, "Computer
Programming as an Art," and in his paper "Structured Programs with
goto Statements." In his paper "The Errors of TeX," he attributes the
saying to C.A.R. Hoare. And Hoare, in an 2004 e-mail to Hans Genwitz
of phobia.com, said he didn't remember the origin of the saying but
that he might have attributed it to Dijkstra.</P><P><SUP>5</SUP>CL-PPCRE also takes advantage of
another Common Lisp feature I haven't discussed, <I>compiler macros</I>.
A compiler macro is a special kind of macro that's given a chance to
optimize calls to a specific function by transforming calls to that
function into more efficient code. CL-PPCRE defines compiler macros
for its functions that take regular expression arguments. The
compiler macros optimize calls to those functions in which the
regular expression is a constant value by parsing the regular
expression at compile time rather than leaving it to be done at
runtime. Look up <CODE><B>DEFINE-COMPILER-MACRO</B></CODE> in your favorite Common
Lisp reference for more information about compiler macros.</P><P><SUP>6</SUP>The word <I>premature</I> in "premature optimization" can
pretty much be defined as "before profiling." Remember that even if
you can speed up a piece of code to the point where it takes
literally no time to run, you'll still speed up your program only by
whatever percentage of time it spent in that piece of code.</P><P><SUP>7</SUP>Declarations can appear in most forms that
introduce new variables, such as <CODE><B>LET</B></CODE>, <CODE><B>LET*</B></CODE>, and the <CODE><B>DO</B></CODE>
family of looping macros. <CODE><B>LOOP</B></CODE> has its own syntax for declaring
the types of loop variables. The special operator <CODE><B>LOCALLY</B></CODE>,
mentioned in Chapter 20, does nothing but create a scope in which you
can make declarations.</P><P><SUP>8</SUP>The FASL files produced by <CODE><B>COMPILE-FILE</B></CODE> are
implementation dependent and may or may not be compatible between
different versions of the same Common Lisp implementation. Thus,
they're not a very good way to distribute Lisp code. The one time
they can be handy is as a way of providing patches to be applied to
an application running in a known version of a particular
implementation. Applying the patch simply entails <CODE><B>LOAD</B></CODE>ing the
FASL, and because a FASL can contain arbitrary code, it can be used
to upgrade existing data as well as to provide new code definitions.</P><P><SUP>9</SUP>ASDF was
originally written by Daniel Barlow, one of the SBCL developers, and
has been included as part of SBCL for a long time and also
distributed as a stand-alone library. It has recently been adopted
and included in other implementations such as OpenMCL and Allegro.</P><P><SUP>10</SUP>On Windows, where there are no
symbolic links, it works a little bit differently but roughly the
same.</P><P><SUP>11</SUP>Another tool, ASDF-INSTALL, builds on top of ASDF and
MK:DEFSYSTEM, providing an easy way to automatically download and
install libraries from the network. The best starting point for
learning about ASDF-INSTALL is Edi Weitz's "A tutorial for
ASDF-INSTALL" (<CODE>http:// www.weitz.de/asdf-install/</CODE>).</P><P><SUP>12</SUP>SLIME incorporates an Elisp library that allows you to
automatically jump to the HyperSpec entry for any name defined in the
standard. You can also download a complete copy of the HyperSpec to
keep locally for offline browsing.</P><P><SUP>13</SUP>Another classic reference is <I>Common Lisp: The
Language</I> by Guy Steele (Digital Press, 1984 and 1990). The first
edition, a.k.a. CLtL1, was the de facto standard for the language for
a number of years. While waiting for the official ANSI standard to be
finished, Guy Steele--who was on the ANSI committee--decided to
release a second edition to bridge the gap between CLtL1 and the
eventual standard. The second edition, now known as CLtL2, is
essentially a snapshot of the work of the standardization committee
taken at a particular moment in time near to, but not quite at, the
end of the standardization process. Consequently, CLtL2 differs from
the standard in ways that make it not a very good day-to-day
reference. It is, however, a useful historical document, particularly
because it includes documentation of some features that were dropped
from the standard before it was finished as well as commentary that
isn't part of the standard about why certain features are the way
they are.</P></DIV></BODY></HTML>