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< pre > < code class = "language-lisp" > (defmacro defmodel (name slot-definitions)
(defclass ,name ()
((id :col-type serial :reader ,(symb name 'id))
(:metaclass dao-class)
(:keys id))
(with-connection (db-params)
(unless (table-exists-p ',name)
(execute (dao-table-definition ',name))))
;; Create
(defmacro ,(symb name 'create) (& rest args)
`(with-connection (db-params)
(make-dao ',',name ,@args)))
;; Read
(defun ,(symb name 'get-all) ()
(with-connection (db-params)
(select-dao ',name)))
(defun ,(symb name 'get) (id)
(with-connection (db-params)
(get-dao ',name id)))
(defmacro ,(symb name 'select) (sql-test & optional sort)
`(with-connection (db-params)
(select-dao ',',name ,sql-test ,sort)))
;; Update
(defun ,(symb name 'update) (,name)
(with-connection (db-params)
(update-dao ,name)))
;; Delete
(defun ,(symb name 'delete) (,name)
(with-connection (db-params)
(delete-dao ,name)))))
< / code > < / pre >
< p class = "page-source" >
Page source: < a href = "https://github.com/LispCookbook/cl-cookbook/blob/master/drafts/defmodel.lisp.md" > drafts/defmodel.lisp.md< / a >
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