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>compile-file-pathname | Common Lisp Nova Spec</TITLE
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>Arguments and Values</B
><P CLASS="j"
><VAR CLASS="param"
> — a <A HREF="26_1_Glossary.html#pathname_designator"
><EM CLASS="term"
>pathname designator</EM
>. (Default fillers for unspecified components are taken from <A HREF="v_default-pathname-defaults.html" CLASS="varref"
>.) </P
><P CLASS="j"
><VAR CLASS="param"
> — a <A HREF="26_1_Glossary.html#pathname_designator"
><EM CLASS="term"
>pathname designator</EM
>. The default is <A HREF="26_1_Glossary.html#implementation-defined"
><EM CLASS="term"
>. </P
><P CLASS="j"
><VAR CLASS="param"
> — a <A HREF="26_1_Glossary.html#pathname"
><EM CLASS="term"
><P CLASS="j"
>Returns the <A HREF="26_1_Glossary.html#pathname"
><EM CLASS="term"
> that <A HREF="f_compile-file.html" CLASS="funref"
> would write into, if given the same arguments. </P
><P CLASS="j"
>The defaults for the <VAR CLASS="param"
> are taken from the <A HREF="26_1_Glossary.html#pathname"
><EM CLASS="term"
> that results from merging the <VAR CLASS="param"
> with the <A HREF="26_1_Glossary.html#value"
><EM CLASS="term"
> of <A HREF="v_default-pathname-defaults.html" CLASS="misc"
>, except that the type component should default to the appropriate <A HREF="26_1_Glossary.html#implementation-defined"
><EM CLASS="term"
> default type for <A HREF="26_1_Glossary.html#compiled_file"
><EM CLASS="term"
>compiled files</EM
>. </P
><P CLASS="j"
>If <VAR CLASS="param"
> is a <A HREF="26_1_Glossary.html#logical_pathname"
><EM CLASS="term"
>logical pathname</EM
> and <VAR CLASS="param"
> is unsupplied, the result is a <A HREF="26_1_Glossary.html#logical_pathname"
><EM CLASS="term"
>logical pathname</EM
>. If <VAR CLASS="param"
> is a <A HREF="26_1_Glossary.html#logical_pathname"
><EM CLASS="term"
>logical pathname</EM
>, it is translated into a physical pathname as if by calling <A HREF="f_translate-logical-pathname.html" CLASS="funref"
>. If <VAR CLASS="param"
> is a <A HREF="26_1_Glossary.html#stream"
><EM CLASS="term"
>, the <A HREF="26_1_Glossary.html#stream"
><EM CLASS="term"
> can be either open or closed. <A HREF="f_compile-file-pathname.html" CLASS="funref"
> returns the same <A HREF="26_1_Glossary.html#pathname"
><EM CLASS="term"
> after a file is closed as it did when the file was open. It is an error if <VAR CLASS="param"
> is a <A HREF="26_1_Glossary.html#stream"
><EM CLASS="term"
> that is created with <A HREF="f_make-two-way-stream.html" CLASS="funref"
>, <A HREF="f_make-echo-stream.html" CLASS="funref"
>, <A HREF="f_make-broadcast-stream.html" CLASS="funref"
>, <A HREF="f_make-concatenated-stream.html" CLASS="funref"
>, <A HREF="f_make-string-input-stream.html" CLASS="funref"
>, <A HREF="f_make-string-output-stream.html" CLASS="funref"
>. </P
><P CLASS="j"
>If an implementation supports additional keyword arguments to <A HREF="f_compile-file.html" CLASS="funref"
>, <A HREF="f_compile-file-pathname.html" CLASS="funref"
> must accept the same arguments.</P
><P CLASS="j"
>See <A HREF="f_logical-pathname-translations.html" CLASS="funref"
>Exceptional Situations</B
><P CLASS="j"
>An error of <A HREF="26_1_Glossary.html#type"
><EM CLASS="term"
> <A HREF="t_file-error.html" CLASS="typeref"
> might be signaled if either <VAR CLASS="param"
> or <VAR CLASS="param"
> is <A HREF="26_1_Glossary.html#wild"
><EM CLASS="term"
>See Also</B
><P CLASS="j"
><A HREF="f_compile-file.html" CLASS="funref"
>, <A HREF="t_pathname.html" CLASS="typeref"
>, <A HREF="t_logical-pathname.html" CLASS="typeref"
>, <A HREF="20_1_File_System_Concepts.html#sec_20_1" CLASS="secref"
><SPAN CLASS="cmr"
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> <SPAN CLASS="cmr"
>, <A HREF="19_1_Overview_of_Filenames.html#sec_19_1_2" CLASS="secref"
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