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><P CLASS="j"
> <SPAN CLASS="cmssi"
> <SPAN CLASS="arrow"
> <SPAN CLASS="cmssi"
>Arguments and Values</B
><P CLASS="j"
><VAR CLASS="param"
> — an <A HREF="26_1_Glossary.html#object"
><EM CLASS="term"
>. </P
><P CLASS="j"
><VAR CLASS="param"
> — a non-negative <A HREF="26_1_Glossary.html#fixnum"
><EM CLASS="term"
><P CLASS="j"
><A HREF="f_sxhash.html" CLASS="funref"
> returns a hash code for <VAR CLASS="param"
>. </P
><P CLASS="j"
>The manner in which the hash code is computed is <A HREF="26_1_Glossary.html#implementation-dependent"
><EM CLASS="term"
>, but subject to certain constraints:</P
><P CLASS="j"
>(equal <VAR CLASS="param"
> <VAR CLASS="param"
> implies <CODE CLASS="f"
>(= (sxhash <VAR CLASS="param"
>) (sxhash <VAR CLASS="param"
><P CLASS="j"
>For any two <A HREF="26_1_Glossary.html#object"
><EM CLASS="term"
>, <VAR CLASS="param"
> and <VAR CLASS="param"
>, both of which are <A HREF="26_1_Glossary.html#bit_vector"
><EM CLASS="term"
>bit vectors</EM
>, <A HREF="26_1_Glossary.html#character"
><EM CLASS="term"
>, <A HREF="26_1_Glossary.html#cons"
><EM CLASS="term"
>, <A HREF="26_1_Glossary.html#number"
><EM CLASS="term"
>, <A HREF="26_1_Glossary.html#pathname"
><EM CLASS="term"
>, <A HREF="26_1_Glossary.html#string"
><EM CLASS="term"
>, or <A HREF="26_1_Glossary.html#symbol"
><EM CLASS="term"
>, and which are <A HREF="26_1_Glossary.html#similar"
><EM CLASS="term"
>, <CODE CLASS="f"
>(sxhash <VAR CLASS="param"
> and <CODE CLASS="f"
>(sxhash <VAR CLASS="param"
> <A HREF="26_1_Glossary.html#yield"
><EM CLASS="term"
> the same mathematical value even if <VAR CLASS="param"
> and <VAR CLASS="param"
> exist in different <A HREF="26_1_Glossary.html#Lisp_image"
><EM CLASS="term"
>Lisp images</EM
> of the same <A HREF="26_1_Glossary.html#implementation"
><EM CLASS="term"
>. See <A HREF="3_2_Compilation.html#sec_3_2_4" CLASS="secref"
><SPAN CLASS="cmr"
> <SPAN CLASS="cmr"
> <SPAN CLASS="cmr"
> <SPAN CLASS="cmr"
> <SPAN CLASS="cmr"
> <SPAN CLASS="cmr"
> <SPAN CLASS="cmr"
><P CLASS="j"
>The <VAR CLASS="param"
> for an <A HREF="26_1_Glossary.html#object"
><EM CLASS="term"
> is always the <A HREF="26_1_Glossary.html#same"
><EM CLASS="term"
> within a single <A HREF="26_1_Glossary.html#session"
><EM CLASS="term"
> provided that the <A HREF="26_1_Glossary.html#object"
><EM CLASS="term"
> is not visibly modified with regard to the equivalence test <A HREF="f_equal.html" CLASS="funref"
>. See <A HREF="18_1_Hash_Table_Concepts.html#sec_18_1_2" CLASS="secref"
><SPAN CLASS="cmr"
> <SPAN CLASS="cmr"
> <SPAN CLASS="cmr"
> <SPAN CLASS="cmr"
> <SPAN CLASS="cmr"
> <SPAN CLASS="cmr"
><P CLASS="j"
>The <VAR CLASS="param"
> is intended for hashing. This places no verifiable constraint on a <A HREF="26_1_Glossary.html#conforming_implementation"
><EM CLASS="term"
>conforming implementation</EM
>, but the intent is that an <A HREF="26_1_Glossary.html#implementation"
><EM CLASS="term"
> should make a good-faith effort to produce <VAR CLASS="param"
> that are well distributed within the range of non-negative <A HREF="26_1_Glossary.html#fixnum"
><EM CLASS="term"
><P CLASS="j"
>Computation of the <VAR CLASS="param"
> must terminate, even if the <VAR CLASS="param"
> contains circularities.</P
><PRE CLASS="screen"
> (= (sxhash (list 'list "ab")) (sxhash (list 'list "ab"))) <SPAN CLASS="cmsy"
><SPAN CLASS="arrow"
> <A HREF="26_1_Glossary.html#true"
><EM CLASS="term"
(= (sxhash "a") (sxhash (make-string 1 :initial-element #\a))) <SPAN CLASS="cmsy"
><SPAN CLASS="arrow"
> <A HREF="26_1_Glossary.html#true"
><EM CLASS="term"
(let ((r (make-random-state)))
(= (sxhash r) (sxhash (make-random-state r))))
<SPAN CLASS="cmsy"
><SPAN CLASS="arrow"
> <A HREF="26_1_Glossary.html#implementation-dependent"
><EM CLASS="term"
>Affected By</B
><P CLASS="j"
>The <A HREF="26_1_Glossary.html#implementation"
><EM CLASS="term"
><P CLASS="j"
>Many common hashing needs are satisfied by <A HREF="f_make-hash-table.html" CLASS="funref"
> and the related functions on <A HREF="26_1_Glossary.html#hash_table"
><EM CLASS="term"
>hash tables</EM
>. <A HREF="f_sxhash.html" CLASS="funref"
> is intended for use where the pre-defined abstractions are insufficient. Its main intent is to allow the user a convenient means of implementing more complicated hashing paradigms than are provided through <A HREF="26_1_Glossary.html#hash_table"
><EM CLASS="term"
>hash tables</EM
>. </P
><P CLASS="j"
>The hash codes returned by <A HREF="f_sxhash.html" CLASS="funref"
> are not necessarily related to any hashing strategy used by any other <A HREF="26_1_Glossary.html#function"
><EM CLASS="term"
> in Common Lisp. </P
><P CLASS="j"
>For <A HREF="26_1_Glossary.html#object"
><EM CLASS="term"
> of <A HREF="26_1_Glossary.html#type"
><EM CLASS="term"
> that <A HREF="f_equal.html" CLASS="funref"
> compares with <A HREF="f_eq.html" CLASS="funref"
>, item 3 requires that the <VAR CLASS="param"
> be based on some immutable quality of the identity of the object. Another legitimate implementation technique would be to have <A HREF="f_sxhash.html" CLASS="funref"
> assign (and cache) a random hash code for these <A HREF="26_1_Glossary.html#object"
><EM CLASS="term"
>, since there is no requirement that <A HREF="26_1_Glossary.html#similar"
><EM CLASS="term"
> but non-<A HREF="f_eq.html" CLASS="funref"
> objects have the same hash code. </P
><P CLASS="j"
>Although <A HREF="26_1_Glossary.html#similarity"
><EM CLASS="term"
> is defined for <A HREF="26_1_Glossary.html#symbol"
><EM CLASS="term"
> in terms of both the <A HREF="26_1_Glossary.html#symbol"
><EM CLASS="term"
>’s <A HREF="26_1_Glossary.html#name"
><EM CLASS="term"
> and the <A HREF="26_1_Glossary.html#package"
><EM CLASS="term"
> in which the <A HREF="26_1_Glossary.html#symbol"
><EM CLASS="term"
> is <A HREF="26_1_Glossary.html#accessible"
><EM CLASS="term"
>, item 3 disallows using <A HREF="26_1_Glossary.html#package"
><EM CLASS="term"
> information to compute the hash code, since changes to the package status of a symbol are not visible to <VAR CLASS="param"
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