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<h3 class="section" id="Pattern-Matching-1"><span>7.8 Pattern Matching<a class="copiable-link" href="#Pattern-Matching-1"> ¶</a></span></h3>
<a class="index-entry-id" id="index-pattern-matching"></a>
<a class="index-entry-id" id="index-_0028ice_002d9-match_0029"></a>
<p>The <code class="code">(ice-9 match)</code> module provides a <em class="dfn">pattern matcher</em>,
written by Alex Shinn, and compatible with Andrew K. Wright’s pattern
matcher found in many Scheme implementations.
<a class="index-entry-id" id="index-pattern-variable"></a>
<p>A pattern matcher can match an object against several patterns and
extract the elements that make it up. Patterns can represent any Scheme
object: lists, strings, symbols, records, etc. They can optionally contain
<em class="dfn">pattern variables</em>. When a matching pattern is found, an
expression associated with the pattern is evaluated, optionally with all
pattern variables bound to the corresponding elements of the object:
<div class="example">
<pre class="example-preformatted">(let ((l '(hello (world))))
(match l ;; <- the input object
(('hello (who)) ;; <- the pattern
who))) ;; <- the expression evaluated upon matching
⇒ world
<p>In this example, list <var class="var">l</var> matches the pattern <code class="code">('hello (who))</code>,
because it is a two-element list whose first element is the symbol
<code class="code">hello</code> and whose second element is a one-element list. Here
<var class="var">who</var> is a pattern variable. <code class="code">match</code>, the pattern matcher,
locally binds <var class="var">who</var> to the value contained in this one-element
list—i.e., the symbol <code class="code">world</code>. An error would be raised if
<var class="var">l</var> did not match the pattern.
<p>The same object can be matched against a simpler pattern:
<div class="example">
<pre class="example-preformatted">(let ((l '(hello (world))))
(match l
((x y)
(values x y))))
⇒ hello
⇒ (world)
<p>Here pattern <code class="code">(x y)</code> matches any two-element list, regardless of
the types of these elements. Pattern variables <var class="var">x</var> and <var class="var">y</var> are
bound to, respectively, the first and second element of <var class="var">l</var>.
<p>Patterns can be composed, and nested. For instance, <code class="code">...</code>
(ellipsis) means that the previous pattern may be matched zero or more
times in a list:
<div class="example">
<pre class="example-preformatted">(match lst
(((heads tails ...) ...)
<p>This expression returns the first element of each list within <var class="var">lst</var>.
For proper lists of proper lists, it is equivalent to <code class="code">(map car
lst)</code>. However, it performs additional checks to make sure that
<var class="var">lst</var> and the lists therein are proper lists, as prescribed by the
pattern, raising an error if they are not.
<p>Compared to hand-written code, pattern matching noticeably improves
clarity and conciseness—no need to resort to series of <code class="code">car</code> and
<code class="code">cdr</code> calls when matching lists, for instance. It also improves
robustness, by making sure the input <em class="emph">completely</em> matches the
pattern—conversely, hand-written code often trades robustness for
conciseness. And of course, <code class="code">match</code> is a macro, and the code it
expands to is just as efficient as equivalent hand-written code.
<p>The pattern matcher is defined as follows:
<dl class="first-deffn">
<dt class="deffn" id="index-match"><span class="category-def">Scheme Syntax: </span><span><strong class="def-name">match</strong> <var class="def-var-arguments">exp clause1 clause2 …</var><a class="copiable-link" href="#index-match"> ¶</a></span></dt>
<dd><p>Match object <var class="var">exp</var> against the patterns in <var class="var">clause1</var>
<var class="var">clause2</var> … in the order in which they appear. Return the
value produced by the first matching clause. If no clause matches,
throw an exception with key <code class="code">match-error</code>.
<p>Each clause has the form <code class="code">(pattern body1 body2 …)</code>. Each
<var class="var">pattern</var> must follow the syntax described below. Each body is an
arbitrary Scheme expression, possibly referring to pattern variables of
<var class="var">pattern</var>.
<p>The syntax and interpretation of patterns is as follows:
<pre class="verbatim"> patterns: matches:
pat ::= identifier anything, and binds identifier
| _ anything
| () the empty list
| #t #t
| #f #f
| string a string
| number a number
| character a character
| 'sexp an s-expression
| 'symbol a symbol (special case of s-expr)
| (pat_1 ... pat_n) list of n elements
| (pat_1 ... pat_n . pat_{n+1}) list of n or more
| (pat_1 ... pat_n pat_n+1 ooo) list of n or more, each element
of remainder must match pat_n+1
| #(pat_1 ... pat_n) vector of n elements
| #(pat_1 ... pat_n pat_n+1 ooo) vector of n or more, each element
of remainder must match pat_n+1
| #&pat box
| ($ record-name pat_1 ... pat_n) a record
| (= field pat) a ``field'' of an object
| (and pat_1 ... pat_n) if all of pat_1 thru pat_n match
| (or pat_1 ... pat_n) if any of pat_1 thru pat_n match
| (not pat_1 ... pat_n) if all pat_1 thru pat_n don't match
| (? predicate pat_1 ... pat_n) if predicate true and all of
pat_1 thru pat_n match
| (set! identifier) anything, and binds setter
| (get! identifier) anything, and binds getter
| `qp a quasi-pattern
| (identifier *** pat) matches pat in a tree and binds
identifier to the path leading
to the object that matches pat
ooo ::= ... zero or more
| ___ zero or more
| ..1 1 or more
quasi-patterns: matches:
qp ::= () the empty list
| #t #t
| #f #f
| string a string
| number a number
| character a character
| identifier a symbol
| (qp_1 ... qp_n) list of n elements
| (qp_1 ... qp_n . qp_{n+1}) list of n or more
| (qp_1 ... qp_n qp_n+1 ooo) list of n or more, each element
of remainder must match qp_n+1
| #(qp_1 ... qp_n) vector of n elements
| #(qp_1 ... qp_n qp_n+1 ooo) vector of n or more, each element
of remainder must match qp_n+1
| #&qp box
| ,pat a pattern
| ,@pat a pattern
<p>The names <code class="code">quote</code>, <code class="code">quasiquote</code>, <code class="code">unquote</code>,
<code class="code">unquote-splicing</code>, <code class="code">?</code>, <code class="code">_</code>, <code class="code">$</code>, <code class="code">and</code>,
<code class="code">or</code>, <code class="code">not</code>, <code class="code">set!</code>, <code class="code">get!</code>, <code class="code">...</code>, and
<code class="code">___</code> cannot be used as pattern variables.
<p>Here is a more complex example:
<div class="example">
<pre class="example-preformatted">(use-modules (srfi srfi-9))
(let ()
(define-record-type person
(make-person name friends)
(name person-name)
(friends person-friends))
(letrec ((alice (make-person "Alice" (delay (list bob))))
(bob (make-person "Bob" (delay (list alice)))))
(match alice
(($ person name (= force (($ person "Bob"))))
(list 'friend-of-bob name))
(_ #f))))
⇒ (friend-of-bob "Alice")
<p>Here the <code class="code">$</code> pattern is used to match a SRFI-9 record of type
<var class="var">person</var> containing two or more slots. The value of the first slot
is bound to <var class="var">name</var>. The <code class="code">=</code> pattern is used to apply
<code class="code">force</code> on the second slot, and then checking that the result
matches the given pattern. In other words, the complete pattern matches
any <var class="var">person</var> whose second slot is a promise that evaluates to a
one-element list containing a <var class="var">person</var> whose first slot is
<code class="code">"Bob"</code>.
<p>The <code class="code">(ice-9 match)</code> module also provides the following convenient
syntactic sugar macros wrapping around <code class="code">match</code>.
<dl class="first-deffn">
<dt class="deffn" id="index-match_002dlambda"><span class="category-def">Scheme Syntax: </span><span><strong class="def-name">match-lambda</strong> <var class="def-var-arguments">clause1 clause2 …</var><a class="copiable-link" href="#index-match_002dlambda"> ¶</a></span></dt>
<dd><p>Create a procedure of one argument that matches its argument against
each clause, and returns the result of evaluating the corresponding
<div class="example">
<pre class="example-preformatted">(match-lambda clause1 clause2 ...)
(lambda (arg) (match arg clause1 clause2 ...))
<div class="example">
<pre class="example-preformatted">((match-lambda
(('hello (who))
'(hello (world)))
⇒ world
<dl class="first-deffn">
<dt class="deffn" id="index-match_002dlambda_002a"><span class="category-def">Scheme Syntax: </span><span><strong class="def-name">match-lambda*</strong> <var class="def-var-arguments">clause1 clause2 …</var><a class="copiable-link" href="#index-match_002dlambda_002a"> ¶</a></span></dt>
<dd><p>Create a procedure of any number of arguments that matches its argument
list against each clause, and returns the result of evaluating the
corresponding expressions.
<div class="example">
<pre class="example-preformatted">(match-lambda* clause1 clause2 ...)
(lambda args (match args clause1 clause2 ...))
<div class="example">
<pre class="example-preformatted">((match-lambda*
(('hello (who))
'hello '(world))
⇒ world
<dl class="first-deffn">
<dt class="deffn" id="index-match_002dlet"><span class="category-def">Scheme Syntax: </span><span><strong class="def-name">match-let</strong> <var class="def-var-arguments">((pattern expression) …) body</var><a class="copiable-link" href="#index-match_002dlet"> ¶</a></span></dt>
<dd><p>Match each pattern to the corresponding expression, and evaluate the
body with all matched variables in scope. Raise an error if any of the
expressions fail to match. <code class="code">match-let</code> is analogous to named let
and can also be used for recursive functions which match on their
arguments as in <code class="code">match-lambda*</code>.
<div class="example">
<pre class="example-preformatted">(match-let (((x y) (list 1 2))
((a b) (list 3 4)))
(list a b x y))
(3 4 1 2)
<dl class="first-deffn">
<dt class="deffn" id="index-match_002dlet-1"><span class="category-def">Scheme Syntax: </span><span><strong class="def-name">match-let</strong> <var class="def-var-arguments">variable ((pattern init) …) body</var><a class="copiable-link" href="#index-match_002dlet-1"> ¶</a></span></dt>
<dd><p>Similar to <code class="code">match-let</code>, but analogously to <em class="dfn">named let</em>, locally
bind VARIABLE to a new procedure which accepts as many arguments as
there are INIT expressions. The procedure is initially applied to the
results of evaluating the INIT expressions. When called, the procedure
matches each argument against the corresponding PATTERN, and returns the
result(s) of evaluating the BODY expressions. See <a class="xref" href="while-do.html">Iteration</a>, for more on <em class="dfn">named let</em>.
<dl class="first-deffn">
<dt class="deffn" id="index-match_002dlet_002a"><span class="category-def">Scheme Syntax: </span><span><strong class="def-name">match-let*</strong> <var class="def-var-arguments">((variable expression) …) body</var><a class="copiable-link" href="#index-match_002dlet_002a"> ¶</a></span></dt>
<dd><p>Similar to <code class="code">match-let</code>, but analogously to <code class="code">let*</code>, match and
bind the variables in sequence, with preceding match variables in scope.
<div class="example">
<pre class="example-preformatted">(match-let* (((x y) (list 1 2))
((a b) (list x 4)))
(list a b x y))
(match-let (((x y) (list 1 2)))
(match-let (((a b) (list x 4)))
(list a b x y)))
(1 4 1 2)
<dl class="first-deffn">
<dt class="deffn" id="index-match_002dletrec"><span class="category-def">Scheme Syntax: </span><span><strong class="def-name">match-letrec</strong> <var class="def-var-arguments">((variable expression) …) body</var><a class="copiable-link" href="#index-match_002dletrec"> ¶</a></span></dt>
<dd><p>Similar to <code class="code">match-let</code>, but analogously to <code class="code">letrec</code>, match and
bind the variables with all match variables in scope.
<p>Guile also comes with a pattern matcher specifically tailored to SXML
trees, See <a class="xref" href="sxml_002dmatch.html"><code class="code">sxml-match</code>: Pattern Matching of SXML</a>.
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