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<h4 class="subsubsection" id="SRFI_002d41-Stream-Primitives-1"><span> SRFI-41 Stream Primitives<a class="copiable-link" href="#SRFI_002d41-Stream-Primitives-1"> &para;</a></span></h4>
<p>This library provides eight operators: constructors for
<code class="code">stream-null</code> and <code class="code">stream-pair</code>s, type predicates for streams
and the two kinds of streams, accessors for both fields of a
<code class="code">stream-pair</code>, and a lambda that creates procedures that return
<dl class="first-defvr">
<dt class="defvr" id="index-stream_002dnull"><span class="category-def">Scheme Variable: </span><span><strong class="def-name">stream-null</strong><a class="copiable-link" href="#index-stream_002dnull"> &para;</a></span></dt>
<dd><p>A promise that, when forced, is a single object, distinguishable from
all other objects, that represents the null stream. <code class="code">stream-null</code>
is immutable and unique.
<dl class="first-deffn">
<dt class="deffn" id="index-stream_002dcons"><span class="category-def">Scheme Syntax: </span><span><strong class="def-name">stream-cons</strong> <var class="def-var-arguments">object-expr stream-expr</var><a class="copiable-link" href="#index-stream_002dcons"> &para;</a></span></dt>
<dd><p>Creates a newly-allocated stream containing a promise that, when forced,
is a <code class="code">stream-pair</code> with <var class="var">object-expr</var> in its <code class="code">stream-car</code>
and <var class="var">stream-expr</var> in its <code class="code">stream-cdr</code>. Neither
<var class="var">object-expr</var> nor <var class="var">stream-expr</var> is evaluated when
<code class="code">stream-cons</code> is called.
<p>Once created, a <code class="code">stream-pair</code> is immutable; there is no
<code class="code">stream-set-car!</code> or <code class="code">stream-set-cdr!</code> that modifies an
existing stream-pair. There is no dotted-pair or improper stream as
with lists.
<dl class="first-deffn">
<dt class="deffn" id="index-stream_003f"><span class="category-def">Scheme Procedure: </span><span><strong class="def-name">stream?</strong> <var class="def-var-arguments">object</var><a class="copiable-link" href="#index-stream_003f"> &para;</a></span></dt>
<dd><p>Returns true if <var class="var">object</var> is a stream, otherwise returns false. If
<var class="var">object</var> is a stream, its promise will not be forced. If
<code class="code">(stream? obj)</code> returns true, then one of <code class="code">(stream-null? obj)</code>
or <code class="code">(stream-pair? obj)</code> will return true and the other will return
<dl class="first-deffn">
<dt class="deffn" id="index-stream_002dnull_003f"><span class="category-def">Scheme Procedure: </span><span><strong class="def-name">stream-null?</strong> <var class="def-var-arguments">object</var><a class="copiable-link" href="#index-stream_002dnull_003f"> &para;</a></span></dt>
<dd><p>Returns true if <var class="var">object</var> is the distinguished null stream, otherwise
returns false. If <var class="var">object</var> is a stream, its promise will be forced.
<dl class="first-deffn">
<dt class="deffn" id="index-stream_002dpair_003f"><span class="category-def">Scheme Procedure: </span><span><strong class="def-name">stream-pair?</strong> <var class="def-var-arguments">object</var><a class="copiable-link" href="#index-stream_002dpair_003f"> &para;</a></span></dt>
<dd><p>Returns true if <var class="var">object</var> is a <code class="code">stream-pair</code> constructed by
<code class="code">stream-cons</code>, otherwise returns false. If <var class="var">object</var> is a
stream, its promise will be forced.
<dl class="first-deffn">
<dt class="deffn" id="index-stream_002dcar"><span class="category-def">Scheme Procedure: </span><span><strong class="def-name">stream-car</strong> <var class="def-var-arguments">stream</var><a class="copiable-link" href="#index-stream_002dcar"> &para;</a></span></dt>
<dd><p>Returns the object stored in the <code class="code">stream-car</code> of <var class="var">stream</var>. An
error is signaled if the argument is not a <code class="code">stream-pair</code>. This
causes the <var class="var">object-expr</var> passed to <code class="code">stream-cons</code> to be
evaluated if it had not yet been; the value is cached in case it is
needed again.
<dl class="first-deffn">
<dt class="deffn" id="index-stream_002dcdr"><span class="category-def">Scheme Procedure: </span><span><strong class="def-name">stream-cdr</strong> <var class="def-var-arguments">stream</var><a class="copiable-link" href="#index-stream_002dcdr"> &para;</a></span></dt>
<dd><p>Returns the stream stored in the <code class="code">stream-cdr</code> of <var class="var">stream</var>. An
error is signaled if the argument is not a <code class="code">stream-pair</code>.
<dl class="first-deffn">
<dt class="deffn" id="index-stream_002dlambda"><span class="category-def">Scheme Syntax: </span><span><strong class="def-name">stream-lambda</strong> <var class="def-var-arguments">formals body &hellip;</var><a class="copiable-link" href="#index-stream_002dlambda"> &para;</a></span></dt>
<dd><p>Creates a procedure that returns a promise to evaluate the <var class="var">body</var> of
the procedure. The last <var class="var">body</var> expression to be evaluated must
yield a stream. As with normal <code class="code">lambda</code>, <var class="var">formals</var> may be a
single variable name, in which case all the formal arguments are
collected into a single list, or a list of variable names, which may be
null if there are no arguments, proper if there are an exact number of
arguments, or dotted if a fixed number of arguments is to be followed by
zero or more arguments collected into a list. <var class="var">Body</var> must contain
at least one expression, and may contain internal definitions preceding
any expressions to be evaluated.
<div class="example">
<pre class="example-preformatted">(define strm123
(stream-cons 1
(stream-cons 2
(stream-cons 3
(stream-car strm123) &rArr; 1
(stream-car (stream-cdr strm123) &rArr; 2
(stream-cons (/ 1 0) stream-null))) &rArr; #f
(stream? (list 1 2 3)) &rArr; #f
(define iter
(stream-lambda (f x)
(stream-cons x (iter f (f x)))))
(define nats (iter (lambda (x) (+ x 1)) 0))
(stream-car (stream-cdr nats)) &rArr; 1
(define stream-add
(stream-lambda (s1 s2)
(+ (stream-car s1) (stream-car s2))
(stream-add (stream-cdr s1)
(stream-cdr s2)))))
(define evens (stream-add nats nats))
(stream-car evens) &rArr; 0
(stream-car (stream-cdr evens)) &rArr; 2
(stream-car (stream-cdr (stream-cdr evens))) &rArr; 4
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