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<h4 class="subsubsection" id="Shared-Arrays-1"><span> Shared Arrays<a class="copiable-link" href="#Shared-Arrays-1"> ¶</a></span></h4>
<dl class="first-deffn">
<dt class="deffn" id="index-make_002dshared_002darray"><span class="category-def">Scheme Procedure: </span><span><strong class="def-name">make-shared-array</strong> <var class="def-var-arguments">oldarray mapfunc bound …</var><a class="copiable-link" href="#index-make_002dshared_002darray"> ¶</a></span></dt>
<dt class="deffnx def-cmd-deffn" id="index-scm_005fmake_005fshared_005farray"><span class="category-def">C Function: </span><span><strong class="def-name">scm_make_shared_array</strong> <var class="def-var-arguments">(oldarray, mapfunc, boundlist)</var><a class="copiable-link" href="#index-scm_005fmake_005fshared_005farray"> ¶</a></span></dt>
<dd><p>Return a new array which shares the storage of <var class="var">oldarray</var>.
Changes made through either affect the same underlying storage. The
<var class="var">bound</var> … arguments are the shape of the new array, the same
as <code class="code">make-array</code> (see <a class="pxref" href="Array-Procedures.html">Array Procedures</a>).
<p><var class="var">mapfunc</var> translates coordinates from the new array to the
<var class="var">oldarray</var>. It’s called as <code class="code">(<var class="var">mapfunc</var> newidx1 …)</code>
with one parameter for each dimension of the new array, and should
return a list of indices for <var class="var">oldarray</var>, one for each dimension of
<var class="var">oldarray</var>.
<p><var class="var">mapfunc</var> must be affine linear, meaning that each <var class="var">oldarray</var>
index must be formed by adding integer multiples (possibly negative)
of some or all of <var class="var">newidx1</var> etc, plus a possible integer offset.
The multiples and offset must be the same in each call.
<p>One good use for a shared array is to restrict the range of some
dimensions, so as to apply say <code class="code">array-for-each</code> or
<code class="code">array-fill!</code> to only part of an array. The plain <code class="code">list</code>
function can be used for <var class="var">mapfunc</var> in this case, making no changes
to the index values. For example,
<div class="example">
<pre class="example-preformatted">(make-shared-array #2((a b c) (d e f) (g h i)) list 3 2)
⇒ #2((a b) (d e) (g h))
<p>The new array can have fewer dimensions than <var class="var">oldarray</var>, for
example to take a column from an array.
<div class="example">
<pre class="example-preformatted">(make-shared-array #2((a b c) (d e f) (g h i))
(lambda (i) (list i 2))
'(0 2))
⇒ #1(c f i)
<p>A diagonal can be taken by using the single new array index for both
row and column in the old array. For example,
<div class="example">
<pre class="example-preformatted">(make-shared-array #2((a b c) (d e f) (g h i))
(lambda (i) (list i i))
'(0 2))
⇒ #1(a e i)
<p>Dimensions can be increased by for instance considering portions of a
one dimensional array as rows in a two dimensional array.
(<code class="code">array-contents</code> below can do the opposite, flattening an
<div class="example">
<pre class="example-preformatted">(make-shared-array #1(a b c d e f g h i j k l)
(lambda (i j) (list (+ (* i 3) j)))
4 3)
⇒ #2((a b c) (d e f) (g h i) (j k l))
<p>By negating an index the order that elements appear can be reversed.
The following just reverses the column order,
<div class="example">
<pre class="example-preformatted">(make-shared-array #2((a b c) (d e f) (g h i))
(lambda (i j) (list i (- 2 j)))
3 3)
⇒ #2((c b a) (f e d) (i h g))
<p>A fixed offset on indexes allows for instance a change from a 0 based
to a 1 based array,
<div class="example">
<pre class="example-preformatted">(define x #2((a b c) (d e f) (g h i)))
(define y (make-shared-array x
(lambda (i j) (list (1- i) (1- j)))
'(1 3) '(1 3)))
(array-ref x 0 0) ⇒ a
(array-ref y 1 1) ⇒ a
<p>A multiple on an index allows every Nth element of an array to be
taken. The following is every third element,
<div class="example">
<pre class="example-preformatted">(make-shared-array #1(a b c d e f g h i j k l)
(lambda (i) (list (* i 3)))
⇒ #1(a d g j)
<p>The above examples can be combined to make weird and wonderful
selections from an array, but it’s important to note that because
<var class="var">mapfunc</var> must be affine linear, arbitrary permutations are not
<p>In the current implementation, <var class="var">mapfunc</var> is not called for every
access to the new array but only on some sample points to establish a
base and stride for new array indices in <var class="var">oldarray</var> data. A few
sample points are enough because <var class="var">mapfunc</var> is linear.
<dl class="first-deffn">
<dt class="deffn" id="index-shared_002darray_002dincrements"><span class="category-def">Scheme Procedure: </span><span><strong class="def-name">shared-array-increments</strong> <var class="def-var-arguments">array</var><a class="copiable-link" href="#index-shared_002darray_002dincrements"> ¶</a></span></dt>
<dt class="deffnx def-cmd-deffn" id="index-scm_005fshared_005farray_005fincrements"><span class="category-def">C Function: </span><span><strong class="def-name">scm_shared_array_increments</strong> <var class="def-var-arguments">(array)</var><a class="copiable-link" href="#index-scm_005fshared_005farray_005fincrements"> ¶</a></span></dt>
<dd><p>For each dimension, return the distance between elements in the root vector.
<dl class="first-deffn">
<dt class="deffn" id="index-shared_002darray_002doffset"><span class="category-def">Scheme Procedure: </span><span><strong class="def-name">shared-array-offset</strong> <var class="def-var-arguments">array</var><a class="copiable-link" href="#index-shared_002darray_002doffset"> ¶</a></span></dt>
<dt class="deffnx def-cmd-deffn" id="index-scm_005fshared_005farray_005foffset"><span class="category-def">C Function: </span><span><strong class="def-name">scm_shared_array_offset</strong> <var class="def-var-arguments">(array)</var><a class="copiable-link" href="#index-scm_005fshared_005farray_005foffset"> ¶</a></span></dt>
<dd><p>Return the root vector index of the first element in the array.
<dl class="first-deffn">
<dt class="deffn" id="index-shared_002darray_002droot"><span class="category-def">Scheme Procedure: </span><span><strong class="def-name">shared-array-root</strong> <var class="def-var-arguments">array</var><a class="copiable-link" href="#index-shared_002darray_002droot"> ¶</a></span></dt>
<dt class="deffnx def-cmd-deffn" id="index-scm_005fshared_005farray_005froot"><span class="category-def">C Function: </span><span><strong class="def-name">scm_shared_array_root</strong> <var class="def-var-arguments">(array)</var><a class="copiable-link" href="#index-scm_005fshared_005farray_005froot"> ¶</a></span></dt>
<dd><p>Return the root vector of a shared array.
<dl class="first-deffn">
<dt class="deffn" id="index-array_002dcontents"><span class="category-def">Scheme Procedure: </span><span><strong class="def-name">array-contents</strong> <var class="def-var-arguments">array [strict]</var><a class="copiable-link" href="#index-array_002dcontents"> ¶</a></span></dt>
<dt class="deffnx def-cmd-deffn" id="index-scm_005farray_005fcontents"><span class="category-def">C Function: </span><span><strong class="def-name">scm_array_contents</strong> <var class="def-var-arguments">(array, strict)</var><a class="copiable-link" href="#index-scm_005farray_005fcontents"> ¶</a></span></dt>
<dd><p>If <var class="var">array</var> may be <em class="dfn">unrolled</em> into a one dimensional shared array
without changing their order (last subscript changing fastest), then
<code class="code">array-contents</code> returns that shared array, otherwise it returns
<code class="code">#f</code>. All arrays made by <code class="code">make-array</code> and
<code class="code">make-typed-array</code> may be unrolled, some arrays made by
<code class="code">make-shared-array</code> may not be.
<p>If the optional argument <var class="var">strict</var> is provided, a shared array will
be returned only if its elements are stored internally contiguous in
<dl class="first-deffn">
<dt class="deffn" id="index-transpose_002darray"><span class="category-def">Scheme Procedure: </span><span><strong class="def-name">transpose-array</strong> <var class="def-var-arguments">array dim1 dim2 …</var><a class="copiable-link" href="#index-transpose_002darray"> ¶</a></span></dt>
<dt class="deffnx def-cmd-deffn" id="index-scm_005ftranspose_005farray"><span class="category-def">C Function: </span><span><strong class="def-name">scm_transpose_array</strong> <var class="def-var-arguments">(array, dimlist)</var><a class="copiable-link" href="#index-scm_005ftranspose_005farray"> ¶</a></span></dt>
<dd><p>Return an array sharing contents with <var class="var">array</var>, but with
dimensions arranged in a different order. There must be one
<var class="var">dim</var> argument for each dimension of <var class="var">array</var>.
<var class="var">dim1</var>, <var class="var">dim2</var>, … should be integers between 0
and the rank of the array to be returned. Each integer in that
range must appear at least once in the argument list.
<p>The values of <var class="var">dim1</var>, <var class="var">dim2</var>, … correspond to
dimensions in the array to be returned, and their positions in the
argument list to dimensions of <var class="var">array</var>. Several <var class="var">dim</var>s
may have the same value, in which case the returned array will
have smaller rank than <var class="var">array</var>.
<div class="example lisp">
<pre class="lisp-preformatted">(transpose-array '#2((a b) (c d)) 1 0) ⇒ #2((a c) (b d))
(transpose-array '#2((a b) (c d)) 0 0) ⇒ #1(a d)
(transpose-array '#3(((a b c) (d e f)) ((1 2 3) (4 5 6))) 1 1 0) ⇒
#2((a 4) (b 5) (c 6))
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