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| Examples of Class Precedence List Determination</H2> <P>
This example determines a <A REL=DEFINITION HREF="26_glo_c.htm#class_precedence_list"><I>class precedence list</I></A> for the class <TT>pie</TT>. The following <A REL=DEFINITION HREF="26_glo_c.htm#class"><I>classes</I></A> are defined: <P>
(defclass pie (apple cinnamon) ())
(defclass apple (fruit) ())
(defclass cinnamon (spice) ())
(defclass fruit (food) ())
(defclass spice (food) ())
(defclass food () ())
</TT> <P>
The set Spie = {<TT>pie, apple, cinnamon, fruit, spice, food, standard-object, t</TT>}. The set R = {<TT>(pie, apple), (apple, cinnamon), (apple, fruit), (cinnamon, spice), <BR>
(fruit, food), (spice, food), (food, standard-object), (standard-object, t)</TT>}. <P>
The class <TT>pie</TT> is not preceded by anything, so it comes first; the result so far is <TT>(pie)</TT>. Remove <TT>pie</TT> from S and pairs mentioning <TT>pie</TT> from R to get S = {<TT>apple, cinnamon, fruit, spice, food, standard-object, t</TT>} and R = {<TT>(apple, cinnamon), (apple, fruit), (cinnamon, spice),<BR>
(fruit, food), (spice, food), (food, standard-object), (standard-object, t)</TT>}. <P>
The class <TT>apple</TT> is not preceded by anything, so it is next; the result is <TT>(pie apple)</TT>. Removing <TT>apple</TT> and the relevant pairs results in S = {<TT>cinnamon, fruit, spice, food, standard-object, t</TT>} and R = {<TT>(cinnamon, spice), (fruit, food), (spice, food), (food, standard-object),<BR>
(standard-object, t)</TT>}. <P>
The classes <TT>cinnamon</TT> and <TT>fruit</TT> are not preceded by anything, so the one with a direct <A REL=DEFINITION HREF="26_glo_s.htm#subclass"><I>subclass</I></A> rightmost in the <A REL=DEFINITION HREF="26_glo_c.htm#class_precedence_list"><I>class precedence list</I></A> computed so far goes next. The class <TT>apple</TT> is a direct <A REL=DEFINITION HREF="26_glo_s.htm#subclass"><I>subclass</I></A> of <TT>fruit</TT>, and the class <TT>pie</TT> is a direct <A REL=DEFINITION HREF="26_glo_s.htm#subclass"><I>subclass</I></A> of <TT>cinnamon</TT>. Because <TT>apple</TT> appears to the right of <TT>pie</TT> in the <A REL=DEFINITION HREF="26_glo_c.htm#class_precedence_list"><I>class precedence list</I></A>, <TT>fruit</TT> goes next, and the result so far is <TT>(pie apple fruit)</TT>. S = {<TT>cinnamon, spice, food, standard-object, t</TT>}; R = {<TT>(cinnamon, spice), (spice, food),<BR>
(food, standard-object), (standard-object, t)</TT>}. <P>
The class <TT>cinnamon</TT> is next, giving the result so far as <TT>(pie apple fruit cinnamon)</TT>. At this point S = {<TT>spice, food, standard-object, t</TT>}; R = {<TT>(spice, food), (food, standard-object), (standard-object, t)</TT>}. <P>
The classes <TT>spice</TT>, <TT>food</TT>, <A REL=DEFINITION HREF="t_std_ob.htm#standard-object"><B>standard-object</B></A>, and <A REL=DEFINITION HREF="t_t.htm#t"><B>t</B></A> are added in that order, and the <A REL=DEFINITION HREF="26_glo_c.htm#class_precedence_list"><I>class precedence list</I></A> is <TT>(pie apple fruit cinnamon spice food standard-object t)</TT>. <P>
It is possible to write a set of <A REL=DEFINITION HREF="26_glo_c.htm#class"><I>class</I></A> definitions that cannot be ordered. For example: <P>
(defclass new-class (fruit apple) ())
(defclass apple (fruit) ())
</TT> <P>
The class <TT>fruit</TT> must precede <TT>apple</TT> because the local ordering of <A REL=DEFINITION HREF="26_glo_s.htm#superclass"><I>superclasses</I></A> must be preserved. The class <TT>apple</TT> must precede <TT>fruit</TT> because a <A REL=DEFINITION HREF="26_glo_c.htm#class"><I>class</I></A> always precedes its own <A REL=DEFINITION HREF="26_glo_s.htm#superclass"><I>superclasses</I></A>. When this situation occurs, an error is signaled, as happens here when the system tries to compute the <A REL=DEFINITION HREF="26_glo_c.htm#class_precedence_list"><I>class precedence list</I></A> of <TT>new-class</TT>. <P>
The following might appear to be a conflicting set of definitions: <P>
(defclass pie (apple cinnamon) ())
(defclass pastry (cinnamon apple) ())
(defclass apple () ())
(defclass cinnamon () ())
</TT> <P>
The <A REL=DEFINITION HREF="26_glo_c.htm#class_precedence_list"><I>class precedence list</I></A> for <TT>pie</TT> is <TT>(pie apple cinnamon standard-object t)</TT>. <P>
The <A REL=DEFINITION HREF="26_glo_c.htm#class_precedence_list"><I>class precedence list</I></A> for <TT>pastry</TT> is <TT>(pastry cinnamon apple standard-object t)</TT>. <P>
It is not a problem for <TT>apple</TT> to precede <TT>cinnamon</TT> in the ordering of the <A REL=DEFINITION HREF="26_glo_s.htm#superclass"><I>superclasses</I></A> of <TT>pie</TT> but not in the ordering for <TT>pastry</TT>. However, it is not possible to build a new <A REL=DEFINITION HREF="26_glo_c.htm#class"><I>class</I></A> that has both <TT>pie</TT> and <TT>pastry</TT> as <A REL=DEFINITION HREF="26_glo_s.htm#superclass"><I>superclasses</I></A>. <P>
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