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<H2> Examples of WHEN clause</H2> <P>
;; Signal an exceptional condition.
(loop for item in '(1 2 3 a 4 5)
when (not (numberp item))
return (cerror &quot;enter new value&quot; &quot;non-numeric value: ~s&quot; item))
Error: non-numeric value: A
;; The previous example is equivalent to the following one.
(loop for item in '(1 2 3 a 4 5)
when (not (numberp item))
do (return
(cerror &quot;Enter new value&quot; &quot;non-numeric value: ~s&quot; item)))
Error: non-numeric value: A
</TT> <P>
;; This example parses a simple printed string representation from
;; BUFFER (which is itself a string) and returns the index of the
;; closing double-quote character.
(let ((buffer &quot;\&quot;a\&quot; \&quot;b\&quot;&quot;))
(loop initially (unless (char= (char buffer 0) #\&quot;)
for i of-type fixnum from 1 below (length (the string buffer))
when (char= (char buffer i) #\&quot;)
return i))
=&gt; 2
;; The collected value is returned.
(loop for i from 1 to 10
when (&gt; i 5)
collect i
finally (prin1 'got-here))
&gt;&gt; GOT-HERE
=&gt; (6 7 8 9 10)
;; Return both the count of collected numbers and the numbers.
(loop for i from 1 to 10
when (&gt; i 5)
collect i into number-list
and count i into number-count
finally (return (values number-count number-list)))
=&gt; 5, (6 7 8 9 10)
</TT> <P>
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