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<H2> Tilde Left-Brace: Iteration</H2> <P>
<TT>~{</TT><I>str</I><TT>~}</TT> <P>
This is an iteration construct. The argument should be a <A REL=DEFINITION HREF="26_glo_l.htm#list"><I>list</I></A>, which is used as a set of arguments as if for a recursive call to <A REL=DEFINITION HREF="f_format.htm#format"><B>format</B></A>. The <A REL=DEFINITION HREF="26_glo_s.htm#string"><I>string</I></A> <I>str</I> is used repeatedly as the control string. Each iteration can absorb as many elements of the <A REL=DEFINITION HREF="26_glo_l.htm#list"><I>list</I></A> as it likes as arguments; if <I>str</I> uses up two arguments by itself, then two elements of the <A REL=DEFINITION HREF="26_glo_l.htm#list"><I>list</I></A> will get used up each time around the loop. If before any iteration step the <A REL=DEFINITION HREF="26_glo_l.htm#list"><I>list</I></A> is empty, then the iteration is terminated. Also, if a prefix parameter <I>n</I> is given, then there will be at most <I>n</I> repetitions of processing of <I>str</I>. Finally, the <TT>~^</TT> directive can be used to terminate the iteration prematurely. <P>
For example: <P>
(format nil &quot;The winners are:~{ ~S~}.&quot;
'(fred harry jill))
=&gt; &quot;The winners are: FRED HARRY JILL.&quot;
(format nil &quot;Pairs:~{ &lt;~S,~S&gt;~}.&quot;
'(a 1 b 2 c 3))
=&gt; &quot;Pairs: &lt;A,1&gt; &lt;B,2&gt; &lt;C,3&gt;.&quot;
</TT> <P>
<TT>~:</TT>{<TT></TT><I>str</I><TT>~</TT>}<TT></TT> is similar, but the argument should be a <A REL=DEFINITION HREF="26_glo_l.htm#list"><I>list</I></A> of sublists. At each repetition step, one sublist is used as the set of arguments for processing <I>str</I>; on the next repetition, a new sublist is used, whether or not all of the last sublist had been processed. For example: <P>
(format nil &quot;Pairs:~:{ &lt;~S,~S&gt;~} .&quot;
'((a 1) (b 2) (c 3)))
=&gt; &quot;Pairs: &lt;A,1&gt; &lt;B,2&gt; &lt;C,3&gt;.&quot;
</TT> <P>
<TT>~@</TT>{<TT></TT><I>str</I><TT>~</TT>}<TT></TT> is similar to <TT>~</TT>{<TT></TT><I>str</I><TT>~</TT>}<TT></TT>, but instead of using one argument that is a list, all the remaining arguments are used as the list of arguments for the iteration. Example: <P>
(format nil &quot;Pairs:~@{ &lt;~S,~S&gt;~} .&quot; 'a 1 'b 2 'c 3)
=&gt; &quot;Pairs: &lt;A,1&gt; &lt;B,2&gt; &lt;C,3&gt;.&quot;
</TT> If the iteration is terminated before all the remaining arguments are consumed, then any arguments not processed by the iteration remain to be processed by any directives following the iteration construct. <P>
<TT>~:@</TT>{<TT></TT><I>str</I><TT>~</TT>}<TT></TT> combines the features of <TT>~:</TT>{<TT></TT><I>str</I><TT>~</TT>}<TT></TT> and <TT>~@</TT>{<TT></TT><I>str</I><TT>~</TT>}<TT></TT>. All the remaining arguments are used, and each one must be a <A REL=DEFINITION HREF="26_glo_l.htm#list"><I>list</I></A>. On each iteration, the next argument is used as a <A REL=DEFINITION HREF="26_glo_l.htm#list"><I>list</I></A> of arguments to <I>str</I>. Example: <P>
(format nil &quot;Pairs:~:@{ &lt;~S,~S&gt;~} .&quot;
'(a 1) '(b 2) '(c 3))
=&gt; &quot;Pairs: &lt;A,1&gt; &lt;B,2&gt; &lt;C,3&gt;.&quot;
</TT> Terminating the repetition construct with <TT>~:</TT>}<TT></TT> instead of <TT>~</TT>}<TT></TT> forces <I>str</I> to be processed at least once, even if the initial list of arguments is null. However, this will not override an explicit prefix parameter of zero. <P>
If <I>str</I> is empty, then an argument is used as <I>str</I>. It must be a <A REL=DEFINITION HREF="26_glo_f.htm#format_control"><I>format control</I></A> and precede any arguments processed by the iteration. As an example, the following are equivalent: <P>
(apply #'format stream string arguments)
== (format stream &quot;~1{~:}&quot; string arguments)
</TT> <P>
This will use <TT>string</TT> as a formatting string. The <TT>~1</TT>{<TT></TT> says it will be processed at most once, and the <TT>~:</TT>}<TT></TT> says it will be processed at least once. Therefore it is processed exactly once, using <TT>arguments</TT> as the arguments. This case may be handled more clearly by the <TT>~?</TT> directive, but this general feature of <TT>~</TT>{<TT></TT> is more powerful than <TT>~?</TT>. <P>
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