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<PRE><B>Forum:</B> Public Review<P>
<B>References:</B> Loosemore's public review comment #6<P>
<A REL=DEFINITION HREF="../Body/f_cmp_fi.htm#compile-file"><B>COMPILE-FILE</B></A><P>
<A REL=DEFINITION HREF="../Body/f_cmp__1.htm#compile-file-pathname"><B>COMPILE-FILE-PATHNAME</B></A><P>
<A REL=DEFINITION HREF="../Body/f_merge_.htm#merge-pathnames"><B>MERGE-PATHNAMES</B></A><P>
<B>Edit history:</B> 21 Dec 1992, Version 1 by Loosemore<P>
<B>Status:</B> Proposal INPUT-FILE passed 11-0 on letter ballot 93-302<P>
<B>Problem description:<P>
It's stated that the input-file <A REL=DEFINITION HREF="../Body/a_pn.htm#pathname"><B>pathname</B></A> to <A REL=DEFINITION HREF="../Body/f_cmp_fi.htm#compile-file"><B>COMPILE-FILE</B></A> is merged<P>
against <A REL=DEFINITION HREF="../Body/v_defaul.htm#STdefault-pathname-defaultsST"><B>*DEFAULT-PATHNAME-DEFAULTS*</B></A>, but nothing is said about<P>
merging of the :OUTPUT-FILE <A REL=DEFINITION HREF="../Body/a_pn.htm#pathname"><B>pathname</B></A> argument. <P>
Some existing Common Lisp implementations appear to merge it against <P>
the (merged) input-file <A REL=DEFINITION HREF="../Body/a_pn.htm#pathname"><B>pathname</B></A>, and others appear to merge it against <P>
<A REL=DEFINITION HREF="../Body/v_defaul.htm#STdefault-pathname-defaultsST"><B>*DEFAULT-PATHNAME-DEFAULTS*</B></A>. In practice, this means that users always<P>
have to do their own explicit merging before passing a <A REL=DEFINITION HREF="../Body/a_pn.htm#pathname"><B>pathname</B></A> as the<P>
:OUTPUT-FILE argument, which is a nuisance.<P>
The discussion of <A REL=DEFINITION HREF="../Body/a_pn.htm#pathname"><B>pathname</B></A> merging in CLtL (page 641 in CLtL-2)<P>
presents a general model that seems appropriate:<P>
"This is especially useful for cases such as a program that has<P>
an input file and an output file.... Unspecified components of the<P>
output <A REL=DEFINITION HREF="../Body/a_pn.htm#pathname"><B>pathname</B></A> will come from the input <A REL=DEFINITION HREF="../Body/a_pn.htm#pathname"><B>pathname</B></A>, except that <P>
the type should not default not to the type of the input but to<P>
the appropriate default type for output from this program."<P>
However, this paragraph appears in a mangled form in draft 12.24<P>
(the second paragraph of the description section on page 19-35),<P>
which might be taken to imply that <A REL=DEFINITION HREF="../Body/f_merge_.htm#merge-pathnames"><B>MERGE-PATHNAMES</B></A> is supposed to<P>
automagically determine an appropriate default type.<P>
Clarify that the defaults for the output-file argument are taken <P>
from the <A REL=DEFINITION HREF="../Body/a_pn.htm#pathname"><B>pathname</B></A> that results from merging the specified<P>
input-file argument with <A REL=DEFINITION HREF="../Body/v_defaul.htm#STdefault-pathname-defaultsST"><B>*DEFAULT-PATHNAME-DEFAULTS*</B></A>, except that<P>
the type should to default to the appropriate default type for<P>
compiled files.<P>
Instruct the editor to fix the problem noted with the cited<P>
paragraph in the <A REL=DEFINITION HREF="../Body/f_merge_.htm#merge-pathnames"><B>MERGE-PATHNAMES</B></A> description (for example, by<P>
restoring the CLtL wording).<P>
This seems like the right model.<P>
<B>Current practice:<P>
Varies, as noted in the problem description.<P>
<B>Cost to implementors:<P>
Some implementations will have to change, but it's not a huge<P>
<B>Cost to users:<P>
None, since implementations already vary.<P>
Specifying this behavior is more aesthetic than leaving it <P>
<B>Editorial impact:<P>
The change requires adding a sentence or two to the dictionary<P>
entry for <A REL=DEFINITION HREF="../Body/f_cmp_fi.htm#compile-file"><B>COMPILE-FILE</B></A> and replacing one paragraph in that for<P>
<A REL=DEFINITION HREF="../Body/f_merge_.htm#merge-pathnames"><B>MERGE-PATHNAMES</B></A>.<P>
If the issue to extend <A REL=DEFINITION HREF="../Body/f_cmp_fi.htm#compile-file"><B>COMPILE-FILE</B></A> to accept an open stream as<P>
an input-file argument passes (Pitmans' public review comment #14),<P>
obviously the input file cannot <A REL=DEFINITION HREF="../Body/f_provid.htm#provide"><B>provide</B></A> any defaults if it is<P>
an open stream that cannot be coerced to a <A REL=DEFINITION HREF="../Body/a_pn.htm#pathname"><B>pathname</B></A>.<P>
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