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<H2>Issue LOOP-FOR-AS-ON-TYPO Writeup</H2>
<PRE><B>Status:</B> Proposal FIX-TYPO passed 12/91<P>
<B>Issue:</B> <A HREF="iss221.htm">LOOP-FOR-AS-ON-TYPO</A><P>
Reference: X3J13/89-004 page 2-10, CLtL/II page 721, and dict-flow.tex<P>
<B>Category:</B> Clarify/fix-typo<P>
<B>Edit History:</B> Version 1 20-Aug-91 by JonL <P>
<B>Problem Description:<P>
From the draft proposal .tex file, under the subsection {\bf for-as-on-list},<P>
the words:<P>
In the {\it for-as-on-list\/} subclause,<P>
the {\tt for\/} <P>
or {\tt as\/} construct iterates over the contents of a <P>
@type[list]. It checks for the<P>
end of the @type[list] as if by using<P>
@funref[endp]. <P>
were erroneously copied verbatim from the subsection {\bf for-as-in-list},<P>
rather than the intended wording from the Iteration Subcommittee.<P>
At one level, this prescription doesn't make sense; by saying that <P>
it is iterating over the "contents", rather than down the successive cdrs,<P>
of the list, there is confusion about the values assumed by the variable<P>
[which is subsequently said to take on the "tails" of the list.]<P>
In the spring of 1988, the Iteration Subcommittee suggested a change from<P>
the then existing practice of terminating both LOOP-FOR-AS-IN and <P>
LOOP-FOR-AS-ON by simply a <A REL=DEFINITION HREF="../Body/a_null.htm#null"><B>NULL</B></A> test. [Indeed, in the MacLisp days before<P>
CommonLisp, <A REL=DEFINITION HREF="../Body/f_endp.htm#endp"><B>ENDP</B></A> didn't exist; and the common use of <A REL=DEFINITION HREF="../Body/a_null.htm#null"><B>NULL</B></A> rather than <A REL=DEFINITION HREF="../Body/a_atom.htm#atom"><B>ATOM</B></A><P>
was based on a performance hack for the PDP10 Architecture.] So <A REL=DEFINITION HREF="../Body/f_endp.htm#endp"><B>ENDP</B></A> was <P>
specified for LOOP-FOR-AS-IN because that style views the list as a sequence <P>
having "contents" or elements; but <A REL=DEFINITION HREF="../Body/a_atom.htm#atom"><B>ATOM</B></A> was specified for LOOP-FOR-AS-ON<P>
since the only concern was the succession of list tails. The LOOP-FOR-AS-ON<P>
case is intended to be more general -- and hence have a less restrictive<P>
termination test -- so that user-defined iteration over non-standard<P>
lists can be supported. But the current draft specification completely<P>
and accidentally defeats this design.<P>
Proposal (<A HREF="iss221.htm">LOOP-FOR-AS-ON-TYPO:FIX-TYPO</A>)<P>
Restore the original wording as intended by the Iteration Subcommittee<P>
as follows:<P>
In the {\it for-as-on-list\/} subclause,<P>
the {\tt for\/} <P>
or {\tt as\/} construct iterates over a<P>
@type[list]. It checks for the<P>
end of the @type[list] as if by using<P>
@funref[atom]. <P>
<B>Editorial Impact:<P>
Very small.<P>
The evidence that this is a typo is in the Lucid Product Documentation<P>
of about the same time that 89-004 was abstracted from it; this product<P>
documentation has the "correct" wording, and the person responsible for<P>
doing the abstracting simply copied over the wrong, albeit very<P>
similarly worded paragraph. The two paragraphs are close together<P>
in that text.<P>
Without this fix, there will surely be gratuitous variations as to<P>
how the termination testing is done for the LOOP-FOR-AS-ON case.<P>
<B>Current Practice:<P>
Some existing implementations still adhere to the MacLisp inspired<P>
version that used to be distributed from MIT, which simply used <A REL=DEFINITION HREF="../Body/a_null.htm#null"><B>NULL</B></A><P>
for both the FOR-AS-IN and the FOR-AS-ON cases; some adhere to a<P>
later Common Lisp version that uses <A REL=DEFINITION HREF="../Body/f_endp.htm#endp"><B>ENDP</B></A>, at least for the FOR-AS-IN <P>
case. Harlequin has apparently implemented the broken semantics of <P>
"X3J13/89-004 page 2-10".<P>
This typo has gone undetected for over two years, between January 1989 <P>
until about April 1991, when a fresh implementation of <A REL=DEFINITION HREF="../Body/m_loop.htm#loop"><B>LOOP</B></A> taken purely <P>
"from the spec" produced anomalous results on LOOP-FOR-AS-ON termination <P>
tests. Lawrence G. Mayka <lgm@iexist.att.com> noticed the variation when <P>
comparing Harlequin's <A REL=DEFINITION HREF="../Body/m_loop.htm#loop"><B>LOOP</B></A> implementation with some of the others.<P>
Jonl 11-Apr-91: I know this (the use of <A REL=DEFINITION HREF="../Body/a_atom.htm#atom"><B>ATOM</B></A> for FOR-AS-ON termination) <P>
was discussed and agreed upon; and I hope that the forum of discussion <P>
was within X3J13, either the iteration subcommittee or the whole <P>
committee. I even recall changing Lucid's implementation after this <P>
decision. [And an edit-history record of that change, along with the<P>
rationale cited above, still exists in the Lucid source code for<P>
Loop, dated 9-May-88.]<P>
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