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<PRE><B>Status:</B> Proposal STREAM-IS-NIL passed, Jun 89 X3J13<P>
<B>Issue:</B> <A HREF="iss361.htm">WITH-OPEN-FILE-DOES-NOT-EXIST</A><P>
<B>References:</B> CLtL page 422<P>
<B>Category:</B> Clarify<P>
<B>Edit history:</B> 17-Mar-89, Version 1<P>
<B>Problem description:<P>
</B>The documentation for <A REL=DEFINITION HREF="../Body/m_w_open.htm#with-open-file"><B>WITH-OPEN-FILE</B></A> (p 422) says:<P>
"WITH-OPEN-FILE evaluates the Forms of the body (an implict <A REL=DEFINITION HREF="../Body/s_progn.htm#progn"><B>PROGN</B></A>)<P>
with the variable Stream bound to a stream that reads or writes the<P>
file named by the value of Filename. The options are evaluated and<P>
used as keyword arguments to the function <A REL=DEFINITION HREF="../Body/f_open.htm#open"><B>OPEN</B></A>."<P>
It is not clear what to do when there is no stream<P>
"that reads or writes the file" named by Filename.<P>
Is the body evaluated? What is Stream bound to?<P>
If the result of <A REL=DEFINITION HREF="../Body/f_open.htm#open"><B>OPEN</B></A> does not return a stream (eg returns <A REL=DEFINITION HREF="../Body/a_nil.htm#nil"><B>NIL</B></A>)<P>
Then the body of <A REL=DEFINITION HREF="../Body/m_w_open.htm#with-open-file"><B>WITH-OPEN-FILE</B></A> is not evaluated, <A REL=DEFINITION HREF="../Body/a_nil.htm#nil"><B>NIL</B></A> is returned.<P>
</B> The contract that "the body is evaluated with ... bound to a stream"<P>
is maintained in the sense of a vacuous evalation.<P>
The alternatives are:<P>
To let the stream variable be bound to <A REL=DEFINITION HREF="../Body/a_nil.htm#nil"><B>NIL</B></A> (unintuitive and dangerous).<P>
If users want to Signal-An-Error in this case, they can use<P>
:if-does-not-exist :error <P>
The test for (<A REL=DEFINITION HREF="../Body/f_stmp.htm#streamp"><B>STREAMP</B></A> Stream) is probably done anyway,<P>
since the <A REL=DEFINITION HREF="../Body/s_unwind.htm#unwind-protect"><B>UNWIND-PROTECT</B></A> cleanup form can't call <A REL=DEFINITION HREF="../Body/f_close.htm#close"><B>CLOSE</B></A> on <A REL=DEFINITION HREF="../Body/a_nil.htm#nil"><B>NIL</B></A>.<P>
Clarify the documentation to explain that:<P>
Stream is bound to the value returned by <A REL=DEFINITION HREF="../Body/f_open.htm#open"><B>OPEN</B></A>.<P>
Users of :if-does-not-exist <A REL=DEFINITION HREF="../Body/a_nil.htm#nil"><B>NIL</B></A> should check for a valid stream.<P>
</B> This simple to implement, no extra testing is done.<P>
Users who use :if-does-not-exist <A REL=DEFINITION HREF="../Body/a_nil.htm#nil"><B>NIL</B></A> can wrap their body forms<P>
with (when (<A REL=DEFINITION HREF="../Body/f_stmp.htm#streamp"><B>STREAMP</B></A> Stream) ...)<P>
</B>1. (<A REL=DEFINITION HREF="../Body/m_w_open.htm#with-open-file"><B>WITH-OPEN-FILE</B></A> (foo "no-such-file" :IF-DOES-NOT-EXIST nil)<P>
(<A REL=DEFINITION HREF="../Body/f_rd_rd.htm#read"><B>READ</B></A> foo) t)<P>
DONT-EVALUATE: => <A REL=DEFINITION HREF="../Body/a_nil.htm#nil"><B>NIL</B></A>, no I/O is done, do not read from *standard-input*<P>
STREAM-IS-NIL: => T, reads from *standard-input*<P>
2. (<A REL=DEFINITION HREF="../Body/m_w_open.htm#with-open-file"><B>WITH-OPEN-FILE</B></A> (foo "/no-dir" :direction :output :IF-DOES-NOT-EXIST nil)<P>
(format foo t) t)<P>
DONT-EVALUATE: => <A REL=DEFINITION HREF="../Body/a_nil.htm#nil"><B>NIL</B></A>, no string is created.<P>
STREAM-IS-NIL: => T, creates a string and writes to it.<P>
<B>Current practice:<P>
</B> Symbolics and Lucid apparently implement STREAM-IS-NIL.<P>
<B>Cost to Implementors:<P>
</B> STREAM-IS-NIL: no cost.<P>
Trivial? to test for :if-does-not-exist <A REL=DEFINITION HREF="../Body/a_nil.htm#nil"><B>NIL</B></A> and supply a <P>
test for (<A REL=DEFINITION HREF="../Body/f_stmp.htm#streamp"><B>STREAMP</B></A> Stream) in that case [or in every case].<P>
<B>Cost to Users:<P>
</B> DONT-EVALUATE: System tests for (<A REL=DEFINITION HREF="../Body/f_stmp.htm#streamp"><B>STREAMP</B></A> Stream), possibly extraneously.<P>
STREAM-IS-NIL: User must write a test for (<A REL=DEFINITION HREF="../Body/f_stmp.htm#streamp"><B>STREAMP</B></A> Stream).<P>
Probably no portable code uses :if-does-not-exist <A REL=DEFINITION HREF="../Body/a_nil.htm#nil"><B>NIL</B></A> without<P>
testing explicitly for (<A REL=DEFINITION HREF="../Body/f_stmp.htm#streamp"><B>STREAMP</B></A> Stream).<P>
<B>Cost of non-adoption:<P>
</B> The current situation is non-intuitive and/or confusing.<P>
</B> Users would know if the <A REL=DEFINITION HREF="../Body/f_stmp.htm#streamp"><B>STREAMP</B></A> test has been done or whether <P>
they must supply it.<P>
GV-Info: CL-Cleanup-mailer@SAIL.Stanford.EDU at 21-Mar-89 16:03:29 from AG<P>
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Received: from SAIL.Stanford.EDU ([]) by Xerox.COM ; 21 MAR 89 16:03:30 PST<P>
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Date: Tue, 21 Mar 89 18:59 EST<P>
From: David A. Moon <Moon@STONY-BROOK.SCRC.Symbolics.COM><P>
Message-ID: <19890321235935.6.MOON@EUPHRATES.SCRC.Symbolics.COM><P>
I think <A HREF="iss361.htm">WITH-OPEN-FILE-DOES-NOT-EXIST:STREAM-IS-NIL</A> is clearly correct,<P>
although I agree that CLtL doesn't really say.<P>
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