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<h3 class="section" id="Methods-and-Generic-Functions-1"><span>8.6 Methods and Generic Functions<a class="copiable-link" href="#Methods-and-Generic-Functions-1"> ¶</a></span></h3>
<p>A GOOPS method is like a Scheme procedure except that it is specialized
for a particular set of argument classes, and will only be used when the
actual arguments in a call match the classes in the method definition.
<div class="example lisp">
<pre class="lisp-preformatted">(define-method (+ (x <string>) (y <string>))
(string-append x y))
(+ "abc" "de") ⇒ "abcde"
<p>A method is not formally associated with any single class (as it is in
many other object oriented languages), because a method can be
specialized for a combination of several classes. If you’ve studied
object orientation in non-Lispy languages, you may remember discussions
such as whether a method to stretch a graphical image around a surface
should be a method of the image class, with a surface as a parameter, or
a method of the surface class, with an image as a parameter. In GOOPS
you’d just write
<div class="example lisp">
<pre class="lisp-preformatted">(define-method (stretch (im <image>) (sf <surface>))
<p>and the question of which class the method is more associated with does
not need answering.
<p>There can simultaneously be several methods with the same name but
different sets of specializing argument classes; for example:
<div class="example lisp">
<pre class="lisp-preformatted">(define-method (+ (x <string>) (y <string)) ...)
(define-method (+ (x <matrix>) (y <matrix>)) ...)
(define-method (+ (f <fish>) (b <bicycle>)) ...)
(define-method (+ (a <foo>) (b <bar>) (c <baz>)) ...)
<p>A generic function is a container for the set of such methods that a
program intends to use.
<p>If you look at a program’s source code, and see <code class="code">(+ x y)</code> somewhere
in it, conceptually what is happening is that the program at that point
calls a generic function (in this case, the generic function bound to
the identifier <code class="code">+</code>). When that happens, Guile works out which of
the generic function’s methods is the most appropriate for the arguments
that the function is being called with; then it evaluates the method’s
code with the arguments as formal parameters. This happens every time
that a generic function call is evaluated — it isn’t assumed that a
given source code call will end up invoking the same method every time.
<p>Defining an identifier as a generic function is done with the
<code class="code">define-generic</code> macro. Definition of a new method is done with
the <code class="code">define-method</code> macro. Note that <code class="code">define-method</code>
automatically does a <code class="code">define-generic</code> if the identifier concerned
is not already a generic function, so often an explicit
<code class="code">define-generic</code> call is not needed.
<a class="index-entry-id" id="index-define_002dgeneric"></a>
<a class="index-entry-id" id="index-define_002dmethod"></a>
<dl class="first-deffn">
<dt class="deffn" id="index-define_002dgeneric-1"><span class="category-def">syntax: </span><span><strong class="def-name">define-generic</strong> <var class="def-var-arguments">symbol</var><a class="copiable-link" href="#index-define_002dgeneric-1"> ¶</a></span></dt>
<dd><p>Create a generic function with name <var class="var">symbol</var> and bind it to the
variable <var class="var">symbol</var>. If <var class="var">symbol</var> was previously bound to a Scheme
procedure (or procedure-with-setter), the old procedure (and setter) is
incorporated into the new generic function as its default procedure (and
setter). Any other previous value, including an existing generic
function, is discarded and replaced by a new, empty generic function.
<dl class="first-deffn">
<dt class="deffn" id="index-define_002dmethod-1"><span class="category-def">syntax: </span><span><strong class="def-name">define-method</strong> <var class="def-var-arguments">(generic parameter …) body …</var><a class="copiable-link" href="#index-define_002dmethod-1"> ¶</a></span></dt>
<dd><p>Define a method for the generic function or accessor <var class="var">generic</var> with
parameters <var class="var">parameter</var>s and body <var class="var">body</var> <small class="enddots">...</small>.
<p><var class="var">generic</var> is a generic function. If <var class="var">generic</var> is a variable
which is not yet bound to a generic function object, the expansion of
<code class="code">define-method</code> will include a call to <code class="code">define-generic</code>. If
<var class="var">generic</var> is <code class="code">(setter <var class="var">generic-with-setter</var>)</code>, where
<var class="var">generic-with-setter</var> is a variable which is not yet bound to a
generic-with-setter object, the expansion will include a call to
<code class="code">define-accessor</code>.
<p>Each <var class="var">parameter</var> must be either a symbol or a two-element list
<code class="code">(<var class="var">symbol</var> <var class="var">class</var>)</code>. The symbols refer to variables in
the body forms that will be bound to the parameters supplied by the
caller when calling this method. The <var class="var">class</var>es, if present,
specify the possible combinations of parameters to which this method
can be applied.
<p><var class="var">body</var> … are the bodies of the method definition.
<p><code class="code">define-method</code> expressions look a little like Scheme procedure
definitions of the form
<div class="example">
<pre class="example-preformatted">(define (name formals ...) . body)
<p>The important difference is that each formal parameter, apart from the
possible “rest” argument, can be qualified by a class name:
<code class="code"><var class="var">formal</var></code> becomes <code class="code">(<var class="var">formal</var> <var class="var">class</var>)</code>. The
meaning of this qualification is that the method being defined
will only be applicable in a particular generic function invocation if
the corresponding argument is an instance of <code class="code"><var class="var">class</var></code> (or one of
its subclasses). If more than one of the formal parameters is qualified
in this way, then the method will only be applicable if each of the
corresponding arguments is an instance of its respective qualifying class.
<p>Note that unqualified formal parameters act as though they are qualified
by the class <code class="code"><top></code>, which GOOPS uses to mean the superclass of
all valid Scheme types, including both primitive types and GOOPS classes.
<p>For example, if a generic function method is defined with
<var class="var">parameter</var>s <code class="code">(s1 <square>)</code> and <code class="code">(n <number>)</code>, that
method is only applicable to invocations of its generic function that
have two parameters where the first parameter is an instance of the
<code class="code"><square></code> class and the second parameter is a number.
<ul class="mini-toc">
<li><a href="Accessors.html" accesskey="1">Accessors</a></li>
<li><a href="Extending-Primitives.html" accesskey="2">Extending Primitives</a></li>
<li><a href="Merging-Generics.html" accesskey="3">Merging Generics</a></li>
<li><a href="Next_002dmethod.html" accesskey="4">Next-method</a></li>
<li><a href="Generic-Function-and-Method-Examples.html" accesskey="5">Generic Function and Method Examples</a></li>
<li><a href="Handling-Invocation-Errors.html" accesskey="6">Handling Invocation Errors</a></li>
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