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>getf | Common Lisp Nova Spec</TITLE
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><P CLASS="j"
> <SPAN CLASS="cmssi"
> <SPAN CLASS="cmssi"
> <SPAN CLASS="cmtt"
> <SPAN CLASS="cmssi"
> <SPAN CLASS="arrow"
> <SPAN CLASS="cmssi"
><P CLASS="j"
>(setf (getf</B
> <SPAN CLASS="cmssi"
> <SPAN CLASS="cmssi"
> <SPAN CLASS="cmtt"
> <SPAN CLASS="cmssi"
> <SPAN CLASS="cmssi"
>Arguments and Values</B
><P CLASS="j"
><VAR CLASS="param"
> — a <A HREF="26_1_Glossary.html#property_list"
><EM CLASS="term"
>property list</EM
>. </P
><P CLASS="j"
><VAR CLASS="param"
> — a <A HREF="26_1_Glossary.html#place"
><EM CLASS="term"
>, the <A HREF="26_1_Glossary.html#value"
><EM CLASS="term"
> of which is a <A HREF="26_1_Glossary.html#property_list"
><EM CLASS="term"
>property list</EM
>. </P
><P CLASS="j"
><VAR CLASS="param"
> — an <A HREF="26_1_Glossary.html#object"
><EM CLASS="term"
>. </P
><P CLASS="j"
><VAR CLASS="param"
> — an <A HREF="26_1_Glossary.html#object"
><EM CLASS="term"
>. The default is <SPAN CLASS="misc"
>. </P
><P CLASS="j"
><VAR CLASS="param"
> — an <A HREF="26_1_Glossary.html#object"
><EM CLASS="term"
>. </P
><P CLASS="j"
><VAR CLASS="param"
> — an <A HREF="26_1_Glossary.html#object"
><EM CLASS="term"
><P CLASS="j"
><A HREF="f_getf.html" CLASS="funref"
> finds a <A HREF="26_1_Glossary.html#property"
><EM CLASS="term"
> on the <VAR CLASS="param"
> whose <A HREF="26_1_Glossary.html#property_indicator"
><EM CLASS="term"
>property indicator</EM
> is <A HREF="26_1_Glossary.html#identical"
><EM CLASS="term"
> to <VAR CLASS="param"
>, and returns its corresponding <A HREF="26_1_Glossary.html#property_value"
><EM CLASS="term"
>property value</EM
>. If there are multiple <EM CLASS="term"
><SPAN CLASS="meaning"
><SUB CLASS="sub"
><SPAN CLASS="cmr"
> with that <A HREF="26_1_Glossary.html#property_indicator"
><EM CLASS="term"
>property indicator</EM
>, <A HREF="f_getf.html" CLASS="funref"
> uses the first such <A HREF="26_1_Glossary.html#property"
><EM CLASS="term"
>. If there is no <A HREF="26_1_Glossary.html#property"
><EM CLASS="term"
> with that <A HREF="26_1_Glossary.html#property_indicator"
><EM CLASS="term"
>property indicator</EM
>, <VAR CLASS="param"
> is returned. </P
><P CLASS="j"
><A HREF="f_setf.html" CLASS="macref"
> of <A HREF="f_getf.html" CLASS="funref"
> may be used to associate a new <A HREF="26_1_Glossary.html#object"
><EM CLASS="term"
> with an existing indicator in the <A HREF="26_1_Glossary.html#property_list"
><EM CLASS="term"
>property list</EM
> held by <VAR CLASS="param"
>, or to create a new assocation if none exists. If there are multiple <EM CLASS="term"
><SPAN CLASS="meaning"
><SUB CLASS="sub"
><SPAN CLASS="cmr"
> with that <A HREF="26_1_Glossary.html#property_indicator"
><EM CLASS="term"
>property indicator</EM
>, <A HREF="f_setf.html" CLASS="macref"
> of <A HREF="f_getf.html" CLASS="funref"
> associates the <VAR CLASS="param"
> with the first such <A HREF="26_1_Glossary.html#property"
><EM CLASS="term"
>. When a <A HREF="f_getf.html" CLASS="funref"
> <A HREF="26_1_Glossary.html#form"
><EM CLASS="term"
> is used as a <A HREF="f_setf.html" CLASS="macref"
> <VAR CLASS="param"
>, any <VAR CLASS="param"
> which is supplied is evaluated according to normal left-to-right evaluation rules, but its <A HREF="26_1_Glossary.html#value"
><EM CLASS="term"
> is ignored. </P
><P CLASS="j"
><A HREF="f_setf.html" CLASS="macref"
> of <A HREF="f_getf.html" CLASS="funref"
> is permitted to either <A HREF="26_1_Glossary.html#write"
><EM CLASS="term"
> the <A HREF="26_1_Glossary.html#value"
><EM CLASS="term"
> of <VAR CLASS="param"
> itself, or modify of any part, <A HREF="26_1_Glossary.html#car"
><EM CLASS="term"
> or <A HREF="26_1_Glossary.html#cdr"
><EM CLASS="term"
>, of the <A HREF="26_1_Glossary.html#list_structure"
><EM CLASS="term"
>list structure</EM
> held by <VAR CLASS="param"
><PRE CLASS="screen"
> (setq x '()) <SPAN CLASS="cmsy"
><SPAN CLASS="arrow"
(getf x 'prop1) <SPAN CLASS="cmsy"
><SPAN CLASS="arrow"
(getf x 'prop1 7) <SPAN CLASS="cmsy"
><SPAN CLASS="arrow"
> 7
(getf x 'prop1) <SPAN CLASS="cmsy"
><SPAN CLASS="arrow"
(setf (getf x 'prop1) 'val1) <SPAN CLASS="cmsy"
><SPAN CLASS="arrow"
> VAL1
(eq (getf x 'prop1) 'val1) <SPAN CLASS="cmsy"
><SPAN CLASS="arrow"
> <A HREF="26_1_Glossary.html#true"
><EM CLASS="term"
(getf x 'prop1) <SPAN CLASS="cmsy"
><SPAN CLASS="arrow"
> VAL1
(getf x 'prop1 7) <SPAN CLASS="cmsy"
><SPAN CLASS="arrow"
> VAL1
x <SPAN CLASS="cmsy"
><SPAN CLASS="arrow"
> (PROP1 VAL1)
;; Examples of implementation variation permitted.
(setq foo (list 'a 'b 'c 'd 'e 'f)) <SPAN CLASS="cmsy"
><SPAN CLASS="arrow"
> (A B C D E F)
(setq bar (cddr foo)) <SPAN CLASS="cmsy"
><SPAN CLASS="arrow"
> (C D E F)
(remf foo 'c) <SPAN CLASS="cmsy"
><SPAN CLASS="arrow"
> <A HREF="26_1_Glossary.html#true"
><EM CLASS="term"
foo <SPAN CLASS="cmsy"
><SPAN CLASS="arrow"
> (A B E F)
<SPAN CLASS="cmsy"
><SPAN CLASS="arrow"
> (C D E F)
><SPAN CLASS="arrow withabove"
><SPAN CLASS="above"
>or </SPAN
> (C)
><SPAN CLASS="arrow withabove"
><SPAN CLASS="above"
>or </SPAN
> (NIL)
><SPAN CLASS="arrow withabove"
><SPAN CLASS="above"
>or </SPAN
> (C NIL)
><SPAN CLASS="arrow withabove"
><SPAN CLASS="above"
>or </SPAN
> (C D)</PRE
>See Also</B
><P CLASS="j"
><A HREF="f_get.html" CLASS="funref"
>, <A HREF="f_get-properties.html" CLASS="funref"
>, <A HREF="f_setf.html" CLASS="macref"
>, <A HREF="5_1_Generalized_Reference.html#sec_5_1_2_2" CLASS="secref"
><SPAN CLASS="cmr"
> <SPAN CLASS="cmr"
> <SPAN CLASS="cmr"
> <SPAN CLASS="cmr"
> <SPAN CLASS="cmr"
> <SPAN CLASS="cmr"
> <SPAN CLASS="cmr"
><P CLASS="j"
>There is no way (using <A HREF="f_getf.html" CLASS="funref"
>) to distinguish an absent property from one whose value is <VAR CLASS="param"
>; but see <A HREF="f_get-properties.html" CLASS="funref"
>. </P
><P CLASS="j"
>Note that while supplying a <EM CLASS="term"
> argument to <A HREF="f_getf.html" CLASS="funref"
> in a <A HREF="f_setf.html" CLASS="macref"
> situation is sometimes not very interesting, it is still important because some macros, such as <A HREF="f_push.html" CLASS="macref"
> and <A HREF="f_incf.html" CLASS="macref"
>, require a <VAR CLASS="param"
> argument which data is both <A HREF="26_1_Glossary.html#read"
><EM CLASS="term"
> from and <EM CLASS="term"
> to. In such a context, if a <EM CLASS="term"
> argument is to be supplied for the <A HREF="26_1_Glossary.html#read"
><EM CLASS="term"
> situation, it must be syntactically valid for the <A HREF="26_1_Glossary.html#write"
><EM CLASS="term"
> situation as well. For example,</P
><PRE CLASS="screen"
>(let ((plist '()))
(incf (getf plist 'count 0))
plist) <SPAN CLASS="cmsy"
><SPAN CLASS="arrow"
> (COUNT 1)</PRE
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