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>pprint-indent | Common Lisp Nova Spec</TITLE
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><UL CLASS="subtoc"
><P CLASS="j"
> <SPAN CLASS="cmssi"
> <SPAN CLASS="cmssi"
> <SPAN CLASS="cmtt"
> <SPAN CLASS="cmssi"
> <SPAN CLASS="arrow"
> <SPAN CLASS="misc"
>Arguments and Values</B
><P CLASS="j"
><VAR CLASS="param"
> &#8212; either <SPAN CLASS="kwd"
><SPAN CLASS="cmtt"
> or <SPAN CLASS="kwd"
><SPAN CLASS="cmtt"
>. </P
><P CLASS="j"
><VAR CLASS="param"
> &#8212; a <EM CLASS="term"
>. </P
><P CLASS="j"
><VAR CLASS="param"
> &#8212; an <A HREF="26_1_Glossary.html#output"
><EM CLASS="term"
> <A HREF="26_1_Glossary.html#stream_designator"
><EM CLASS="term"
>stream designator</EM
>. The default is <A HREF="26_1_Glossary.html#standard_output"
><EM CLASS="term"
>standard output</EM
><P CLASS="j"
><A HREF="f_pprint-indent.html" CLASS="funref"
> specifies the indentation to use in a logical block on <A HREF="26_1_Glossary.html#stream"
><EM CLASS="term"
>. If <VAR CLASS="param"
> is a <A HREF="26_1_Glossary.html#pretty_printing_stream"
><EM CLASS="term"
>pretty printing stream</EM
> and the <A HREF="26_1_Glossary.html#value"
><EM CLASS="term"
> of <A HREF="v_print-pretty.html" CLASS="misc"
> is <A HREF="26_1_Glossary.html#true"
><EM CLASS="term"
>, <A HREF="f_pprint-indent.html" CLASS="funref"
> sets the indentation in the innermost dynamically enclosing logical block; otherwise, <A HREF="f_pprint-indent.html" CLASS="funref"
> has no effect. </P
><P CLASS="j"
><VAR CLASS="param"
> specifies the indentation in <A HREF="26_1_Glossary.html#em"
><EM CLASS="term"
>. If <VAR CLASS="param"
> is <SPAN CLASS="kwd"
><SPAN CLASS="cmtt"
>, the indentation is set to the horizontal position of the first character in the <EM CLASS="term"
>dynamically current logical block</EM
> plus <VAR CLASS="param"
> <A HREF="26_1_Glossary.html#em"
><EM CLASS="term"
>. If <VAR CLASS="param"
> is <SPAN CLASS="kwd"
><SPAN CLASS="cmtt"
>, the indentation is set to the current output position plus <VAR CLASS="param"
> <A HREF="26_1_Glossary.html#em"
><EM CLASS="term"
>. (For robustness in the face of variable-width fonts, it is advisable to use <SPAN CLASS="kwd"
><SPAN CLASS="cmtt"
> with an <VAR CLASS="param"
> of zero whenever possible.) </P
><P CLASS="j"
><VAR CLASS="param"
> can be negative; however, the total indentation cannot be moved left of the beginning of the line or left of the end of the rightmost per-line prefix &#8212; an attempt to move beyond one of these limits is treated the same as an attempt to move to that limit. Changes in indentation caused by <VAR CLASS="param"
> do not take effect until after the next line break. In addition, in miser mode all calls to <A HREF="f_pprint-indent.html" CLASS="funref"
> are ignored, forcing the lines corresponding to the logical block to line up under the first character in the block.</P
>Exceptional Situations</B
><P CLASS="j"
>An error is signaled if <VAR CLASS="param"
> is any <A HREF="26_1_Glossary.html#object"
><EM CLASS="term"
> other than <SPAN CLASS="kwd"
><SPAN CLASS="cmtt"
> or <SPAN CLASS="kwd"
><SPAN CLASS="cmtt"
>See Also</B
><P CLASS="j"
><A HREF="22_3_Formatted_Output.html#sec_22_3_5_3" CLASS="secref"
><SPAN CLASS="cmr"
> <SPAN CLASS="cmr"
> <SPAN CLASS="cmr"
> <SPAN CLASS="cmr"
> <SPAN CLASS="cmr"
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