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<HTML LANG="en-us"
>with-output-to-string | Common Lisp Nova Spec</TITLE
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>Arguments and Values</B
><P CLASS="j"
><VAR CLASS="param"
> &#8212; a <A HREF="26_1_Glossary.html#variable"
><EM CLASS="term"
> <A HREF="26_1_Glossary.html#name"
><EM CLASS="term"
>. </P
><P CLASS="j"
><VAR CLASS="param"
> &#8212; a <A HREF="26_1_Glossary.html#form"
><EM CLASS="term"
> or <SPAN CLASS="misc"
>; if <A HREF="26_1_Glossary.html#non-nil"
><EM CLASS="term"
>, evaluated to produce <VAR CLASS="param"
>. </P
><P CLASS="j"
><VAR CLASS="param"
> &#8212; a <A HREF="26_1_Glossary.html#string"
><EM CLASS="term"
> that has a <A HREF="26_1_Glossary.html#fill_pointer"
><EM CLASS="term"
>fill pointer</EM
>. </P
><P CLASS="j"
><VAR CLASS="param"
> &#8212; a <A HREF="26_1_Glossary.html#type_specifier"
><EM CLASS="term"
>type specifier</EM
>; evaluated. The default is <A HREF="t_character.html" CLASS="typeref"
>. </P
><P CLASS="j"
><VAR CLASS="param"
> &#8212; a <A HREF="m_declare.html" CLASS="misc"
> <A HREF="26_1_Glossary.html#expression"
><EM CLASS="term"
>; not evaluated. </P
><P CLASS="j"
><VAR CLASS="param"
> &#8212; an <A HREF="26_1_Glossary.html#implicit_progn"
><EM CLASS="term"
>implicit progn</EM
>. </P
><P CLASS="j"
><VAR CLASS="param"
> &#8212; If a <VAR CLASS="param"
> is not supplied or <SPAN CLASS="misc"
>, a <A HREF="26_1_Glossary.html#string"
><EM CLASS="term"
>; otherwise, the <A HREF="26_1_Glossary.html#value"
><EM CLASS="term"
> returned by the <VAR CLASS="param"
><P CLASS="j"
><A HREF="f_with-output-to-string.html" CLASS="macref"
> creates a character <A HREF="26_1_Glossary.html#output"
><EM CLASS="term"
> <A HREF="26_1_Glossary.html#stream"
><EM CLASS="term"
>, performs a series of operations that may send results to this <A HREF="26_1_Glossary.html#stream"
><EM CLASS="term"
>, and then closes the <A HREF="26_1_Glossary.html#stream"
><EM CLASS="term"
>. </P
><P CLASS="j"
>The <VAR CLASS="param"
> names the <A HREF="26_1_Glossary.html#type"
><EM CLASS="term"
> of the elements of the <A HREF="26_1_Glossary.html#stream"
><EM CLASS="term"
>; a <A HREF="26_1_Glossary.html#stream"
><EM CLASS="term"
> is constructed of the most specialized <A HREF="26_1_Glossary.html#type"
><EM CLASS="term"
> that can accommodate elements of the given <A HREF="26_1_Glossary.html#type"
><EM CLASS="term"
>. </P
><P CLASS="j"
>The body is executed as an <A HREF="26_1_Glossary.html#implicit_progn"
><EM CLASS="term"
>implicit progn</EM
> with <VAR CLASS="param"
> bound to an <A HREF="26_1_Glossary.html#output"
><EM CLASS="term"
> <A HREF="26_1_Glossary.html#string_stream"
><EM CLASS="term"
>string stream</EM
>. All output to that <A HREF="26_1_Glossary.html#string_stream"
><EM CLASS="term"
>string stream</EM
> is saved in a <A HREF="26_1_Glossary.html#string"
><EM CLASS="term"
>. </P
><P CLASS="j"
>If <VAR CLASS="param"
> is supplied, <VAR CLASS="param"
> is ignored, and the output is incrementally appended to <VAR CLASS="param"
> as if by use of <A HREF="f_vector-push.html" CLASS="funref"
>. </P
><P CLASS="j"
>The <A HREF="26_1_Glossary.html#output"
><EM CLASS="term"
> <A HREF="26_1_Glossary.html#stream"
><EM CLASS="term"
> is automatically closed on exit from <A HREF="f_with-output-to-string.html" CLASS="macref"
>, no matter whether the exit is normal or abnormal. The <A HREF="26_1_Glossary.html#output"
><EM CLASS="term"
> <A HREF="26_1_Glossary.html#string_stream"
><EM CLASS="term"
>string stream</EM
> to which the <A HREF="26_1_Glossary.html#variable"
><EM CLASS="term"
> <VAR CLASS="param"
> is <A HREF="26_1_Glossary.html#bound"
><EM CLASS="term"
> has <A HREF="26_1_Glossary.html#dynamic_extent"
><EM CLASS="term"
>dynamic extent</EM
>; its <A HREF="26_1_Glossary.html#extent"
><EM CLASS="term"
> ends when the <A HREF="26_1_Glossary.html#form"
><EM CLASS="term"
> is exited. </P
><P CLASS="j"
>If no <VAR CLASS="param"
> is provided, then <A HREF="f_with-output-to-string.html" CLASS="macref"
> produces a <A HREF="26_1_Glossary.html#stream"
><EM CLASS="term"
> that accepts characters and returns a <A HREF="26_1_Glossary.html#string"
><EM CLASS="term"
> of the indicated <VAR CLASS="param"
>. If <VAR CLASS="param"
> is provided, <A HREF="f_with-output-to-string.html" CLASS="macref"
> returns the results of evaluating the last <VAR CLASS="param"
>. </P
><P CLASS="j"
>The consequences are undefined if an attempt is made to <A HREF="26_1_Glossary.html#assign"
><EM CLASS="term"
> the <A HREF="26_1_Glossary.html#variable"
><EM CLASS="term"
> <VAR CLASS="param"
><PRE CLASS="screen"
>(setq fstr (make-array '(0) :element-type 'base-char
:fill-pointer 0 :adjustable t)) <SPAN CLASS="cmsy"
><SPAN CLASS="arrow"
> ""
(with-output-to-string (s fstr)
(format s "here's some output")
(input-stream-p s)) <SPAN CLASS="cmsy"
><SPAN CLASS="arrow"
> <A HREF="26_1_Glossary.html#false"
><EM CLASS="term"
fstr <SPAN CLASS="cmsy"
><SPAN CLASS="arrow"
> "here's some output"</PRE
>Side Effects</B
><P CLASS="j"
>The <VAR CLASS="param"
> is modified.</P
>Exceptional Situations</B
><P CLASS="j"
>The consequences are undefined if destructive modifications are performed directly on the <VAR CLASS="param"
> during the <A HREF="26_1_Glossary.html#dynamic_extent"
><EM CLASS="term"
>dynamic extent</EM
> of the call.</P
>See Also</B
><P CLASS="j"
><A HREF="f_make-string-output-stream.html" CLASS="funref"
>, <A HREF="f_vector-push.html" CLASS="funref"
>, <A HREF="3_6_Traversal_Rules_and_Side_Effects.html#sec_3_6" CLASS="secref"
><SPAN CLASS="cmr"
> <SPAN CLASS="cmr"
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