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<h4 class="subsection" id="Class-Definition-Protocol-1"><span>8.11.5 Class Definition Protocol<a class="copiable-link" href="#Class-Definition-Protocol-1"> &para;</a></span></h4>
<p>Here is a summary diagram of the syntax, procedures and generic
functions that may be involved in class definition.
<p><code class="code">define-class</code> (syntax)
<ul class="itemize mark-bullet">
<li><code class="code">class</code> (syntax)
<ul class="itemize mark-bullet">
<li><code class="code">make-class</code> (procedure)
<ul class="itemize mark-bullet">
<li><code class="code">ensure-metaclass</code> (procedure)
</li><li><code class="code">make <var class="var">metaclass</var> &hellip;</code> (generic)
<ul class="itemize mark-bullet">
<li><code class="code">allocate-instance</code> (generic)
</li><li><code class="code">initialize</code> (generic)
<ul class="itemize mark-bullet">
<li><code class="code">compute-cpl</code> (generic)
<ul class="itemize mark-bullet">
<li><code class="code">compute-std-cpl</code> (procedure)
</li><li><code class="code">compute-slots</code> (generic)
</li><li><code class="code">compute-get-n-set</code> (generic)
</li><li><code class="code">compute-getter-method</code> (generic)
</li><li><code class="code">compute-setter-method</code> (generic)
</li><li><code class="code">class-redefinition</code> (generic)
<ul class="itemize mark-bullet">
<li><code class="code">remove-class-accessors</code> (generic)
</li><li><code class="code">update-direct-method!</code> (generic)
</li><li><code class="code">update-direct-subclass!</code> (generic)
<p>Wherever a step above is marked as &ldquo;generic&rdquo;, it can be customized,
and the detail shown below it is only &ldquo;correct&rdquo; insofar as it
describes what the default method of that generic function does. For
example, if you write an <code class="code">initialize</code> method, for some metaclass,
that does not call <code class="code">next-method</code> and does not call
<code class="code">compute-cpl</code>, then <code class="code">compute-cpl</code> will not be called when a
class is defined with that metaclass.
<p>A <code class="code">(define-class ...)</code> form (see <a class="pxref" href="Class-Definition.html">Class Definition</a>) expands to
an expression which
<ul class="itemize mark-bullet">
<li>checks that it is being evaluated only at top level
</li><li>defines any accessors that are implied by the <var class="var">slot-definition</var>s
</li><li>uses <code class="code">class</code> to create the new class
</li><li>checks for a previous class definition for <var class="var">name</var> and, if found,
handles the redefinition by invoking <code class="code">class-redefinition</code>
(see <a class="pxref" href="Redefining-a-Class.html">Redefining a Class</a>).
<dl class="first-deffn">
<dt class="deffn" id="index-class-1"><span class="category-def">syntax: </span><span><strong class="def-name">class</strong> <var class="def-var-arguments">name (super &hellip;) slot-definition &hellip; class-option &hellip;</var><a class="copiable-link" href="#index-class-1"> &para;</a></span></dt>
<dd><p>Return a newly created class that inherits from <var class="var">super</var>s, with
direct slots defined by <var class="var">slot-definition</var>s and <var class="var">class-option</var>s.
For the format of <var class="var">slot-definition</var>s and <var class="var">class-option</var>s, see
<a class="ref" href="Class-Definition.html">define-class</a>.
<p><code class="code">class</code> expands to an expression which
<ul class="itemize mark-bullet">
<li>processes the class and slot definition options to check that they are
well-formed, to convert the <code class="code">#:init-form</code> option to an
<code class="code">#:init-thunk</code> option, to supply a default environment parameter
(the current top-level environment) and to evaluate all the bits that
need to be evaluated
</li><li>calls <code class="code">make-class</code> to create the class with the processed and
evaluated parameters.
<dl class="first-deffn">
<dt class="deffn" id="index-make_002dclass"><span class="category-def">procedure: </span><span><strong class="def-name">make-class</strong> <var class="def-var-arguments">supers slots class-option &hellip;</var><a class="copiable-link" href="#index-make_002dclass"> &para;</a></span></dt>
<dd><p>Return a newly created class that inherits from <var class="var">supers</var>, with
direct slots defined by <var class="var">slots</var> and <var class="var">class-option</var>s. For the
format of <var class="var">slots</var> and <var class="var">class-option</var>s, see <a class="ref" href="Class-Definition.html">define-class</a>, except note that for <code class="code">make-class</code>,
<var class="var">slots</var> is a separate list of slot definitions.
<p><code class="code">make-class</code>
<ul class="itemize mark-bullet">
<li>adds <code class="code">&lt;object&gt;</code> to the <var class="var">supers</var> list if <var class="var">supers</var> is empty
or if none of the classes in <var class="var">supers</var> have <code class="code">&lt;object&gt;</code> in their
class precedence list
</li><li>defaults the <code class="code">#:environment</code>, <code class="code">#:name</code> and <code class="code">#:metaclass</code>
options, if they are not specified by <var class="var">options</var>, to the current
top-level environment, the unbound value, and <code class="code">(ensure-metaclass
<var class="var">supers</var>)</code> respectively
</li><li>checks for duplicate classes in <var class="var">supers</var> and duplicate slot names in
<var class="var">slots</var>, and signals an error if there are any duplicates
</li><li>calls <code class="code">make</code>, passing the metaclass as the first parameter and all
other parameters as option keywords with values.
<dl class="first-deffn">
<dt class="deffn" id="index-ensure_002dmetaclass"><span class="category-def">procedure: </span><span><strong class="def-name">ensure-metaclass</strong> <var class="def-var-arguments">supers env</var><a class="copiable-link" href="#index-ensure_002dmetaclass"> &para;</a></span></dt>
<dd><p>Return a metaclass suitable for a class that inherits from the list of
classes in <var class="var">supers</var>. The returned metaclass is the union by
inheritance of the metaclasses of the classes in <var class="var">supers</var>.
<p>In the simplest case, where all the <var class="var">supers</var> are straightforward
classes with metaclass <code class="code">&lt;class&gt;</code>, the returned metaclass is just
<code class="code">&lt;class&gt;</code>.
<p>For a more complex example, suppose that <var class="var">supers</var> contained one
class with metaclass <code class="code">&lt;operator-class&gt;</code> and one with metaclass
<code class="code">&lt;foreign-object-class&gt;</code>. Then the returned metaclass would be a
class that inherits from both <code class="code">&lt;operator-class&gt;</code> and
<code class="code">&lt;foreign-object-class&gt;</code>.
<p>If <var class="var">supers</var> is the empty list, <code class="code">ensure-metaclass</code> returns the
default GOOPS metaclass <code class="code">&lt;class&gt;</code>.
<p>GOOPS keeps a list of the metaclasses created by
<code class="code">ensure-metaclass</code>, so that each required type of metaclass only
has to be created once.
<p>The <code class="code">env</code> parameter is ignored.
<dl class="first-deffn">
<dt class="deffn" id="index-make-3"><span class="category-def">generic: </span><span><strong class="def-name">make</strong> <var class="def-var-arguments">metaclass initarg &hellip;</var><a class="copiable-link" href="#index-make-3"> &para;</a></span></dt>
<dd><p><var class="var">metaclass</var> is the metaclass of the class being defined, either
taken from the <code class="code">#:metaclass</code> class option or computed by
<code class="code">ensure-metaclass</code>. The applied method must create and return the
fully initialized class metaobject for the new class definition.
<p>The <code class="code">(make <var class="var">metaclass</var> <var class="var">initarg</var> &hellip;)</code> invocation is a
particular case of the instance creation protocol covered in the
previous section. It will create an class metaobject with metaclass
<var class="var">metaclass</var>. By default, this metaobject will be initialized by the
<code class="code">initialize</code> method that is specialized for instances of type
<code class="code">&lt;class&gt;</code>.
<p>The <code class="code">initialize</code> method for classes (signature <code class="code">(initialize
&lt;class&gt; initargs)</code>) calls the following generic functions.
<ul class="itemize mark-bullet">
<li><code class="code">compute-cpl <var class="var">class</var></code> (generic)
<p>The applied method should compute and return the class precedence list
for <var class="var">class</var> as a list of class metaobjects. When <code class="code">compute-cpl</code>
is called, the following <var class="var">class</var> metaobject slots have all been
initialized: <code class="code">name</code>, <code class="code">direct-supers</code>, <code class="code">direct-slots</code>,
<code class="code">direct-subclasses</code> (empty), <code class="code">direct-methods</code>. The value
returned by <code class="code">compute-cpl</code> will be stored in the <code class="code">cpl</code> slot.
</li><li><code class="code">compute-slots <var class="var">class</var></code> (generic)
<p>The applied method should compute and return the slots (union of direct
and inherited) for <var class="var">class</var> as a list of slot definitions. When
<code class="code">compute-slots</code> is called, all the <var class="var">class</var> metaobject slots
mentioned for <code class="code">compute-cpl</code> have been initialized, plus the
following: <code class="code">cpl</code>, <code class="code">redefined</code> (<code class="code">#f</code>), <code class="code">environment</code>.
The value returned by <code class="code">compute-slots</code> will be stored in the
<code class="code">slots</code> slot.
</li><li><code class="code">compute-get-n-set <var class="var">class</var> <var class="var">slot-def</var></code> (generic)
<p><code class="code">initialize</code> calls <code class="code">compute-get-n-set</code> for each slot computed
by <code class="code">compute-slots</code>. The applied method should compute and return a
pair of closures that, respectively, get and set the value of the specified
slot. The get closure should have arity 1 and expect a single argument
that is the instance whose slot value is to be retrieved. The set closure
should have arity 2 and expect two arguments, where the first argument is
the instance whose slot value is to be set and the second argument is the
new value for that slot. The closures should be returned in a two element
list: <code class="code">(list <var class="var">get</var> <var class="var">set</var>)</code>.
<p>The closures returned by <code class="code">compute-get-n-set</code> are stored as part of
the value of the <var class="var">class</var> metaobject&rsquo;s <code class="code">getters-n-setters</code> slot.
Specifically, the value of this slot is a list with the same number of
elements as there are slots in the class, and each element looks either like
<div class="example">
<pre class="example-preformatted"><code class="code">(<var class="var">slot-name-symbol</var> <var class="var">init-function</var> . <var class="var">index</var>)</code>
<p>or like
<div class="example">
<pre class="example-preformatted"><code class="code">(<var class="var">slot-name-symbol</var> <var class="var">init-function</var> <var class="var">get</var> <var class="var">set</var>)</code>
<p>Where the get and set closures are replaced by <var class="var">index</var>, the slot is
an instance slot and <var class="var">index</var> is the slot&rsquo;s index in the underlying
structure: GOOPS knows how to get and set the value of such slots and so
does not need specially constructed get and set closures. Otherwise,
<var class="var">get</var> and <var class="var">set</var> are the closures returned by <code class="code">compute-get-n-set</code>.
<p>The structure of the <code class="code">getters-n-setters</code> slot value is important when
understanding the next customizable generic functions that <code class="code">initialize</code>
</li><li><code class="code">compute-getter-method <var class="var">class</var> <var class="var">gns</var></code> (generic)
<p><code class="code">initialize</code> calls <code class="code">compute-getter-method</code> for each of the
class&rsquo;s slots (as determined by <code class="code">compute-slots</code>) that includes a
<code class="code">#:getter</code> or <code class="code">#:accessor</code> slot option. <var class="var">gns</var> is the
element of the <var class="var">class</var> metaobject&rsquo;s <code class="code">getters-n-setters</code> slot
that specifies how the slot in question is referenced and set, as
described above under <code class="code">compute-get-n-set</code>. The applied method
should create and return a method that is specialized for instances of
type <var class="var">class</var> and uses the get closure to retrieve the slot&rsquo;s value.
<code class="code">initialize</code> uses <code class="code">add-method!</code> to add the returned method to
the generic function named by the slot definition&rsquo;s <code class="code">#:getter</code> or
<code class="code">#:accessor</code> option.
</li><li><code class="code">compute-setter-method <var class="var">class</var> <var class="var">gns</var></code> (generic)
<p><code class="code">compute-setter-method</code> is invoked with the same arguments as
<code class="code">compute-getter-method</code>, for each of the class&rsquo;s slots that includes
a <code class="code">#:setter</code> or <code class="code">#:accessor</code> slot option. The applied method
should create and return a method that is specialized for instances of
type <var class="var">class</var> and uses the set closure to set the slot&rsquo;s value.
<code class="code">initialize</code> then uses <code class="code">add-method!</code> to add the returned method
to the generic function named by the slot definition&rsquo;s <code class="code">#:setter</code>
or <code class="code">#:accessor</code> option.
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