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<h4 class="subsection" id="PEG-Tutorial-1"><span>6.15.3 PEG Tutorial<a class="copiable-link" href="#PEG-Tutorial-1"> &para;</a></span></h4>
<h4 class="subsubheading" id="Parsing-_002fetc_002fpasswd"><span>Parsing /etc/passwd<a class="copiable-link" href="#Parsing-_002fetc_002fpasswd"> &para;</a></span></h4>
<p>This example will show how to parse /etc/passwd using PEGs.
<p>First we define an example /etc/passwd file:
<div class="example lisp">
<pre class="lisp-preformatted">(define *etc-passwd*
<p>As a first pass at this, we might want to have all the entries in
/etc/passwd in a list.
<p>Doing this with string-based PEG syntax would look like this:
</p><div class="example lisp">
<pre class="lisp-preformatted">(define-peg-string-patterns
&quot;passwd &lt;- entry* !.
entry &lt;-- (! NL .)* NL*
NL &lt; '\n'&quot;)
<p>A <code class="code">passwd</code> file is 0 or more entries (<code class="code">entry*</code>) until the end
of the file (<code class="code">!.</code> (<code class="code">.</code> is any character, so <code class="code">!.</code> means
&ldquo;not anything&rdquo;)). We want to capture the data in the nonterminal
<code class="code">passwd</code>, but not tag it with the name, so we use <code class="code">&lt;-</code>.
<p>An entry is a series of 0 or more characters that aren&rsquo;t newlines
(<code class="code">(! NL .)*</code>) followed by 0 or more newlines (<code class="code">NL*</code>). We want
to tag all the entries with <code class="code">entry</code>, so we use <code class="code">&lt;--</code>.
<p>A newline is just a literal newline (<code class="code">'\n'</code>). We don&rsquo;t want a
bunch of newlines cluttering up the output, so we use <code class="code">&lt;</code> to throw
away the captured data.
<p>Here is the same PEG defined using S-expressions:
</p><div class="example lisp">
<pre class="lisp-preformatted">(define-peg-pattern passwd body (and (* entry) (not-followed-by peg-any)))
(define-peg-pattern entry all (and (* (and (not-followed-by NL) peg-any))
(* NL)))
(define-peg-pattern NL none &quot;\n&quot;)
<p>Obviously this is much more verbose. On the other hand, it&rsquo;s more
explicit, and thus easier to build automatically. However, there are
some tricks that make S-expressions easier to use in some cases. One is
the <code class="code">ignore</code> keyword; the string syntax has no way to say &ldquo;throw
away this text&rdquo; except breaking it out into a separate nonterminal.
For instance, to throw away the newlines we had to define <code class="code">NL</code>. In
the S-expression syntax, we could have simply written <code class="code">(ignore
&quot;\n&quot;)</code>. Also, for the cases where string syntax is really much cleaner,
the <code class="code">peg</code> keyword can be used to embed string syntax in
S-expression syntax. For instance, we could have written:
<div class="example lisp">
<pre class="lisp-preformatted">(define-peg-pattern passwd body (peg &quot;entry* !.&quot;))
<p>However we define it, parsing <code class="code">*etc-passwd*</code> with the <code class="code">passwd</code>
nonterminal yields the same results:
<div class="example lisp">
<pre class="lisp-preformatted">(peg:tree (match-pattern passwd *etc-passwd*)) &rArr;
((entry &quot;root:x:0:0:root:/root:/bin/bash&quot;)
(entry &quot;daemon:x:1:1:daemon:/usr/sbin:/bin/sh&quot;)
(entry &quot;bin:x:2:2:bin:/bin:/bin/sh&quot;)
(entry &quot;sys:x:3:3:sys:/dev:/bin/sh&quot;)
(entry &quot;nobody:x:65534:65534:nobody:/nonexistent:/bin/sh&quot;)
(entry &quot;messagebus:x:103:107::/var/run/dbus:/bin/false&quot;))
<p>However, here is something to be wary of:
<div class="example lisp">
<pre class="lisp-preformatted">(peg:tree (match-pattern passwd &quot;one entry&quot;)) &rArr;
(entry &quot;one entry&quot;)
<p>By default, the parse trees generated by PEGs are compressed as much as
possible without losing information. It may not look like this is what
you want at first, but uncompressed parse trees are an enormous headache
(there&rsquo;s no easy way to predict how deep particular lists will nest,
there are empty lists littered everywhere, etc. etc.). One side-effect
of this, however, is that sometimes the compressor is too aggressive.
No information is discarded when <code class="code">((entry &quot;one entry&quot;))</code> is
compressed to <code class="code">(entry &quot;one entry&quot;)</code>, but in this particular case it
probably isn&rsquo;t what we want.
<p>There are two functions for easily dealing with this:
<code class="code">keyword-flatten</code> and <code class="code">context-flatten</code>. The
<code class="code">keyword-flatten</code> function takes a list of keywords and a list to
flatten, then tries to coerce the list such that the first element of
all sublists is one of the keywords. The <code class="code">context-flatten</code>
function is similar, but instead of a list of keywords it takes a
predicate that should indicate whether a given sublist is good enough
(refer to the API reference for more details).
<p>What we want here is <code class="code">keyword-flatten</code>.
</p><div class="example lisp">
<pre class="lisp-preformatted">(keyword-flatten '(entry) (peg:tree (match-pattern passwd *etc-passwd*))) &rArr;
((entry &quot;root:x:0:0:root:/root:/bin/bash&quot;)
(entry &quot;daemon:x:1:1:daemon:/usr/sbin:/bin/sh&quot;)
(entry &quot;bin:x:2:2:bin:/bin:/bin/sh&quot;)
(entry &quot;sys:x:3:3:sys:/dev:/bin/sh&quot;)
(entry &quot;nobody:x:65534:65534:nobody:/nonexistent:/bin/sh&quot;)
(entry &quot;messagebus:x:103:107::/var/run/dbus:/bin/false&quot;))
(keyword-flatten '(entry) (peg:tree (match-pattern passwd &quot;one entry&quot;))) &rArr;
((entry &quot;one entry&quot;))
<p>Of course, this is a somewhat contrived example. In practice we would
probably just tag the <code class="code">passwd</code> nonterminal to remove the ambiguity
(using either the <code class="code">all</code> keyword for S-expressions or the <code class="code">&lt;--</code>
symbol for strings)..
<div class="example lisp">
<pre class="lisp-preformatted">(define-peg-pattern tag-passwd all (peg &quot;entry* !.&quot;))
(peg:tree (match-pattern tag-passwd *etc-passwd*)) &rArr;
(entry &quot;root:x:0:0:root:/root:/bin/bash&quot;)
(entry &quot;daemon:x:1:1:daemon:/usr/sbin:/bin/sh&quot;)
(entry &quot;bin:x:2:2:bin:/bin:/bin/sh&quot;)
(entry &quot;sys:x:3:3:sys:/dev:/bin/sh&quot;)
(entry &quot;nobody:x:65534:65534:nobody:/nonexistent:/bin/sh&quot;)
(entry &quot;messagebus:x:103:107::/var/run/dbus:/bin/false&quot;))
(peg:tree (match-pattern tag-passwd &quot;one entry&quot;))
(entry &quot;one entry&quot;))
<p>If you&rsquo;re ever uncertain about the potential results of parsing
something, remember the two absolute rules:
</p><ol class="enumerate">
<li> No parsing information will ever be discarded.
</li><li> There will never be any lists with fewer than 2 elements.
<p>For the purposes of (1), &quot;parsing information&quot; means things tagged with
the <code class="code">any</code> keyword or the <code class="code">&lt;--</code> symbol. Plain strings will be
<p>Let&rsquo;s extend this example a bit more and actually pull some useful
information out of the passwd file:
<div class="example lisp">
<pre class="lisp-preformatted">(define-peg-string-patterns
&quot;passwd &lt;-- entry* !.
entry &lt;-- login C pass C uid C gid C nameORcomment C homedir C shell NL*
login &lt;-- text
pass &lt;-- text
uid &lt;-- [0-9]*
gid &lt;-- [0-9]*
nameORcomment &lt;-- text
homedir &lt;-- path
shell &lt;-- path
path &lt;-- (SLASH pathELEMENT)*
pathELEMENT &lt;-- (!NL !C !'/' .)*
text &lt;- (!NL !C .)*
C &lt; ':'
NL &lt; '\n'
SLASH &lt; '/'&quot;)
<p>This produces rather pretty parse trees:
</p><div class="example lisp">
<pre class="lisp-preformatted">(passwd
(entry (login &quot;root&quot;)
(pass &quot;x&quot;)
(uid &quot;0&quot;)
(gid &quot;0&quot;)
(nameORcomment &quot;root&quot;)
(homedir (path (pathELEMENT &quot;root&quot;)))
(shell (path (pathELEMENT &quot;bin&quot;) (pathELEMENT &quot;bash&quot;))))
(entry (login &quot;daemon&quot;)
(pass &quot;x&quot;)
(uid &quot;1&quot;)
(gid &quot;1&quot;)
(nameORcomment &quot;daemon&quot;)
(path (pathELEMENT &quot;usr&quot;) (pathELEMENT &quot;sbin&quot;)))
(shell (path (pathELEMENT &quot;bin&quot;) (pathELEMENT &quot;sh&quot;))))
(entry (login &quot;bin&quot;)
(pass &quot;x&quot;)
(uid &quot;2&quot;)
(gid &quot;2&quot;)
(nameORcomment &quot;bin&quot;)
(homedir (path (pathELEMENT &quot;bin&quot;)))
(shell (path (pathELEMENT &quot;bin&quot;) (pathELEMENT &quot;sh&quot;))))
(entry (login &quot;sys&quot;)
(pass &quot;x&quot;)
(uid &quot;3&quot;)
(gid &quot;3&quot;)
(nameORcomment &quot;sys&quot;)
(homedir (path (pathELEMENT &quot;dev&quot;)))
(shell (path (pathELEMENT &quot;bin&quot;) (pathELEMENT &quot;sh&quot;))))
(entry (login &quot;nobody&quot;)
(pass &quot;x&quot;)
(uid &quot;65534&quot;)
(gid &quot;65534&quot;)
(nameORcomment &quot;nobody&quot;)
(homedir (path (pathELEMENT &quot;nonexistent&quot;)))
(shell (path (pathELEMENT &quot;bin&quot;) (pathELEMENT &quot;sh&quot;))))
(entry (login &quot;messagebus&quot;)
(pass &quot;x&quot;)
(uid &quot;103&quot;)
(gid &quot;107&quot;)
(path (pathELEMENT &quot;var&quot;)
(pathELEMENT &quot;run&quot;)
(pathELEMENT &quot;dbus&quot;)))
(shell (path (pathELEMENT &quot;bin&quot;) (pathELEMENT &quot;false&quot;)))))
<p>Notice that when there&rsquo;s no entry in a field (e.g. <code class="code">nameORcomment</code>
for messagebus) the symbol is inserted. This is the &ldquo;don&rsquo;t throw away
any information&rdquo; rule&mdash;we successfully matched a <code class="code">nameORcomment</code>
of 0 characters (since we used <code class="code">*</code> when defining it). This is
usually what you want, because it allows you to e.g. use <code class="code">list-ref</code>
to pull out elements (since they all have known offsets).
<p>If you&rsquo;d prefer not to have symbols for empty matches, you can replace
the <code class="code">*</code> with a <code class="code">+</code> and add a <code class="code">?</code> after the
<code class="code">nameORcomment</code> in <code class="code">entry</code>. Then it will try to parse 1 or
more characters, fail (inserting nothing into the parse tree), but
continue because it didn&rsquo;t have to match the nameORcomment to continue.
<h4 class="subsubheading" id="Embedding-Arithmetic-Expressions"><span>Embedding Arithmetic Expressions<a class="copiable-link" href="#Embedding-Arithmetic-Expressions"> &para;</a></span></h4>
<p>We can parse simple mathematical expressions with the following PEG:
<div class="example lisp">
<pre class="lisp-preformatted">(define-peg-string-patterns
&quot;expr &lt;- sum
sum &lt;-- (product ('+' / '-') sum) / product
product &lt;-- (value ('*' / '/') product) / value
value &lt;-- number / '(' expr ')'
number &lt;-- [0-9]+&quot;)
</p><div class="example lisp">
<pre class="lisp-preformatted">(peg:tree (match-pattern expr &quot;1+1/2*3+(1+1)/2&quot;)) &rArr;
(sum (product (value (number &quot;1&quot;)))
(sum (product
(value (number &quot;1&quot;))
(value (number &quot;2&quot;))
(product (value (number &quot;3&quot;)))))
(sum (product
(value &quot;(&quot;
(sum (product (value (number &quot;1&quot;)))
(sum (product (value (number &quot;1&quot;)))))
(product (value (number &quot;2&quot;)))))))
<p>There is very little wasted effort in this PEG. The <code class="code">number</code>
nonterminal has to be tagged because otherwise the numbers might run
together with the arithmetic expressions during the string concatenation
stage of parse-tree compression (the parser will see &ldquo;1&rdquo; followed by
&ldquo;/&rdquo; and decide to call it &ldquo;1/&rdquo;). When in doubt, tag.
<p>It is very easy to turn these parse trees into lisp expressions:
<div class="example lisp">
<pre class="lisp-preformatted">(define (parse-sum sum left . rest)
(if (null? rest)
(apply parse-product left)
(list (string-&gt;symbol (car rest))
(apply parse-product left)
(apply parse-sum (cadr rest)))))
(define (parse-product product left . rest)
(if (null? rest)
(apply parse-value left)
(list (string-&gt;symbol (car rest))
(apply parse-value left)
(apply parse-product (cadr rest)))))
(define (parse-value value first . rest)
(if (null? rest)
(string-&gt;number (cadr first))
(apply parse-sum (car rest))))
(define parse-expr parse-sum)
<p>(Notice all these functions look very similar; for a more complicated
PEG, it would be worth abstracting.)
</p><div class="example lisp">
<pre class="lisp-preformatted">(apply parse-expr (peg:tree (match-pattern expr &quot;1+1/2*3+(1+1)/2&quot;))) &rArr;
(+ 1 (+ (/ 1 (* 2 3)) (/ (+ 1 1) 2)))
<p>But wait! The associativity is wrong! Where it says <code class="code">(/ 1 (* 2
3))</code>, it should say <code class="code">(* (/ 1 2) 3)</code>.
<p>It&rsquo;s tempting to try replacing e.g. <code class="code">&quot;sum &lt;-- (product ('+' / '-')
sum) / product&quot;</code> with <code class="code">&quot;sum &lt;-- (sum ('+' / '-') product) /
product&quot;</code>, but this is a Bad Idea. PEGs don&rsquo;t support left recursion.
To see why, imagine what the parser will do here. When it tries to
parse <code class="code">sum</code>, it first has to try and parse <code class="code">sum</code>. But to do
that, it first has to try and parse <code class="code">sum</code>. This will continue
until the stack gets blown off.
<p>So how does one parse left-associative binary operators with PEGs?
Honestly, this is one of their major shortcomings. There&rsquo;s no
general-purpose way of doing this, but here the repetition operators are
a good choice:
<div class="example lisp">
<pre class="lisp-preformatted">(use-modules (srfi srfi-1))
&quot;expr &lt;- sum
sum &lt;-- (product ('+' / '-'))* product
product &lt;-- (value ('*' / '/'))* value
value &lt;-- number / '(' expr ')'
number &lt;-- [0-9]+&quot;)
;; take a deep breath...
(define (make-left-parser next-func)
(lambda (sum first . rest) ;; general form, comments below assume
;; that we're dealing with a sum expression
(if (null? rest) ;; form (sum (product ...))
(apply next-func first)
(if (string? (cadr first));; form (sum ((product ...) &quot;+&quot;) (product ...))
(list (string-&gt;symbol (cadr first))
(apply next-func (car first))
(apply next-func (car rest)))
;; form (sum (((product ...) &quot;+&quot;) ((product ...) &quot;+&quot;)) (product ...))
(reduce ;; walk through the list and build a left-associative tree
(lambda (l r)
(list (list (cadr r) (car r) (apply next-func (car l)))
(string-&gt;symbol (cadr l))))
(append ;; make a list of all the products
;; the first one should be pre-parsed
(list (list (apply next-func (caar first))
(string-&gt;symbol (cadar first))))
(cdr first)
;; the last one has to be added in
(list (append rest '(&quot;done&quot;))))))))))
(define (parse-value value first . rest)
(if (null? rest)
(string-&gt;number (cadr first))
(apply parse-sum (car rest))))
(define parse-product (make-left-parser parse-value))
(define parse-sum (make-left-parser parse-product))
(define parse-expr parse-sum)
</p><div class="example lisp">
<pre class="lisp-preformatted">(apply parse-expr (peg:tree (match-pattern expr &quot;1+1/2*3+(1+1)/2&quot;))) &rArr;
(+ (+ 1 (* (/ 1 2) 3)) (/ (+ 1 1) 2))
<p>As you can see, this is much uglier (it could be made prettier by using
<code class="code">context-flatten</code>, but the way it&rsquo;s written above makes it clear
how we deal with the three ways the zero-or-more <code class="code">*</code> expression can
parse). Fortunately, most of the time we can get away with only using
<h4 class="subsubheading" id="Simplified-Functions"><span>Simplified Functions<a class="copiable-link" href="#Simplified-Functions"> &para;</a></span></h4>
<p>For a more tantalizing example, consider the following grammar that
parses (highly) simplified C functions:
<div class="example lisp">
<pre class="lisp-preformatted">(define-peg-string-patterns
&quot;cfunc &lt;-- cSP ctype cSP cname cSP cargs cLB cSP cbody cRB
ctype &lt;-- cidentifier
cname &lt;-- cidentifier
cargs &lt;-- cLP (! (cSP cRP) carg cSP (cCOMMA / cRP) cSP)* cSP
carg &lt;-- cSP ctype cSP cname
cbody &lt;-- cstatement *
cidentifier &lt;- [a-zA-z][a-zA-Z0-9_]*
cstatement &lt;-- (!';'.)*cSC cSP
cSC &lt; ';'
cCOMMA &lt; ','
cLP &lt; '('
cRP &lt; ')'
cLB &lt; '{'
cRB &lt; '}'
cSP &lt; [ \t\n]*&quot;)
</p><div class="example lisp">
<pre class="lisp-preformatted">(match-pattern cfunc &quot;int square(int a) { return a*a;}&quot;) &rArr;
(cfunc (ctype &quot;int&quot;)
(cname &quot;square&quot;)
(cargs (carg (ctype &quot;int&quot;) (cname &quot;a&quot;)))
(cbody (cstatement &quot;return a*a&quot;))))
</p><div class="example lisp">
<pre class="lisp-preformatted">(match-pattern cfunc &quot;int mod(int a, int b) { int c = a/b;return a-b*c; }&quot;) &rArr;
(cfunc (ctype &quot;int&quot;)
(cname &quot;mod&quot;)
(cargs (carg (ctype &quot;int&quot;) (cname &quot;a&quot;))
(carg (ctype &quot;int&quot;) (cname &quot;b&quot;)))
(cbody (cstatement &quot;int c = a/b&quot;)
(cstatement &quot;return a- b*c&quot;))))
<p>By wrapping all the <code class="code">carg</code> nonterminals in a <code class="code">cargs</code>
nonterminal, we were able to remove any ambiguity in the parsing
structure and avoid having to call <code class="code">context-flatten</code> on the output
of <code class="code">match-pattern</code>. We used the same trick with the <code class="code">cstatement</code>
nonterminals, wrapping them in a <code class="code">cbody</code> nonterminal.
<p>The whitespace nonterminal <code class="code">cSP</code> used here is a (very) useful
instantiation of a common pattern for matching syntactically irrelevant
information. Since it&rsquo;s tagged with <code class="code">&lt;</code> and ends with <code class="code">*</code> it
won&rsquo;t clutter up the parse trees (all the empty lists will be discarded
during the compression step) and it will never cause parsing to fail.
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