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<h4 class="subsection" id="PEG-Internals-1"><span>6.15.4 PEG Internals<a class="copiable-link" href="#PEG-Internals-1"> ¶</a></span></h4>
<p>A PEG parser takes a string as input and attempts to parse it as a given
nonterminal. The key idea of the PEG implementation is that every
nonterminal is just a function that takes a string as an argument and
attempts to parse that string as its nonterminal. The functions always
start from the beginning, but a parse is considered successful if there
is material left over at the end.
<p>This makes it easy to model different PEG parsing operations. For
instance, consider the PEG grammar <code class="code">"ab"</code>, which could also be
written <code class="code">(and "a" "b")</code>. It matches the string “ab”. Here’s how
that might be implemented in the PEG style:
<div class="example lisp">
<pre class="lisp-preformatted">(define (match-and-a-b str)
(match-a str)
(match-b str))
<p>As you can see, the use of functions provides an easy way to model
sequencing. In a similar way, one could model <code class="code">(or a b)</code> with
something like the following:
<div class="example lisp">
<pre class="lisp-preformatted">(define (match-or-a-b str)
(or (match-a str) (match-b str)))
<p>Here the semantics of a PEG <code class="code">or</code> expression map naturally onto
Scheme’s <code class="code">or</code> operator. This function will attempt to run
<code class="code">(match-a str)</code>, and return its result if it succeeds. Otherwise it
will run <code class="code">(match-b str)</code>.
<p>Of course, the code above wouldn’t quite work. We need some way for the
parsing functions to communicate. The actual interface used is below.
<h4 class="subsubheading" id="Parsing-Function-Interface"><span>Parsing Function Interface<a class="copiable-link" href="#Parsing-Function-Interface"> ¶</a></span></h4>
<p>A parsing function takes three arguments - a string, the length of that
string, and the position in that string it should start parsing at. In
effect, the parsing functions pass around substrings in pieces - the
first argument is a buffer of characters, and the second two give a
range within that buffer that the parsing function should look at.
<p>Parsing functions return either #f, if they failed to match their
nonterminal, or a list whose first element must be an integer
representing the final position in the string they matched and whose cdr
can be any other data the function wishes to return, or ’() if it
doesn’t have any more data.
<p>The one caveat is that if the extra data it returns is a list, any
adjacent strings in that list will be appended by <code class="code">match-pattern</code>. For
instance, if a parsing function returns <code class="code">(13 ("a" "b" "c"))</code>,
<code class="code">match-pattern</code> will take <code class="code">(13 ("abc"))</code> as its value.
<p>For example, here is a function to match “ab” using the actual
<div class="example lisp">
<pre class="lisp-preformatted">(define (match-a-b str len pos)
(and (<= (+ pos 2) len)
(string= str "ab" pos (+ pos 2))
(list (+ pos 2) '()))) ; we return no extra information
<p>The above function can be used to match a string by running
<code class="code">(match-pattern match-a-b "ab")</code>.
<h4 class="subsubheading" id="Code-Generators-and-Extensible-Syntax"><span>Code Generators and Extensible Syntax<a class="copiable-link" href="#Code-Generators-and-Extensible-Syntax"> ¶</a></span></h4>
<p>PEG expressions, such as those in a <code class="code">define-peg-pattern</code> form, are
interpreted internally in two steps.
<p>First, any string PEG is expanded into an s-expression PEG by the code
in the <code class="code">(ice-9 peg string-peg)</code> module.
<p>Then, the s-expression PEG that results is compiled into a parsing
function by the <code class="code">(ice-9 peg codegen)</code> module. In particular, the
function <code class="code">compile-peg-pattern</code> is called on the s-expression. It then
decides what to do based on the form it is passed.
<p>The PEG syntax can be expanded by providing <code class="code">compile-peg-pattern</code> more
options for what to do with its forms. The extended syntax will be
associated with a symbol, for instance <code class="code">my-parsing-form</code>, and will
be called on all PEG expressions of the form
</p><div class="example lisp">
<pre class="lisp-preformatted">(my-parsing-form ...)
<p>The parsing function should take two arguments. The first will be a
syntax object containing a list with all of the arguments to the form
(but not the form’s name), and the second will be the
<code class="code">capture-type</code> argument that is passed to <code class="code">define-peg-pattern</code>.
<p>New functions can be registered by calling <code class="code">(add-peg-compiler!
symbol function)</code>, where <code class="code">symbol</code> is the symbol that will indicate
a form of this type and <code class="code">function</code> is the code generating function
described above. The function <code class="code">add-peg-compiler!</code> is exported from
the <code class="code">(ice-9 peg codegen)</code> module.
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