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<TITLE>27.6. Pretty Printing Dispatch Tables</TITLE>
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<b>Common Lisp the Language, 2nd Edition</b>
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<H1><A NAME=SECTION003160000000000000000>27.6. Pretty Printing Dispatch Tables</A></H1>
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When <tt>*print-pretty*</tt> is not <tt>nil</tt>, the pprint dispatch table in the variable
<tt>*print-pprint-dispatch*</tt> controls how objects are printed. The information
in this table takes precedence over all other mechanisms for specifying how
to print objects. In particular, it overrides user-defined <tt>print-object</tt>
methods and print functions for structures. However, if there is no
specification for how to pretty print a particular kind of object, it is then
printed using the standard mechanisms as if <tt>*print-pretty*</tt> were <tt>nil</tt>.
A pprint dispatch table is a mapping from keys to pairs of values. The keys
are type specifiers. The values are functions and numerical priorities.
Basic insertion and retrieval is done based on the keys with the equality
of keys being tested by <tt>equal</tt>. The function to use when pretty printing an
object is chosen by finding the highest priority function in
<tt>*print-pprint-dispatch*</tt> that is associated with a type specifier that
matches the object.
<tt>copy-pprint-dispatch &amp;optional <i>table</i></tt><P>A copy is made of <i>table</i>, which defaults to the current pprint dispatch
table. If <i>table</i> is <tt>nil</tt>, a copy is returned of the initial value of
<tt>pprint-dispatch <i>object</i> &amp;optional <i>table</i></tt><P>This retrieves the highest priority function from a pprint table that is
associated with a type specifier in the table that matches <i>object</i>.
The function is chosen by finding all the type specifiers in <i>table</i>
that match the object and selecting the highest priority function
associated with any of these type specifiers. If there is more than one
highest priority function, an arbitrary choice is made. If no type
specifiers match the object, a function is returned that prints object with
<tt>*print-pretty*</tt> bound to <tt>nil</tt>.
As a second return value, <tt>pprint-dispatch</tt> returns a flag that is <tt>t</tt> if a
matching type specifier was found in <i>table</i> and <tt>nil</tt> if not.
<i>Table</i> (which defaults to <tt>*print-pprint-dispatch*</tt>) must be a
pprint dispatch table. <i>Table</i> can be <tt>nil</tt>, in which case
retrieval is done in the initial value of <tt>*print-pprint-dispatch*</tt>.
When <tt>*print-pretty*</tt> is <tt>t</tt>, <tt>(write object :stream s)</tt> is equivalent to
<tt>(funcall (pprint-dispatch object) s object)</tt>.
<tt>set-pprint-dispatch <i>type</i> <i>function</i> &amp;optional <i>priority</i> <i>table</i></tt><P>This puts an entry into a pprint dispatch table and returns <tt>nil</tt>. The <i>type</i> must be a valid type specifier and is the key of the entry.
The first action of <tt>set-pprint-dispatch</tt> is to remove any pre-existing
entry associated with <i>type</i>. This guarantees that there
will never be two entries associated with the same type specifier in a
given pprint dispatch table. Equality of type specifiers is tested by
Two values are associated with each type specifier in a pprint dispatch
table: a function and a priority. The <i>function</i> must accept two
arguments: the stream to send output to and the object to be printed.
The <i>function</i> should pretty print the object on the stream. The <i>function</i> can assume that object satisfies <i>type</i>. The <i>function</i>
should obey <tt>*print-readably*</tt>. Any values returned by the <i>function</i>
are ignored.
The <i>priority</i> (which defaults to 0) must be a non-complex number.
This number is used as a
priority to resolve conflicts when an object matches more than one entry. An error
is signaled if priority fails to be a non-complex number.
The <i>table</i> (which defaults to the value of <tt>*print-pprint-dispatch*</tt>) must be a pprint
dispatch table. The specified entry is placed in this table.
It is permissible for <i>function</i> to be <tt>nil</tt>. In this situation,
there will be no <i>type</i> entry in <i>table</i> after
<tt>set-pprint-dispatch</tt> is evaluated.
To facilitate the use of pprint dispatch tables for controlling the pretty
printing of Lisp code, the <i>type-specifier</i> argument of the function
<tt>set-pprint-dispatch</tt> is allowed to contain the form <tt>(cons</tt> <i>car-type cdr-type</i><tt>)</tt>. This form indicates that the corresponding object must be
a cons whose <i>car</i> satisfies the type specifier <i>car-type</i> and whose
<i>cdr</i> satisfies
the type specifier <i>cdr-type</i>. The <i>cdr-type</i> can be omitted, in which case
it defaults to <tt>t</tt>.
The initial value of <tt>*print-pprint-dispatch*</tt> is implementation-dependent.
However, the initial entries all use a special class of priorities that
are less than every priority that can be
specified using <tt>set-pprint-dispatch</tt>. This guarantees that pretty printing
functions specified by users will override everything in the initial value of
Consider the following examples. The first form restores
<tt>*print-pprint-dispatch*</tt> to its initial value.
The next two forms then specify a special way of pretty printing ratios. Note that the more specific type
specifier has to be associated with a higher priority.
(setq *print-pprint-dispatch*
(copy-pprint-dispatch nil))
(defun div-print (s r colon? atsign?)
(declare (ignore colon? atsign?))
(format s &quot;(/ ~D ~D)&quot; (numerator (abs r)) (denominator r)))
(set-pprint-dispatch 'ratio (formatter &quot;#.~/div-print/&quot;))
(set-pprint-dispatch '(and ratio (satisfies minusp))
(formatter &quot;#.(- ~/div-print/)&quot;)
(pprint '(1/3 -2/3)) prints: (#.(/ 1 3) #.(- (/ 2 3)))
The following two forms illustrate the specification of pretty printing
functions for particular types of Lisp code. The first form illustrates how to
specify the traditional method for printing quoted objects using ``<tt>'</tt>''
syntax. Note the care taken to ensure that data lists that happen to begin
with <tt>quote</tt> will be printed readably. The second form specifies that lists
beginning with the symbol <tt>my-let</tt> should print the same way that lists
beginning with <tt>let</tt> print when the initial pprint dispatch table is in effect.
(set-pprint-dispatch '(cons (member quote))
#'(lambda (s list)
(if (and (consp (cdr list)) (null (cddr list)))
(funcall (formatter &quot;'~W&quot;) s (cadr list))
(pprint-fill s list)))))
(set-pprint-dispatch '(cons (member my-let))
(pprint-dispatch '(let) nil))
The next example specifies a default method for printing lists that do not
correspond to function calls. Note that, as shown in the definition of
<tt>pprint-tabular</tt> above, <tt>pprint-linear</tt>, <tt>pprint-fill</tt>, and
<tt>pprint-tabular</tt> are defined with optional colon and atsign arguments so that
they can be used as pprint dispatch functions as well as <tt>~/.../</tt> functions.
'(cons (not (and symbol (satisfies fboundp))))
With a line length of 9, <tt>(pprint '(0 b c d e f g h i j k))</tt> prints:
(0 b c d
e f g h
i j k)
This final example shows how to define a pretty printing function for a
user defined data structure.
(defstruct family mom kids)
(set-pprint-dispatch 'family
#'(lambda (s f)
(format s &quot;~@&lt;#&lt;~;~W and ~2I~_~/pprint-fill/~;&gt;~:&gt;&quot;
(family-mom f) (family-kids f))))
The pretty printing function for the structure <tt>family</tt> specifies how to
adjust the layout of the output so that it can fit aesthetically into a
variety of line widths. In addition, it obeys the printer control
variables <tt>*print-level*</tt>, <tt>*print-length*</tt>, <tt>*print-lines*</tt>,
<tt>*print-circle*</tt>, <tt>*print-shared*</tt>, and <tt>*print-escape*</tt>, and can tolerate
several different kinds of malformity in the data structure. The output below
shows what is printed out with a right margin of 25, <tt>*print-pretty*</tt>
<tt>t</tt>, <tt>*print-escape* nil</tt>, and a malformed <tt>kids</tt> list.
(write (list 'principal-family
(make-family :mom &quot;Lucy&quot;
:kids '(&quot;Mark&quot; &quot;Bob&quot; . &quot;Dan&quot;)))
:right-margin 25 :pretty T :escape nil :miser-width nil)
#&lt;Lucy and
Mark Bob . Dan&gt;)
Note that a pretty printing function for a structure is different from the
structure's print function. While print functions are permanently
associated with a structure, pretty printing functions are stored in pprint
dispatch tables and can be rapidly changed to reflect different printing
needs. If there is no pretty printing function for a structure in the
current print dispatch table, the print function (if any) is used instead.
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