Implementation sans test

This commit is contained in:
PuercoPop 2014-05-07 01:37:27 -05:00
parent 5e236e6ef1
commit 0be9a17cfa

plugins/twitter.lisp Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
(:eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel)
(ql:quickload :chirp))
(defpackage :coleslaw-twitter
(:use :cl)
(:export #:enable))
(in-package :coleslaw-twitter)
(defvar *tweet-format* '("~A" (title post) (text content))
"Controls what the tweet annoucing the post looks like. It is the made up of a format control string followed with the pertinent variables.")
(defun enable (&key api-key api-secret access-token access-secret tweet-format)
(if (and api-key api-secret access-token access-secret)
(setf chirp:*oauth-api-key* api-key
chirp:*oauth-api-secret* api-secret
chirp:*oauth-access-token* access-token
chirp:*oauth-access-secret* access-secret)
(error 'plugin-conf-error :plugin "twitter"
:message "Credentials missing.")
;; fallback to chirp for credential erros
(when tweet-format
(setf *tweet-format* tweet-format)))
(defmethod render :after (post (eql (find-class 'coleslaw:post)))
(format-post post))
(defun format-post (post)
"Take a post and return a string of 140 character length, at most. Urls have 23 len and are a must."
(chirp:statuses/update (%format-post post)))
(defun %format-post (offset post)
"Garauntee that the tweet content is 140 chars at most."
(let* ((content-prefix (subseq (render-tweet post) 0 (- 117 offset)))
(content (format nil "~A ~A" content-prefix (coleslaw:page-url post)))
(content-length (chirp:compute-status-length content)))
((>= 140 content-length) content)
((< 140 content-length) (%format-post (1- offset) post)))))
(defun render-tweet (post)
"Sans the url, which is a must."
(apply #'format (append '(nil) *tweet-format*)))