Add Markdown plugin with 3mbd's code highlighting support.

This commit is contained in:
Brit Butler 2012-08-22 13:43:17 -04:00
parent 49e1504477
commit 221ea46288
3 changed files with 17 additions and 12 deletions

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@ -13,8 +13,7 @@ Plugins? Injection support for HEAD and BODY. What about predicate-based injecti
How is it served? Hunchentoot, Lighttpd, S3, whomever!
; after that, focus on markdown support, injections for code highlighting and latex
; test mathjax+markdown
; doc themes and plugins
; fix plugins: s3
;; Incremental compile: only "touched" posts+tags+months. By-20 must be redone, of course.

View file

@ -1,9 +1,12 @@
(eval-when (:compile-toplevel)
(ql:quickload '3mbd))
(ql:quickload '(3bmd 3bmd-ext-code-blocks)))
(defpackage :coleslaw-md
(:use :cl :coleslaw))
(in-package :coleslaw-md)
(defmethod render-content (text (format (eql :md)))
(let ((3mbd-code-blocks:*code-blocks* t))
(with-output-to-string (str)
(3bmd:parse-string-and-print-to-stream text str))))

View file

@ -48,19 +48,22 @@
(unless (string= (read-line in) ";;;;;")
(error "The provided file lacks the expected header.")))
(parse-field (str)
(nth-value 1 (cl-ppcre:scan-to-strings "[a-zA-Z]+: (.*)" str))))
(nth-value 1 (cl-ppcre:scan-to-strings "[a-zA-Z]+: (.*)" str)))
(slurp-remainder ()
(read-sequence (make-string (- (file-length in) (file-position in)))
in :start (file-position in))))
(let ((args (loop for field in '("title" "tags" "date" "format")
for line = (read-line in nil)
appending (list (make-keyword (string-upcase field))
(aref (parse-field line) 0)))))
(setf (getf args :tags) (cl-ppcre:split ", " (getf args :tags))
(getf args :format) (make-keyword (string-upcase (getf args :format))))
(apply 'make-instance 'post
(append args (list :content (render-content (read-line in nil)
(getf args :format))
:slug (slugify (getf args :title))))))))
(setf (getf args :tags) (cl-ppcre:split ", " (getf args :tags))
(getf args :format) (make-keyword (string-upcase (getf args :format))))
(apply 'make-instance 'post
(append args (list :content (render-content (slurp-remainder)
(getf args :format))
:slug (slugify (getf args :title))))))))
(defun write-post (post &key prev next)
"Write out the HTML for POST in SLUG.html."