Raise condition if the theme package cannot be found.

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Willem Rein Oudshoorn 2013-04-12 15:45:53 +02:00
parent 8dc43ae256
commit 2c1c398581

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@ -22,9 +22,17 @@ any return value other than nil indicates the injection should be added."
(list :head (injections-for :head)
:body (injections-for :body))))
(define-condition theme-does-not-exist-error (error)
((theme :initarg :theme :reader theme))
(:report (lambda (c stream)
(format stream "THEME-DOES-NOT-EXIST-ERROR cannot find theme: '~A'" (theme c)))))
(defun theme-package (name)
"Find the package matching the theme NAME."
(find-package (string-upcase (concatenate 'string "coleslaw.theme." name))))
"Find the package matching the theme NAME.
It will signal an error when it cannot find the package for the theme."
(or (find-package (string-upcase (concatenate 'string "coleslaw.theme." name)))
(error 'theme-does-not-exist-error
:theme name)))
(defun theme-fn (name &optional (package (theme *config*)))
"Find the symbol NAME inside PACKAGE which defaults to the theme package."