Merge pull request #50 from PuercoPop/twitter-plugin

Twitter plugin
This commit is contained in:
Brit Butler 2014-05-08 10:38:26 -04:00
commit 7912037f2e
5 changed files with 150 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -17,6 +17,7 @@
:serial t
:components ((:file "packages")
(:file "util")
(:file "conditions")
(:file "config")
(:file "themes")
(:file "documents")

View file

@ -72,3 +72,34 @@
**Example**: `(import :filepath "/home/redline/redlinernotes-export.timestamp.xml" :output "/home/redlinernotes/blog/")`
## Twitter
**Description**: This plugin tweets every time a new post is added to your repo. See Setup for an example of how to get your access token & secret.
**Example**: `(twitter :api-key "<api-key>" :api-secret "<api-seret" :access-token "<access-token>" :access-secret "<access-secret>")`
- Create a new [twitter app]( Take note of the api key & secret.
- In the repl do the following:
;; Load Chirp
(ql:quickload :chirp)
;; Use the api key & secret to get a URL where a pin code will be handled to you.
:api-key "D1pMCK17gI10bQ6orBPS0w"
:api-secret "BfkvKNRRMoBPkEtDYAAOPW4s2G9U8Z7u3KAf0dBUA")
;; => ""
;; Exchange the pin code for an access token and and access secret. Take note
;; of them.
CL-USER> (chirp:complete-authentication "4173325")
;; => "18403733-bXtuum6qbab1O23ltUcwIk2w9NS3RusUFiuum4D3w"
;; "zDFsFSaLerRz9PEXqhfB0h0FNfUIDgbEe59NIHpRWQbWk"
;; Finally verify the credentials
#<CHIRP-OBJECTS:USER PuercoPop #18405433>

plugins/twitter.lisp Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,108 @@
(:eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel)
(ql:quickload :chirp))
(defpackage :coleslaw-twitter
(:use :cl)
(:import-from :coleslaw
(:export #:enable))
(in-package :coleslaw-twitter)
(defvar *tweet-format* '(:title "by" :author)
"Controls what the tweet annoucing the post looks like.")
(defvar *tweet-format-fn* nil "Function that expects an instance of
coleslaw:post and returns the tweet content.")
(defvar *tweet-format-dsl-mapping*
'((:title . coleslaw::post-title)
(:author . coleslaw::post-author)))
(define-condition malformed-tweet-format (error)
((item :initarg :item :reader item))
(lambda (condition stream)
(format stream "Malformed tweet format. Can't proccess: ~A"
(item condition)))))
(defun compile-tweet-format (tweet-format)
(fmt-ctrl-str accesors) (%compile-tweet-format tweet-format nil nil)
((fmt-ctrl-str (format nil "~{~A~^ ~}" (reverse fmt-ctrl-str)))
(accesors (reverse accesors)))
(lambda (post)
(apply #'format nil fmt-ctrl-str
:for accesor :in accesors
:collect (funcall accesor post)))))))
(defun %compile-tweet-format (tweet-format fmt-ctrl-str accesors)
"Transform tweet-format into a format control string and a list of values."
(if (null tweet-format)
(values fmt-ctrl-str accesors)
(let ((next (car tweet-format)))
((keywordp next)
(if (assoc next *tweet-format-dsl-mapping*)
(cdr tweet-format)
(cons "~A" fmt-ctrl-str)
(cons (cdr (assoc next *tweet-format-dsl-mapping*))
(error 'malformed-tweet-format :item next)))
((stringp next)
(%compile-tweet-format (cdr tweet-format)
(cons next fmt-ctrl-str)
(t (error 'malformed-tweet-format :item next))))))
(setf *tweet-format-fn* (compile-tweet-format *tweet-format*))
(defun enable (&key api-key api-secret access-token access-secret tweet-format)
(if (and api-key api-secret access-token access-secret)
(setf chirp:*oauth-api-key* api-key
chirp:*oauth-api-secret* api-secret
chirp:*oauth-access-token* access-token
chirp:*oauth-access-secret* access-secret)
(error 'plugin-conf-error :plugin "twitter"
:message "Credentials missing."))
;; fallback to chirp for credential erros
(when tweet-format
(setf *tweet-format* tweet-format)))
(defmethod deploy :after (staging)
(declare (ignore staging))
(loop :for (state file) :in (get-updated-files)
:when (and (string= "A" state) (string= "post" (pathname-type file)))
:do (tweet-new-post file)))
(defun tweet-new-post (file)
"Retrieve most recent post from in memory DB and publish it."
(let ((post (coleslaw::find-content-by-path file)))
(chirp:statuses/update (%format-post 0 post))))
(defun %format-post (offset post)
"Guarantee that the tweet content is 140 chars at most. The 117 comes from
the spaxe needed for a space and the url."
(let* ((content-prefix (subseq (render-tweet post) 0 (- 117 offset)))
(content (format nil "~A ~A/~A" content-prefix
(coleslaw::domain *config*)
(page-url post)))
(content-length (chirp:compute-status-length content)))
((>= 140 content-length) content)
((< 140 content-length) (%format-post (1- offset) post)))))
(defun render-tweet (post)
"Sans the url, which is a must."
(funcall *tweet-format-fn* post))

src/conditions.lisp Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
(in-package :coleslaw)
(define-condition plugin-conf-error ()
((plugin :initform "Plugin":initarg :plugin :reader plugin)
(message :initform "" :initarg :message :reader message))
(:report (lambda (condition stream)
(format stream "~A: ~A" (plugin condition) (message condition))))
(:documentation "Condition to signal when the plugin is misconfigured."))

View file

@ -17,6 +17,7 @@
;; The Document Protocol