Compilation works. Now to fix the deploy...

This commit is contained in:
Brit Butler 2012-08-21 19:48:41 -04:00
parent e60c9f0d6c
commit 8787fa0f21
4 changed files with 9 additions and 9 deletions

View file

@ -13,13 +13,10 @@ Plugins? Injection support for HEAD and BODY. What about predicate-based injecti
How is it served? Hunchentoot, Lighttpd, S3, whomever!
; blockers to use this for redlinernotes: rss/atom feed, markdown support
; blockers to use this for redlinernotes: prev/next, rss/atom feed, markdown support
; after that, focus on injections for code highlighting and latex
; doc themes and plugins
; populate prev and next links
; implement plugins: atom, markdown, pygment/highlighting
; actually start using this for Move over May-2007 to present.
; fix plugins: s3
;; Incremental compile: only "touched" posts+tags+months. By-20 must be redone, of course.
;; ^^ Long as we're overhauling, maybe come up with a commithook scheme that runs main

View file

@ -5,10 +5,14 @@
If ARGS is provided, use (apply 'format nil PATH ARGS) as the value of PATH."
(merge-pathnames (apply 'format nil path args) coleslaw-conf:*basedir*))
(defun to-pathname (file parent)
(defun to-pathname (file &optional (parent coleslaw-conf:*basedir*))
"Convert an iolib file-path back to a pathname."
(merge-pathnames (file-path-namestring file) parent))
(defun read-symlink (path)
"A trivial wrapper over iolib.os that returns the pathname in the symlink PATH."
(to-pathname (iolib.os:read-symlink path)))
(defmacro do-files ((var path &optional extension) &body body)
"For each file under PATH, run BODY. If EXTENSION is provided, only run BODY
on files that match the given extension."
@ -67,7 +71,7 @@ on files that match the given extension."
(:documentation "Deploy DIR, updating the .prev and .curr symlinks.")
(:method (dir)
(let ((new-build (app-path "generated/~a" (get-universal-time))))
(run-program "mv" (list dir (namestring new-build)))
(run-program "mv" (mapcar #'namestring (list dir new-build)))
(when (probe-file (app-path ".prev"))
(delete-directory-and-files (read-symlink (app-path ".prev"))))
(when (probe-file (app-path ".curr"))

View file

@ -55,8 +55,8 @@
"Render the indices to view posts by tag."
(loop for tag in (all-tags)
do (flet ((match-tag (post)
(member tag post :test #'string= :key #'post-tags)))
(let ((posts (remove-if-not #'match-tag posts)))
(member tag (post-tags post) :test #'string=)))
(let ((posts (remove-if-not #'match-tag (hash-table-values *posts*))))
(write-index posts (format nil "tag/~a.html" tag)
(format nil "Posts tagged ~a" tag))))))

View file

@ -3,7 +3,6 @@
(:import-from :cl-fad #:delete-directory-and-files
(:import-from :iolib.os #:with-current-directory
(:import-from :iolib.pathnames #:file-path-namestring)
(:import-from :alexandria #:hash-table-values