Added CTYPE Registry system for content extensions by plugins. Added
metadata plugin for testing content modifier plugins.
This commit is contained in:
9 changed files with 262 additions and 9 deletions
@ -22,7 +22,6 @@
(:file "themes")
(:file "documents")
(:file "content")
(:file "posts")
(:file "indexes")
(:file "feeds")
(:file "coleslaw"))
@ -39,6 +39,34 @@
**Example**: `(gh-pages :cname t)`
## SEO and Social Metadata
**Description**: Adds description and keywords metadata for SEO purposes.
Adds both Open Graph and Twitter Cards metadata for sharing posts as well.
`:twitter` keyword argument sets "site" property of Twitter.
Twitter Card specific metadata will be omitted if this property is not set.
`:card` keyword argument sets the type of Twitter card created.
Possible types are `:summary` and `:image`. Defaults to `:summary`.
Five *optional* tags for post file header are added.
`keywords:` comma, seperated, seo, keywords.
They will be generated from tags if empty.
`description:` Description to be used in SEO and
Open Graph description tags. If empty, Open Graph description will be generated
from content while SEO description metadata will be omitted.
`image:` either an absolute (``)
or a root-relative (`/static/image.png`) image URL.
`card:` Overrides Twitter Card type defined in plugin activation.
Possible values are either `image` or `summary`.
`creator:` Twitter username of the content creator.
**Example**: `(metadata :twitter "twitter_account" :card :summary)`
## Incremental Builds
**Description**: Primarily a performance enhancement. Caches the
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,94 @@
(eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel)
(ql:quickload 's-xml))
(defpackage :coleslaw-metadata
(:use :cl :coleslaw)
(:import-from :coleslaw
(:import-from :s-xml
(:export #:enable))
(in-package :coleslaw-metadata)
(defmodifier metadata (post) ()
((keywords :initarg :keywords :reader keywords-of)
(description :initarg :description :reader description-of)
(image :initarg :image :reader image-of)
(card :initarg :card :reader card-format)
(creator :initarg :creator :reader creator-of))
:keywords nil
:description nil
:image nil
:card nil
:creator nil))
(defmethod initialize-instance :after ((object metadata) &key)
(with-slots (card) object
(setf card (if card (make-keyword (string-upcase card))))))
(defparameter *description-length* 200)
(defvar *metadata-header*
<meta name=\"keywords\" content=\"~A\" />~@[
<meta name=\"description\" content=\"~A\" />~]~:[~*~*~;~:*
<meta name=\"twitter:site\" content=\"@~A\" />
<meta name=\"twitter:card\" content=\"~:[summary~;summary_large_image~]\" />~@[
<meta name=\"twitter:creator\" content=\"@~A\" />~]~]
<meta property=\"og:title\" content=\"~A\" />
<meta property=\"og:site_name\" content=\"~A\" />
<meta property=\"og:url\" content=\"~A\" />
<meta property=\"og:description\" content=\"~A\" />~@[
<meta property=\"og:image\" content=\"~A\" />~]
(defun remove-markup (text)
(with-input-from-string (in text)
(let* ((state (make-instance 'xml-parser-state
:text-hook #'(lambda (string seed) (cons string seed))))
(result (start-parse-xml in state)))
(apply #'concatenate 'string (nreverse result)))))
(defun shorten-text (text)
(if (< *description-length* (length text))
(subseq text 0 (- *description-length* 1)) text))
(defun compile-description (text)
(shorten-text (remove #\" (remove-markup text))))
(defun root-relative-url-p (url)
(eq (elt url 0) #\/))
(defun compile-url (url)
(if (root-relative-url-p url)
(concatenate 'string (domain *config*) url)
(defun compile-metadata (post twitter card)
(format nil *metadata-header*
(or (keywords-of post)
(format nil "~{~A~^, ~}" (mapcar #'tag-name (content-tags post))))
(description-of post)
(eq (or (card-format post) card) :image)
(creator-of post)
(title-of post)
(title *config*)
(concatenate 'string (domain *config*) "/" (namestring (page-url post)))
(or (description-of post)
(compile-description (content-text post)))
(when (image-of post) (compile-url (image-of post)))))
(defun enable (&key twitter card)
(flet ((inject-p (x)
(when (typep x 'metadata) (compile-metadata x twitter card))))
(add-injection #'inject-p :head)))
@ -1,6 +1,25 @@
(in-package :coleslaw)
(defpackage :coleslaw-posts
(:use :cl :coleslaw)
(:import-from :coleslaw
(:export #:enable))
(defclass post (content)
(in-package :coleslaw-posts)
(defcontent post t
((title :initarg :title :reader title-of)
(author :initarg :author :reader author-of)
(format :initarg :format :reader post-format))
@ -22,3 +41,5 @@
(defmethod publish ((doc-type (eql (find-class 'post))))
(loop for (next post prev) on (append '(nil) (by-date (find-all 'post)))
while post do (write-document post nil :prev prev :next next)))
(defun enable ())
@ -39,6 +39,12 @@
(defparameter *config* nil
"A variable to store the blog configuration and plugin settings.")
(defun ensure-plugin (plugin)
"Ensures a specific plugin exists in the PLUGINS slot of *CONFIG*"
(pushnew plugin
(slot-value *config* 'plugins)
:key #'car))
(define-condition plugin-conf-error ()
((plugin :initarg :plugin :reader plugin)
(message :initarg :message :reader message))
@ -79,9 +85,10 @@ doesn't exist, use the .coleslawrc in the home directory."
(defun load-config (&optional (repo-dir ""))
"Find and load the coleslaw configuration from .coleslawrc. REPO-DIR will be
preferred over the home directory if provided."
preferred over the home directory if provided. Ensure posts plugin is loaded for backwards compatibility."
(with-open-file (in (discover-config-path repo-dir) :external-format :utf-8)
(let ((config-form (read in)))
(setf *config* (construct 'blog config-form)
(repo-dir *config*) repo-dir)))
(ensure-plugin '(posts)) ;; Ensure posts plugin.
(load-plugins (plugins *config*)))
@ -1,5 +1,91 @@
(in-package :coleslaw)
;; Ctype Registry
;; (defvar *ctype-registry* '((post :indexable t
;; :superclasses nil)))
(defvar *ctype-registry* nil
"Registry of CTYPE records. Each record is a LIST. The CAR of each LIST is the CTYPE name. The CDR is a PLIST of CTYPE attributes.")
(defun ensure-ctype-record (ctype
(indexable nil)
(superclasses nil))
"Ensure a specific CTYPE record exists in *CTYPE-REGISTRY*. Do not change record if exists. Add record with specified parameters if absent."
(unless (assoc ctype *ctype-registry*)
(pushnew (list ctype
:indexable indexable
:superclasses superclasses)
:key #'car)))
(defun get-ctype-attributes (ctype)
"Get the CDR of the record which is either a PLIST of attributes or NIL if CTYPE record doesn't exist."
(cdr (assoc ctype *ctype-registry*)))
(defun ctype-indexable-p (ctype)
"Return T if CTYPE is indexable."
(getf (get-ctype-attributes ctype) :indexable))
(defun set-ctype-indexable (ctype indexable-p)
"Set the value of CTYPE's :INDEXABLE attribute to INDEXABLE-P. INDEXABLE-P is either T or NIL."
(let ((ctype-register (get-ctype-attributes ctype)))
(setf (getf ctype-register :indexable) indexable-p)))
(defun indexable-ctypes ()
"Loop over *CTYPE-REGISTRY* and return a LIST of INDEXABLE CTYPES. Used to gather content for index generation."
(loop for ctype in *ctype-registry*
when (ctype-indexable-p (car ctype))
collect (car ctype)))
(defun register-ctype-superclass (ctype superclass)
"Register the SUPERCLASS as a direct superclass of the content type CTYPE."
(ensure-ctype-record ctype)
(let ((ctype-register (get-ctype-attributes ctype)))
(or (member superclass (getf ctype-register :superclasses))
(setf (getf ctype-register :superclasses)
(append (getf ctype-register :superclasses)
(list superclass))))))
(defun register-superclass-to-ctypes (superclass &rest ctypes)
"Register the SUPERCLASS to all specified CTYPES."
(mapcar #'(lambda (ctype)
(register-ctype-superclass ctype superclass))
(defun ensure-ctype (ctype)
"Ensure CTYPE class exists. Define the class if it is undefined. Update the list of direct superclasses of CTYPE class according to the corresponding CTYPE record in *CTYPE-REGISTRY*."
(let* ((superclasses (cons 'content
(getf (get-ctype-attributes ctype)
(closer-mop:ensure-class ctype
(defun ensure-ctypes (ctypes)
"Apply ENSURE-CTYPE to all specified CTYPES."
(mapcar #'ensure-ctype ctypes))
(defmacro defcontent (name indexable-p &rest body)
"Define a CTYPE class sequentially subclassing the list of superclasses defined in CTYPE record in *CTYPE-REGISTRY*. Define if the content type will be indexable or not."
(let* ((ctype-register (get-ctype-attributes name))
(superclasses (getf ctype-register :superclasses)))
`(progn (or (ensure-ctype-record ',name :indexable ,indexable-p)
(set-ctype-indexable ',name ,indexable-p))
(defclass ,name ,(append '(content) superclasses) ,@body))))
(defmacro defmodifier (name
&rest options)
"Define a CTYPE MODIFIER. A MODIFIER class modifies and extends the behaviour of a content class by directly superclassing it. Its definition is exactly like a class definition except the list of CTYPEs that are going to be effected by the MODIFIER."
`(progn (defclass ,name ,direct-superclasses
(apply #'register-superclass-to-ctypes '(,name ,@ctypes))
(ensure-ctypes '(,@ctypes))))
;; Tagging
(defclass tag ()
@ -77,3 +77,7 @@ use it as the template passing any RENDER-ARGS."
"Remove all instances of DOC-TYPE from memory."
(dolist (obj (find-all doc-type))
(remhash (page-url obj) *site*)))
(defun gather-content (doc-types)
"Apply FIND-ALL to multiple doc-types so multiple CTYPES can be indexed."
(apply #'append (mapcar #'find-all doc-types)))
@ -28,7 +28,7 @@
(defclass tag-index (index) ())
(defmethod discover ((doc-type (eql (find-class 'tag-index))))
(let ((content (by-date (find-all 'post))))
(let ((content (by-date (gather-content (indexable-ctypes)))))
(dolist (tag *all-tags*)
(add-document (index-by-tag tag content)))))
@ -47,7 +47,7 @@
(defclass month-index (index) ())
(defmethod discover ((doc-type (eql (find-class 'month-index))))
(let ((content (by-date (find-all 'post))))
(let ((content (by-date (gather-content (indexable-ctypes)))))
(dolist (month *all-months*)
(add-document (index-by-month month content)))))
@ -66,7 +66,7 @@
(defclass numeric-index (index) ())
(defmethod discover ((doc-type (eql (find-class 'numeric-index))))
(let ((content (by-date (find-all 'post))))
(let ((content (by-date (gather-content (indexable-ctypes)))))
(dotimes (i (ceiling (length content) 10))
(add-document (index-by-n i content)))))
@ -93,11 +93,11 @@ of content loaded in the DB."
(defun all-months ()
"Retrieve a list of all months with published content."
(let ((months (mapcar (lambda (x) (subseq (content-date x) 0 7))
(find-all 'post))))
(gather-content (indexable-ctypes)))))
(sort (remove-duplicates months :test #'string=) #'string>)))
(defun all-tags ()
"Retrieve a list of all tags used in content."
(let* ((dupes (mappend #'content-tags (find-all 'post)))
(let* ((dupes (mappend #'content-tags (gather-content (indexable-ctypes))))
(tags (remove-duplicates dupes :test #'tag-slug=)))
(sort tags #'string< :key #'tag-name)))
@ -17,12 +17,26 @@
;; Ctype Registry
;; Content Helpers
;; Theming + Plugin API
Add table
Reference in a new issue