9 changed files with 469 additions and 39 deletions
@ -20,3 +20,4 @@ cache:
- ros -s prove -e "(ql:quickload '(coleslaw coleslaw-test))"
-e '(or (prove:run :coleslaw-test) (uiop:quit -1))'
- cli-tests/
@ -18,6 +18,9 @@ Have questions?
See the [wiki]( for a list of coleslaw-powered blogs.
Coleslaw should run on any conforming Common Lisp implementations but
testing is primarily done on [SBCL]( and [CCL](
## Features
* Git for storage
@ -33,51 +36,84 @@ See the [wiki]( for a
| [Pygments]( | [colorize]( | |
## Installation
## Installation/Tutorial
Coleslaw should run on any conforming Common Lisp implementation but
testing is primarily done on [SBCL]( and
<!-- Don't let the first user select from multiple choises -->
Coleslaw can either be run **manually** on a local machine or
triggered **automatically** on git push to a server. If you want a
server install, run these commands on your server _after_ setting up a
[git bare repo](
Otherwise, run the commands on your local machine.
Step 1: Install this library.
1. Install a Common Lisp implementation (we recommend SBCL) and
2. Place a config file for coleslaw in your `$HOME` directory. If you
want to run multiple blogs with coleslaw, you can keep each blog's
config file in that blog's repo. Feel free to copy and edit the
[example config][ex_config] or consult the [config docs][conf_docs]
to create one from scratch.
3. This step depends on whether you're setting up a local or server install.
* Server Install: Copy and `chmod +x` the
[example post-receive hook][post_hook] to your blog's bare repo.
* Local Install: Just run the following commands in the
REPL whenever you're ready to regenerate your blog:
With [Roswell](,
``` sh
$ ros install coleslaw
$ export PATH="$HOME/.roswell/bin:$PATH" # If you haven't done this before
(ql:quickload :coleslaw)
(coleslaw:main "/path/to/my/blog/")
``` lisp
(ql:quickload :coleslaw-cli)
4. Optionally, point the web server of your liking at your config-specified
`:deploy-dir`. Or "deploy-dir/.curr" if the `versioned` plugin is enabled.
5. If you use Emacs, consider installing
[coleslaw-mode]( to author your
Now just write posts, git commit and build by hand or by push.
Step 2: Initialize your blog repository.
``` sh
$ mkdir yourblog ; cd yourblog
$ git init
$ coleslaw setup
``` lisp
Step 3: Write a post file in the current directory.
The file should contain a certain metadata, so use the `coleslaw new` command,
which instantiates a correct file for you.
``` sh
$ coleslaw new
Created a post .
``` lisp
(coleslaw-cli:new "post")
Step 4: Generate the site from those post files.
The result goes to the `deploy/` subdirectory.
``` sh
$ coleslaw
``` lisp
Step 5: You can also launch a server...
``` sh
$ coleslaw preview
``` lisp
Step 6: and watch the file system to automatically regenerate the site!
``` sh
$ coleslaw watch # or even better,
$ coleslaw watch-preview
``` lisp
(coleslaw-cli:watch) ;; watch-preview does not work on REPL right now
For further customization, edit the `.coleslawrc` file generated by `coleslaw setup`.
Consult the [config docs](
## The Content Format
Coleslaw expects content to have a file extension matching the class
of the content. (I.e. `.post` for blog posts, `.page` for static
pages, etc.)
of the content. (I.e. `.post` for blog posts, `.page` for static pages, etc.)
There should also be a metadata header on all files
starting and ending with the config-specified `:separator`, ";;;;;" by
@ -108,6 +144,20 @@ Two themes are provided: hyde, the default, and readable (based on
A guide to creating themes for coleslaw lives
## Deploying on a standalone server
Coleslaw can deploy to a standalone server.
If you want this server installation, initialize a bare git repo and
set up the post-receive hook on that repo.
* First initialize a [git bare repo]( on the server.
* Copy [example post-receive hook][post_hook] to your blog's bare repo and set the executable bit (`chmod +x`).
* Point the web server at `:deploy-dir` attribute on the config file.
Or "deploy-dir/.curr" if the `versioned` plugin is enabled.
## Hacking
A core goal of *coleslaw* is to be both pleasant to read and easy to
Executable file
Executable file
@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
#!/bin/bash -x
set -e
dir=$(mktemp -d)
cd $dir
coleslaw setup
cat .coleslawrc
post=$(coleslaw new post "my first blog")
echo "my firrrrrrst text!!!!" >> "$post"
cat "$post"
coleslaw generate
coleslaw preview &
trap "kill $pid; rm -rf $dir" EXIT
sleep 3
wget -O-
! wget -O-
# (
# wget -O-
# echo $?
# true
# )
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,292 @@
(defpackage :coleslaw-cli
(:use :cl :trivia)
(in-package :coleslaw-cli)
(defun setup-coleslawrc (user &aux (path (merge-pathnames ".coleslawrc")))
"Set up the default .coleslawrc file in the current directory."
(with-open-file (s path :direction :output :if-exists :supersede :if-does-not-exist :create)
(format t "~&Generating ~a ...~%" path)
;; odd formatting in this source code because emacs has problem detecting the parenthesis inside a string
(format s ";;; -*- mode : lisp -*-~%(~
;; Required information
:author \"~a\" ;; to be placed on post pages and in the copyright/CC-BY-SA notice
:deploy-dir \"deploy/\" ;; for Coleslaw's generated HTML to go in
:domain \"\" ;; to generate absolute links to the site content
:routing ((:post \"posts/~~a\") ;; to determine the URL scheme of content on the site
(:tag-index \"tag/~~a\")
(:month-index \"date/~~a\")
(:numeric-index \"~~d\")
(:feed \"~~a.xml\")
(:tag-feed \"tag/~~a.xml\"))
:title \"Improved Means for Achieving Deteriorated Ends\" ;; a site title
:theme \"hyde\" ;; to select one of the themes in \"coleslaw/themes/\"
;; Optional information
:excerpt-sep \"<!--more-->\" ;; to set the separator for excerpt in content
:feeds (\"lisp\")
:plugins ((analytics :tracking-code \"foo\")
(disqus :shortname \"my-site-name\")
; (incremental) ;; *Remove comment to enable incremental builds.
; (versioned) ;; *Remove comment to enable symlinked, timestamped deploys.
:sitenav ((:url \"\" :name \"Home\")
(:url \"\" :name \"Twitter\")
(:url \"\" :name \"Code\")
(:url \"\" :name \"Music\")
(:url \"\" :name \"Talks\"))
:staging-dir \"/tmp/coleslaw/\" ;; for Coleslaw to do intermediate work, default: \"/tmp/coleslaw\"
;; * Prerequisites described in plugin docs."
(defun copy-theme (which &optional (target which))
"Copy the theme named WHICH into the blog directory and rename it into TARGET"
(format t "~&Copying themes/~a ...~%" which)
(if (probe-file (format nil "themes/~a" which))
(format t "~& themes/~a already exists.~%" which)
(ensure-directories-exist "themes/" :verbose t)
(uiop:run-program `("cp" "-v" "-r"
,(namestring (coleslaw::app-path "themes/~a/" which))
,(namestring (merge-pathnames (format nil "themes/~a" target))))))))
(defun setup (&optional (user (uiop:getenv "USER")))
(setup-coleslawrc user)
(copy-theme "hyde" "default"))
(defun read-rc (&aux (path (merge-pathnames ".coleslawrc")))
(with-open-file (s (if (probe-file path)
(merge-pathnames #p".coleslawrc" (user-homedir-pathname))))
(read s)))
(defun new (&optional (type "post") name)
(let ((sep (getf (read-rc) :separator ";;;;;")))
(multiple-value-match (get-decoded-time)
((second minute hour date month year _ _ _)
(let* ((name (or name
(format nil "~a-~2,,,'0@a-~2,,,'0@a" year month date)))
(path (merge-pathnames (make-pathname :name name :type type))))
(with-open-file (s path
:direction :output :if-exists :error :if-does-not-exist :create)
(format s "~
title: ~a
tags: bar, baz
date: ~a-~2,,,'0@a-~2,,,'0@a ~2,,,'0@a:~2,,,'0@a:~2,,,'0@a
format: md
~:[~*~;URL: pages/~a.html~%~]~
<!-- **** your post here (remove this line) **** -->
<!-- format: could be 'html' (for raw html) or 'md' (for markdown). -->
Here is my content.
Excerpt separator can also be extracted from content.
Add `excerpt: <string>` to the above metadata.
Excerpt separator is `<!--more-->` by default.
year month date hour minute second
(string= type "page") name
(format *error-output* "~&Created a ~a \"~a\".~%" type name)
(format t "~&~a~%" path)
(defun generate ()
(coleslaw:main *default-pathname-defaults*))
(defun preview (&optional (path (getf (read-rc) :deploy-dir)))
;; clack depends on the global binding of *default-pathname-defaults*.
(let ((oldpath *default-pathname-defaults*))
(when path
(setf *default-pathname-defaults* (truename path)))
(format t "~%Starting a Clack server at ~a~%" path)
(:static :path (lambda (p)
(if (char= #\/ (alexandria:last-elt p))
(concatenate 'string p "index.html")
:use-thread nil))
(setf *default-pathname-defaults* oldpath))))
;; code from fs-watcher
(defun mtime (pathname)
"Returns the mtime of a pathname"
(when (ignore-errors (probe-file pathname))
(file-write-date pathname)))
(defun dir-contents (pathnames test)
(remove-if-not test
;; uiop:slurp-input-stream
(uiop:run-program `("find" ,@(mapcar #'namestring pathnames))
:output :lines)))
(defun run-loop (pathnames mtimes callback delay)
"The main loop constantly polling the filesystem"
(sleep delay)
(map nil
#'(lambda (pathname)
(let ((mtime (mtime pathname)))
(unless (eql mtime (gethash pathname mtimes))
(funcall callback pathname)
(if mtime
(setf (gethash pathname mtimes) mtime)
(remhash pathname mtimes)))))
(defun watch (&optional (source-path *default-pathname-defaults*))
(format t "~&Start watching! : ~a~%" source-path)
(let ((pathnames
(dir-contents (list source-path)
(lambda (p) (not (equal "fasl" (pathname-type p))))))
(mtimes (make-hash-table)))
(dolist (pathname pathnames)
(setf (gethash pathname mtimes) (mtime pathname)))
(run-loop pathnames
(lambda (pathname)
(format t "~&Changes detected! : ~a~%" pathname)
(coleslaw:main source-path)
(error (c)
(format *error-output* "something happened... ~a" c))))
(defun watch-preview (&optional (source-path *default-pathname-defaults*))
(when (member :swank *features*)
(warn "FIXME: This command does not do what you intend from a SLIME session."))
;; The hackiness here is because clack fails? to handle? SIGINT correctly when run in a threaded mode
`("sh" "-c" ,(format nil "coleslaw watch ~a &~
coleslaw preview &~
jobs -p;~
trap \"kill $(jobs -p)\" EXIT;~
wait" source-path))
:output :interactive
:error-output :interactive)))
(defun help ()
(format *error-output* "
Coleslaw, a Flexible Lisp Blogware.
Written by: Brit Butler <>.
Distributed by BSD license.
Command Line Syntax:
coleslaw setup [NAME] --- Sets up a new .coleslawrc file in the current directory.
coleslaw copy-theme THEME [TARGET] --- Copies the installed THEME in coleslaw to the current directory with a different name TARGET.
coleslaw new [TYPE] [NAME] --- Creates a new content file with the correct format. TYPE defaults to 'post', NAME defaults to the current date.
coleslaw generate --- Generates the static html according to .coleslawrc .
coleslaw preview [DIRECTORY] --- Runs a preview server at port 5000. DIRECTORY defaults to the deploy directory (described in .coleslawrc).
coleslaw watch [DIRECTORY] --- Watches the given directory and generates the site when changes are detected. Defaults to the current directory.
coleslaw --- Shorthand of 'coleslaw generate'.
coleslaw -h --- Show this help
Corresponding REPL commands are available in coleslaw-cli package.
(ql:quickload :coleslaw-cli)
(coleslaw-cli:setup &optional name)
(coleslaw-cli:copy-theme theme &optional target)
(coleslaw-cli:new &optional type name)
(coleslaw-cli:preview &optional directory)
(coleslaw-cli:watch &optional directory)
* set up a blog
mkdir yourblog ; cd yourblog
git init
coleslaw setup
git commit -a -m 'initial repo'
* Copy the base theme to the current directory for modification
coleslaw copy-theme hyde mytheme
* Create a post
coleslaw new
* Create a page (static page)
coleslaw new page
* Generate a site
coleslaw generate
# or just:
* Preview a site
coleslaw preview
# or
coleslaw preview .
(defun main (&rest argv)
(declare (ignorable argv))
(match argv
((list* "setup" rest)
(apply #'setup rest))
((list* "preview" rest)
(apply #'preview rest))
((list* "watch" rest)
(apply #'watch rest))
((list* "watch-preview" rest)
(apply #'watch-preview rest))
((list* "new" rest)
(apply #'new rest))
((or nil (list "generate"))
((list* "copy-theme" rest)
(apply #'copy-theme rest))
((list* (or "-v" "--version") _)
((list* (or "-h" "--help") _)
(when (member :swank *features*)
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
(defsystem #:coleslaw-cli
:name "coleslaw"
:description "Flexible Lisp Blogware"
:version "0.9.7"
:license "BSD"
:author "Brit Butler <>"
:pathname "cli/"
:depends-on (:coleslaw
:serial t
:components ((:file "cli")))
@ -4,10 +4,11 @@
:description "A test suite for coleslaw."
:license "BSD"
:author "Brit Butler <>"
:depends-on (:coleslaw :prove)
:depends-on (:coleslaw :coleslaw-cli :prove)
:defsystem-depends-on (:prove-asdf)
:components ((:module "tests"
((:test-file "tests"))))
((:test-file "tests")
(:test-file "cli"))))
:perform (test-op :after (op c)
(uiop:symbol-call :prove 'run c)))
Executable file
Executable file
@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
#|-*- mode:lisp -*-|#
exec ros -Q -L sbcl-bin -m coleslaw -- $0 "$@"
(progn ;;init forms
#+quicklisp (ql:quickload '(:coleslaw-cli) :silent t))
(in-package :coleslaw-cli)
@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ in REPO-DIR. Optionally, OLDREV is the revision prior to the last push."
(defgeneric deploy (staging)
(:documentation "Deploy the STAGING build to the directory specified in the config.")
(:method (staging)
(run-program "rsync --delete -avz ~a ~a" staging (deploy-dir *config*))))
(run-program "rsync --delete -avz ~a ~a" staging (merge-pathnames (deploy-dir *config*)))))
(defun update-symlink (path target)
"Update the symlink at PATH to point to TARGET."
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
(in-package :coleslaw-tests)
(plan 2)
(let ((*default-pathname-defaults*
(format nil "~a/"
(uiop:run-program `("mktemp" "-d")
:output `(:string :stripped t))))))
(let ((file (coleslaw-cli:new)))
(ok (probe-file file)))
(print (format nil "~adeploy/index.html" *default-pathname-defaults*))
(ok (probe-file (format nil "~adeploy/index.html" *default-pathname-defaults*))))
Add table
Reference in a new issue