# General Use 1. A lisp file should be created in coleslaw's ```plugins``` directory. 2. Any necessary lisp libraries not loaded by coleslaw should be included like so: ```(eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel) (ql:quickload '(foo bar)))``` 3. A package should be created for the plugin code like so: ```(defpackage :coleslaw-$NAME (:use :cl) (:export #:enable) ...)``` where $NAME is the pathname-name of the lisp file. (eg. `:coleslaw-disqus` for `disqus.lisp`) 4. An enable function should be present even if it's a no-op. Any work to enable the plugin is done there. # Extension Points * **New functionality via JS**, for example the Disqus and Mathjax plugins. In this case, the plugin's `enable` function should call [`add-injection`](http://redlinernotes.com/docs/coleslaw.html#add-injection_func) with an injection and a keyword. The injection itself is a list of the string to insert and a lambda or function that can be called on a content instance to determine whether the injection should be included on the page. The keyword specifies whether the injected text goes in the HEAD or BODY element. The [Disqus plugin](http://github.com/redline6561/coleslaw/blob/master/plugins/disqus.lisp) is a good example of this. * **New markup formats**, for example the [ReStructuredText plugin](http://github.com/redline6561/coleslaw/blob/master/plugins/rst.lisp), can be created by definining an appropriate `render-text` method. The method takes `text` and `format` arguments and is [EQL-specialized](http://www.gigamonkeys.com/book/object-reorientation-generic-functions.html#defmethod) on the format. Format should be a keyword matching the file extension (or `pathname-type`) of the markup format. (eg. `:rst` for ReStructuredText) * **New hosting options**, for example the [Amazon S3 plugin](http://github.com/redline6561/coleslaw/blob/master/plugins/s3.lisp), can be created by definining a `deploy :after` method. The method takes a staging directory, likely uninteresting in the `:after` stage. But by importing `*config*` from the coleslaw package and getting its deploy location with `(deploy-dir *config*)` a number of interesting options become possible. * **New content types**, for example the [static page content type](http://github.com/redline6561/coleslaw/blob/master/plugins/static-pages.lisp), can be created by definining a subclass of CONTENT along with a template, and `render`, `page-url`, and `publish` methods. The PAGE content type cheats a bit by reusing the existing POST template. * **New service integrations**, for example crossposting to twitter/facebook/tumblr/livejournal/etc, should also be possible by adding an :after hook to the deploy method as with hosting but this is dependent on knowing which posts are new which should become possible before 1.0. See the incremental compilation notes in the hacking docs for further details.