(in-package :coleslaw) (defclass post () ((id :initform nil :initarg :id :accessor post-id) (title :initform nil :initarg :title :accessor post-title) (tags :initform nil :initarg :tags :accessor post-tags) (date :initform nil :initarg :date :accessor post-date) (content :initform nil :initarg :content :accessor post-content) (aliases :initform nil :initarg :aliases :accessor post-aliases))) (defgeneric make-post (title tags date content &key id aliases &allow-other-keys) (:documentation "Create a POST with the given data.")) (defgeneric add-post (post id) (:documentation "Insert a post into *storage* with the given ID.")) (defgeneric remove-post (id) (:documentation "Remove a post from *storage* matching ID.")) (defgeneric render-post (id) (:documentation "Generate the final HTML for the post with given ID.")) (defgeneric find-post (id) (:documentation "Retrieve a post from *storage* matching ID.")) (defgeneric post-url (id) (:documentation "Return the URL for the post with the given ID."))