58 lines
2 KiB
Common Lisp
58 lines
2 KiB
Common Lisp
(in-package :coleslaw)
;; How are we handling next/prev + ids?
;; Implement find-by-date.
;; Consider having find-by-range collect all the hash-values in :posts
;; and return the range of that list rather than the posts matching start->end.
;; Consider storing tags as a list.
(defmethod make-post :before (title tags date content &key id &allow-other-keys)
(when id
(let ((index (gethash :posts-index *storage* 0)))
(unless (<= id index)
(setf (gethash :posts-index *storage*) (1+ id))))))
(defmethod make-post (title tags date content &key id)
(make-instance 'post :id (or id (gethash :posts-index *storage* 0))
:title title
:tags tags
:date date
:content content))
(defmethod add-post ((post post) id)
(setf (gethash id (gethash :posts *storage*)) post))
(defmethod remove-post (id)
(setf (gethash id (gethash :posts *storage*)) nil))
(defmethod render-post (id)
(flet ((fn (name)
(find-symbol name (theme-package)))
(pretty-date (date)
(subseq (local-time:format-rfc1123-timestring nil date) 0 16)))
(let* ((post (find-post id))
(result (funcall (fn "POST")
(list :title (post-title post)
:tags (post-tags post)
:date (pretty-date (post-date post))
:content (post-content post)
; :prev (post-prev post)
; :next (post-next post)
(defmethod find-post (id)
(gethash id (gethash :posts *storage*)))
(defmethod find-by-tag (tag)
(let ((results nil))
(loop for post being the hash-values in (gethash :posts *storage*)
do (when (search tag (post-tags post))
(push post results)))
(defmethod find-by-range (start end)
(loop for i from start upto end
collecting (find-post id) into results
finally (return (remove nil results))))