Brit Butler 0e70d8661e Minimal changes to support tagless, dateless static-pages using post template.
Note that tagless or dateless posts might not behave as expected in
indexes. Filtering by tag still works but sorting by date doesn't
drop the nil values.
2014-04-29 13:55:58 -04:00

27 lines
788 B

{namespace coleslaw.theme.readable}
{template post}
<div class="row-fluid">{\n}
<h1 class="page-header">{$post.title}</h1>{\n}
{if $post.tags}
Tagged as {foreach $tag in $post.tags}
<a href="../tag/{$tag.slug}{$config.pageExt}">{$}</a>{nil}
{if not isLast($tag)},{sp}{/if}
<p class="date-posted">
{if $}
Written on {$}
{$post.text |noAutoescape}
<ul class="pager">
{if $prev}<li class="previous"><a href="{$config.domain}/posts/{$prev.slug}.{$config.pageExt}">&larr; Previous</a></li>{/if}{\n}
{if $next}<li class="next"><a href="{$config.domain}/posts/{$next.slug}.{$config.pageExt}">Next &rarr;</a></li>{/if}{\n}