Willem Rein Oudshoorn dbdb7e29af Allow arbitrary tag names. However if two tags have the same slug they will be merged.
The name of the merged tag will be one of the original names.
However this should not happen in practice.
2013-04-19 12:53:25 +02:00

34 lines
969 B

{namespace coleslaw.theme.hyde}
{template index}
<h1 class="title">{$index.title}</h1>
{foreach $post in $index.posts}
<div class="article-meta">
<a class="article-title" href="{$config.domain}/posts/{$post.slug}.html">{$post.title}</a>
<div class="date"> posted on {$}</div>
<div class="article">{$post.text |noAutoescape}</div>
<div id="relative-nav">
{if $prev} <a href="{$prev}.html">Previous</a> {/if}
{if $next} <a href="{$next}.html">Next</a> {/if}
{if $tags}
<div id="tagsoup">
<p>This blog covers
{foreach $tag in $tags}
<a href="{$config.domain}/tag/{$tag.slug}.html">{$}</a>{nil}
{if not isLast($tag)},{sp}{/if}
{if $months}
<div id="monthsoup">
<p>View posts from
{foreach $month in $months}
<a href="{$config.domain}/date/{$month}.html">{$month}</a>{nil}
{if not isLast($month)},{sp}{/if}