Brit Butler e81f01440d API changes, Static Indices rewrite and more...
* Revamp API intersection of indices and posts.
* Rewrite the static implementation of indices.
* Add split-sequence dep to coleslaw-static
* Various bugfixes and cleanups to import plugin.
* Beginnings of hunchentoot plugin.
* Update TODO.
2011-04-22 18:37:22 -04:00

19 lines
505 B
Common Lisp

(in-package :coleslaw)
(defun pretty-date (date)
(subseq (local-time:format-rfc1123-timestring nil date) 0 16))
(defun pretty-list (list)
(format nil "~{~A~^, ~}" list))
(defun year-month (date)
(format nil "~4d-~2,'0d" (local-time:timestamp-year date)
(local-time:timestamp-month date)))
(defun theme-fn (name)
(find-symbol name (theme-package)))
(defun escape (str)
(substitute #\. #\/
(substitute #\_ #\?
(substitute #\- #\Space str))))