110 lines
4.4 KiB
Common Lisp
110 lines
4.4 KiB
Common Lisp
(in-package :coleslaw)
(defvar *site-root* nil
"A string representing the base URL of the site,
e.g. \"http://blog.redlinernotes.com\".")
(defvar *site-title* nil
"A string containing the title of the site,
e.g. \"Improved Means for Achieving Deterioriated Ends\".")
(defvar *site-credits* nil
"A string containing the credits of the site,
e.g. \"Brit Butler (year)\".")
(defvar *site-license* nil
"A string containing the (optional) license of the site,
e.g. \"CC-BY-SA\". Otherwise, standard copyright is assumed.")
(defvar *site-navigation* nil
"A string of HTML describing a navbar or similar structure.")
(defvar *output-dir* nil
"The path where the compiled coleslaw site will be output.")
(defvar *input-dir* nil
"The directory which will be watched for new posts.")
(defun static-init ()
(setf *storage* (make-hash-table))
(loop for table in '(:authors :comments :posts :credentials)
do (setf (gethash table *storage*) (make-hash-table)))
(setf (gethash :indices *storage*) (make-hash-table :test #'equal)))
(defmethod start-coleslaw (&rest options)
(defmethod stop-coleslaw (&rest options)
(defmethod get-credentials (name)
(gethash name (gethash :credentials *storage*)))
(defmethod set-credentials (name credentials)
(setf (gethash name (gethash :credentials *storage*)) credentials))
(defmethod add-injection ((str string) location)
(pushnew str (gethash location *storage*) :test #'string))
(defmethod remove-injection ((str string) location)
(setf (gethash location *storage*)
(remove str (gethash location *storage*) :test #'string=)))
(defmethod render-page (content)
(let ((result (funcall (find-symbol "BASE" (theme-package))
(list :title *site-title*
:siteroot *site-root*
:head-inject (apply #'concatenate 'string
(gethash :head *storage*))
:navigation *site-navigation*
:content content
:body-inject (apply #'concatenate 'string
(gethash :body *storage*))
:license *site-license*
:credits *site-credits*))))
(defun write-post (post)
(let* ((id (post-id post))
(filepath (merge-pathnames (post-file id)
(ensure-directories-exist filepath)
(with-open-file (out filepath :direction :output
:if-exists :supersede :if-does-not-exist :create)
(write-string (render-page (render-post id)) out))))
(defun write-index (index)
(let* ((count (length (index-posts index)))
(pages (ceiling (/ count 10)))
(id (index-id index)))
(cl-fad:pathname-as-directory (merge-pathnames id *output-dir*)))
(loop for page from 1 to pages do
(let ((filepath (merge-pathnames (index-file id page)
(with-open-file (out filepath :direction :output
:if-exists :supersede :if-does-not-exist :create)
(write-string (render-page (render-index id page)) out))))))
(defmethod render-site ()
(flet ((copy-dir (from to)
(cl-fad:walk-directory from
(lambda (file)
(let ((name (concatenate 'string
(pathname-name file) "."
(pathname-type file))))
(cl-fad:copy-file file (merge-pathnames name to)))))))
(when (cl-fad:directory-exists-p *output-dir*)
(cl-fad:delete-directory-and-files *output-dir*))
(ensure-directories-exist *output-dir*)
(let ((css-dir (merge-pathnames "css/" *output-dir*))
(static-dir (merge-pathnames "static/" *output-dir*)))
(ensure-directories-exist css-dir)
(ensure-directories-exist static-dir)
;; TODO: Copy-dir dies if the directories aren't there...
(copy-dir (merge-pathnames "css/" *theme-dir*) css-dir)
(copy-dir (merge-pathnames "static/" *input-dir*) static-dir))
(loop for post being the hash-values in (gethash :posts *storage*)
do (write-post post))
(loop for index being the hash-values in (gethash :indices *storage*)
do (write-index index))))