docs | ||
examples | ||
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.gitignore | ||
coleslaw.asd | || | ||
LICENSE | || | || | ||

Czeslaw Milosz was the writer-in-residence at UNC c. 1992. I used to see him all the time at the Hardback Cafe, always sitting at a two-top drinking coffee, reading, writing, eating chips and salsa. I remember a gentleness behind the enormous bushy eyebrows and that we called him Coleslaw. - anon
Coleslaw aims to be flexible blog software suitable for replacing a single-user static site compiler such as Jekyll.
Git for storage
RSS and Atom feeds!
Markdown Support with Code Highlighting provided by colorize.
- Currently supports: Common Lisp, Emacs Lisp, Scheme, C, C++, Java, Python, Erlang, Haskell, Obj-C, Diff.
Multi-site publishing support.
A Plugin API and plugins for...
- Comments via Disqus
- Analytics via Google
- Hosting via Github Pages
- Deploying to Amazon S3.
- Using LaTeX (inside pairs of
) via Mathjax
- Using ReStructured Text
- Importing posts from wordpress
There is also a Heroku buildpack maintained by Jose Pereira.
Example sites: redlinernotes and (lisp :is 'fun).
This software should be portable to any conforming Common Lisp implementation but this guide will assume SBCL is installed. Testing has also been done on CCL. Server side setup:
- Setup git and create a bare repo as shown here.
- Install Lisp and Quicklisp.
wget -c -O ~/.coleslawrc
# and edit as necessarywget -c -O your-blog.git/hooks/post-receive
# and edit as necessarychmod +x your-blog/.git/hooks/post-receive
- Create or clone your blog repo locally. Add your server as a remote with
git remote add prod
- Point the web server of your choice at the symlink /path/to/deploy-dir/.curr/
Now whenever you push a new commit to the server, coleslaw will update your blog automatically! You may need to git push -u prod master the first time.
The Post Format
Coleslaw expects post files to be formatted as follows:
title: foo
tags: bar, baz
date: yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss
format: html (for raw html) or md (for markdown)
your post
A default theme, hyde, is provided. Themes are made using Google's closure-template and the source for hyde should be simple and instructive until I can provide better docs.