Brit Butler e81f01440d API changes, Static Indices rewrite and more...
* Revamp API intersection of indices and posts.
* Rewrite the static implementation of indices.
* Add split-sequence dep to coleslaw-static
* Various bugfixes and cleanups to import plugin.
* Beginnings of hunchentoot plugin.
* Update TODO.
2011-04-22 18:37:22 -04:00

68 lines
2.7 KiB
Common Lisp

(in-package :coleslaw)
(defmethod make-index (id posts)
(make-instance 'index :id id :posts posts))
(defmethod find-index (id)
(gethash id (gethash :indices *storage*)))
(defun (setf find-index) (new-val id)
(setf (gethash id (gethash :indices *storage*)) new-val)
(defmethod add-to-index (id (post post))
(let ((index (find-index id)))
(if index
(push post (index-posts index))
(setf index (make-index id (list post))))
(setf (find-index id) index)))
(defmethod remove-from-index (id (post post))
(let ((index (find-index id)))
(setf (index-posts index) (remove post (index-posts index)))
(if (index-posts index)
(setf (find-index id) index)
(remhash id (gethash :indices *storage*)))))
(defun monthlinks ()
(loop for month in (gethash :months-list *storage*)
collecting (list :url (index-url (concatenate 'string "date/" month) 1)
:name month)))
(defun taglinks ()
(loop for tag in (gethash :tags-list *storage*)
collecting (list :url (index-url (concatenate 'string "tag/" tag) 1)
:name tag)))
(defun index-title (id)
(let ((split-id (split-sequence:split-sequence #\/ id)))
(cond ((string= "date" (first split-id))
(format nil "Posts from ~A" (second split-id)))
((string= "tag" (first split-id))
(format nil "Posts tagged ~A" (second split-id)))
(t (format nil "Recent Posts")))))
(defmethod render-index (id page)
(let* ((index-posts (index-posts (find-index id)))
(start (* 10 (1- page)))
(end (if (< (+ start 9) (length index-posts))
(+ start 9)
(- (length index-posts) start)))
(posts (subseq index-posts start end))
(content (funcall (find-symbol "INDEX" (theme-package))
(list :taglinks (taglinks)
:monthlinks (monthlinks)
:title (index-title id)
:posts (loop for post in posts collect
(list :url (post-url (post-id post))
:title (post-title post)
:date (pretty-date (post-date post))
:contents (post-content post)))
:prev (when (> page 1)
(index-url id (1- page)))
:next (when (< (* 10 page) (length index-posts))
(index-url id (1+ page)))))))
(defmethod index-url (id page)
(concatenate 'string *site-root* "/" id "/" (write-to-string page)))