2023-07-11 19:46:14 +02:00
;; The Bootstrap Dropdown component is a toggleable, contextual menu for
;; displaying lists of links and more. It's made interactive with the inclusion of
;; JavaScript, which allows it to convert a button into a dropdown menu.
;; Key Features:
;; Toggleable: It can be toggled to display or hide its list of links.
;; Contextual: The dropdown can be used in various contexts, such as navigation
;; bars, tabs, and buttons.
;; Flexible: Dropdowns can contain a wide variety of elements, not just links. For
;; example, you could include form elements or other complex sets of content.
;; Customizable: The appearance and behavior of the dropdown can be customized with Bootstrap's built-in classes.
;; In terms of structure, a Bootstrap dropdown typically consists of a button with
;; data-bs-toggle="dropdown" attribute to enable the dropdown functionality, and a
;; div or ul with class .dropdown-menu to create the actual dropdown menu. Each
;; item in the dropdown is typically enclosed in an a or button element with the
;; class .dropdown-item. Additionally, dropdowns can be made to expand
;; upwards (instead of downwards) by adding the .dropup class.
(defpackage cl-sbt-dropdown
(:use :cl)
(in-package :cl-sbt-dropdown)
(defmacro menu (&body body)
(:ul :class "dropdown-menu"
(defmacro item (&body body)
(:li (:a :class "dropdown-item" :href "#" ,@body))))
2023-07-02 09:15:20 +02:00
(defmacro dropdown ((&key (title "")) &body body)
(:div :class "dropdown"
(:button :class "btn btn-secondary dropdown-toggle"
:type "button"
:data-bs-toggle "dropdown"
:aria-expanded "false"