Make grid tests green

This commit is contained in:
Marcus Kammer 2023-07-22 14:00:12 +02:00
parent bebb81b1c9
commit 2750f90761
Signed by: marcuskammer
GPG key ID: C374817BE285268F
3 changed files with 227 additions and 41 deletions

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@ -37,6 +37,7 @@
:components ((:module "tests"
((:file "main"))))
((:file "main")
(:file "grid"))))
:description "Test system for cl-sbt"
:perform (test-op (op c) (symbol-call :rove :run c)))

View file

@ -49,20 +49,18 @@
(defun string-clean (str)
(string-trim " " (string-downcase str)))
(defun make-con-class (name value default-class)
(defun make-con-class (name value)
"Generates a Bootstrap container class string for a particular breakpoint.
NAME is the name of the breakpoint (e.g., 'xs', 'sm', 'md', etc.).
VALUE is non-nil when the container's width is set for the breakpoint.
DEFAULT-CLASS is a string that represents the default container class.
The function generates a ' container-NAME' class string if VALUE is non-nil.
(make-container-class \"md\" t \"container\") ; => \" container-md\""
(if value (format nil "~a-~a " default-class name) ""))
(make-container-class \"md\" t) ; => \" container-md\""
(if value
(format nil "container-~a " name)
(defun make-row-class (name value)
"Generates a Bootstrap row class string for a particular breakpoint or a general column setting.
@ -98,13 +96,19 @@ the size or offset is nil, it omits the corresponding part.
(make-col-class \"md\" '(3 1)) ; => \" col-md-3 offset-md-1\"
(make-col-class \"lg\" '(4 nil)) ; => \" col-lg-4\""
(if size-offset-pair
(let ((size (first size-offset-pair))
(offset (second size-offset-pair)))
(concatenate 'string
(if size (format nil "col-~a-~d" name size) "")
(if offset (format nil " offset-~a-~d" name offset) "") " "))
(let* ((size (first size-offset-pair))
(offset (second size-offset-pair))
(size-string (if size
(if (string= name "")
(format nil "col-~d " size)
(format nil "col-~a-~d " name size))
(offset-string (if offset
(if (string= name "")
(format nil "offset-~d " offset)
(format nil "offset-~a-~d " name offset))
(concatenate 'string size-string offset-string)))
(defun breakpoint-class (&key (kind :con) (xs nil) (sm nil) (md nil) (lg nil) (xl nil) (xxl nil))
"Generates Bootstrap class string for different kinds of elements across breakpoints.
@ -137,15 +141,16 @@ Examples:
(breakpoint-class :kind :con :xs t :sm t :md t :lg t :xl t :xxl t)
; will generate a string for a fluid container that spans all breakpoints."
(let ((breakpoint-values (list xs sm md lg xl xxl)))
(apply #'concatenate 'string
(loop for i from 0 below (length *breakpoints*)
for breakpoint-name = (nth i *breakpoints*)
for breakpoint-value = (nth i breakpoint-values)
((eq kind :con) (make-con-class breakpoint-name breakpoint-value "container"))
((eq kind :row) (make-row-class breakpoint-name breakpoint-value))
((eq kind :col) (make-col-class breakpoint-name breakpoint-value)))))))
(apply #'concatenate 'string
(loop for i from 0 below (length *breakpoints*)
for breakpoint-name = (nth i *breakpoints*)
for breakpoint-value = (nth i breakpoint-values)
((eq kind :con) (make-con-class breakpoint-name breakpoint-value))
((eq kind :row) (make-row-class breakpoint-name breakpoint-value))
((eq kind :col) (make-col-class breakpoint-name breakpoint-value))))))))
(defmacro con ((&key (fluid nil) (breakpoint nil) (text nil) (spacing nil)) &body body)
"Generates a Bootstrap container.
@ -175,22 +180,22 @@ Examples:
,(string-clean (concatenate 'string
(if (null fluid) "container " "container-fluid ")
(if (null breakpoint) ""
(apply #'breakpoint-class breakpoint))
(format nil "~a " (apply #'breakpoint-class breakpoint)))
(if (null text) ""
(apply #'cl-sbt/utility:text text))
(format nil "~a " (apply #'cl-sbt/utility:text text)))
(if (null spacing) ""
(apply #'cl-sbt/utility:spacing spacing))))
(defmacro row ((&key (cols nil) (breakpoint nil) (align-items nil) (justify-content nil) (spacing nil)) &body body)
(defmacro row ((&key (cols nil) (breakpoint nil) (alignitems nil) (justifycontent nil) (spacing nil)) &body body)
"Generates a Bootstrap row.
BREAKPOINT: Specifies the number of equal-width columns at various
breakpoints. It should be :xs, :sm, :md, :lg, :xl, or :xxl.
COLS: Specifies the number of columns irrespective of the viewport or
breakpoint size.
BREAKPOINT: Specifies the number of equal-width columns at various
breakpoints. It should be :xs, :sm, :md, :lg, :xl, or :xxl.
ALIGN-ITEMS: Specifies the vertical alignment of columns. It can be :start,
:center, :end, :stretch, or :baseline.
@ -198,11 +203,11 @@ JUSTIFY-CONTENT: Specifies the horizontal alignment of columns. It can be
:start, :center, :end, :around, or :between.
(row (:breakpoint (:xs 2)) \"Hello, world!\")
(row (:breakpoint (:kind :row :xs 2)) \"Hello, world!\")
; Creates a row with two equal-width columns for extra small devices,
; containing the text 'Hello, world!'
(row (:breakpoint (:sm 4 :md 3 :lg 2)) \"Hello, world!\")
(row (:breakpoint (:kind :row :sm 4 :md 3 :lg 2)) \"Hello, world!\")
; Creates a row with four equal-width columns for small devices, three for
; medium devices, and two for large devices, containing the text 'Hello, world!'
@ -210,7 +215,7 @@ Examples:
; Creates a row with three equal-width columns irrespective of the viewport
; or breakpoint size, containing the text 'Hello, world!'
(row (:align-items :center :justify-content :between) \"Hello, world!\")
(row (:alignitems :center :justifycontent :between) \"Hello, world!\")
; Creates a row with centered items that are evenly distributed in the
; horizontal direction, containing the text 'Hello, world!'
@ -221,17 +226,16 @@ arguments, containing the specified body content."
(concatenate 'string
"row "
(if (null cols) "" (format nil "cols-~d " cols))
(if (null cols) "" (make-row-class "cols" cols))
(if (null breakpoint) ""
(apply #'breakpoint-class breakpoint))
;(make-row-class "cols" cols)
(if (null align-items) "" (format nil "align-items-~a " align-items))
(if (null justify-content) "" (format nil "justify-content-~a " justify-content))
(if (null alignitems) "" (format nil "align-items-~a " alignitems))
(if (null justifycontent) "" (format nil "justify-content-~a " justifycontent))
(if (null spacing) ""
(apply #'cl-sbt/utility:spacing spacing))))
(defmacro col ((&key (col nil) (breakpoint nil) (align-self nil) (spacing nil)) &body body)
(defmacro col ((&key (default nil) (breakpoint nil) (alignself nil) (spacing nil)) &body body)
"Generates a Bootstrap column.
COL: Specifies the number of columns the element spans.
@ -254,7 +258,7 @@ Examples:
; This will generate a column that spans 8 medium-sized columns with an
; offset of 2 medium-sized columns, containing the text 'Hello, world!'.
(col (:align-self :center) \"Hello, world!\")
(col (:alignself :center) \"Hello, world!\")
; This will generate a column that aligns its content in the center,
; containing the text 'Hello, world!'.
@ -265,10 +269,10 @@ Examples:
(:div :class
(concatenate 'string
(if (null col) "col " (format nil "col-~d " col))
(if (null default) "col " (format nil "col-~d " default))
(if (null breakpoint) ""
(apply #'breakpoint-class breakpoint))
(if (null align-self) "" (format nil "align-self-~a " align-self))
(if (null alignself) "" (format nil "align-self-~a " alignself))
(if (null spacing) ""
(apply #'cl-sbt/utility:spacing spacing))))

tests/grid.lisp Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,181 @@
(defpackage cl-sbt/tests/grid
(in-package :cl-sbt/tests/grid)
(deftest test-make-con-class-no-value
(testing "Generates an empty string when value is NIL"
(ok (string= (make-con-class "xs" nil) ""))))
(deftest test-make-con-class-xs
(testing "Generates correct class for 'xs' breakpoint"
(ok (string= (make-con-class "xs" t) "container-xs "))))
(deftest test-make-con-class-sm
(testing "Generates correct class for 'sm' breakpoint"
(ok (string= (make-con-class "sm" t) "container-sm "))))
(deftest test-make-con-class-md
(testing "Generates correct class for 'md' breakpoint"
(ok (string= (make-con-class "md" t) "container-md "))))
(deftest test-make-con-class-lg
(testing "Generates correct class for 'lg' breakpoint"
(ok (string= (make-con-class "lg" t) "container-lg "))))
(deftest test-make-row-class-no-value
(testing "Generates an empty string when value is NIL"
(ok (string= (make-row-class "xs" nil) ""))))
(deftest test-make-row-class-general-cols
(testing "Generates correct class for 'cols' with 2 columns"
(ok (string= (make-row-class "cols" 2) "row-cols-2 "))))
(deftest test-make-row-class-xs
(testing "Generates correct class for 'xs' breakpoint with 2 columns"
(ok (string= (make-row-class "xs" 2) "row-cols-xs-2 "))))
(deftest test-make-row-class-md
(testing "Generates correct class for 'md' breakpoint with 3 columns"
(ok (string= (make-row-class "md" 3) "row-cols-md-3 "))))
(deftest test-make-row-class-lg
(testing "Generates correct class for 'lg' breakpoint with 4 columns"
(ok (string= (make-row-class "lg" 4) "row-cols-lg-4 "))))
(deftest test-make-col-class-no-size-no-offset
(testing "Generates an empty string when both size and offset are NIL"
(ok (string= (make-col-class "xs" '(nil nil)) ""))))
(deftest test-make-col-class-size-only
(testing "Generates correct class for 'md' breakpoint with size 3 and no offset"
(ok (string= (make-col-class "md" '(3 nil)) "col-md-3 "))))
(deftest test-make-col-class-offset-only
(testing "Generates correct class for 'md' breakpoint with no size and offset 2"
(ok (string= (make-col-class "md" '(nil 2)) "offset-md-2 "))))
(deftest test-make-col-class-size-and-offset
(testing "Generates correct class for 'lg' breakpoint with size 4 and offset 1"
(ok (string= (make-col-class "lg" '(4 1)) "col-lg-4 offset-lg-1 "))))
(deftest test-make-col-class-no-name
(testing "Generates correct class when no name is provided, with size 2 and offset 1"
(ok (string= (make-col-class "" '(2 1)) "col-2 offset-1 "))))
(deftest test-breakpoint-class-con
(testing "Generates correct class for container"
(ok (string= (breakpoint-class :kind :con :md t) "container-md"))))
(deftest test-breakpoint-class-row
(testing "Generates correct class for row"
(ok (string= (breakpoint-class :kind :row :sm 2 :md 3) "row-cols-sm-2 row-cols-md-3"))))
(deftest test-breakpoint-class-col
(testing "Generates correct class for column"
(ok (string= (breakpoint-class :kind :col :lg '(4 1)) "col-lg-4 offset-lg-1"))))
(deftest test-breakpoint-class-con-fluid
(testing "Generates correct class for fluid container"
(ok (string= (breakpoint-class :kind :con :xs t :sm t :md t :lg t :xl t :xxl t) "container-xs container-sm container-md container-lg container-xl container-xxl"))))
(deftest test-breakpoint-class-col-no-offset
(testing "Generates correct class for column with no offset"
(ok (string= (breakpoint-class :kind :col :md '(3)) "col-md-3"))))
(deftest test-con-fluid
(let ((result (spinneret:with-html-string (con (:fluid t)))))
(testing "Generates correct HTML for fluid container"
(ok (string= result "<div class=container-fluid></div>")))))
(deftest test-con-breakpoint
(let ((result (spinneret:with-html-string (con (:breakpoint (:kind :con :md t))))))
(testing "Generates correct HTML for container with breakpoint"
(ok (string= result "<div class=\"container container-md\"></div>")))))
(deftest test-con-text
(let ((result (spinneret:with-html-string (con (:text (:alignment "center"))))))
(testing "Generates correct HTML for container with text utilities"
(ok (string= result "<div class=\"container text-center\"></div>")))))
(deftest test-con-fluid-breakpoint-text
(let ((result (spinneret:with-html-string (con (:fluid t :breakpoint (:kind :con :sm t) :text (:weight "bold"))))))
(testing "Generates correct HTML for fluid container with breakpoint and text utilities"
(ok (string= result "<div class=\"container-fluid container-sm fw-bold\"></div>")))))
(deftest test-con-no-arguments
(let ((result (spinneret:with-html-string (con ()))))
(testing "Generates correct HTML for container with no arguments"
(ok (string= result "<div class=container></div>")))))
(deftest test-row-cols
(let ((result (spinneret:with-html-string (cl-sbt/grid:row (:cols 2)))))
(testing "Generates correct HTML when cols is provided"
(ok (string= result "<div class=\"row row-cols-2\"></div>")))))
(deftest test-row-breakpoint
(let ((result (spinneret:with-html-string (cl-sbt/grid:row (:breakpoint (:kind :row :sm 2))))))
(testing "Generates correct HTML when breakpoint is provided"
(ok (string= result "<div class=\"row row-cols-sm-2\"></div>")))))
(deftest test-row-align-items
(let ((result (spinneret:with-html-string (cl-sbt/grid:row (:alignitems "center")))))
(testing "Generates correct HTML when align-items is provided"
(ok (string= result "<div class=\"row align-items-center\"></div>")))))
(deftest test-row-justify-content
(let ((result (spinneret:with-html-string (cl-sbt/grid:row (:justifycontent "between")))))
(testing "Generates correct HTML when justify-content is provided"
(ok (string= result "<div class=\"row justify-content-between\"></div>")))))
(deftest test-row-spacing
(let ((result (spinneret:with-html-string (cl-sbt/grid:row (:spacing (:property :m :size 2))))))
(testing "Generates correct HTML when spacing is provided"
(ok (string= result "<div class=\"row m-2\"></div>")))))
(deftest test-row-no-args
(let ((result (spinneret:with-html-string (cl-sbt/grid:row ()))))
(testing "Generates correct HTML when no arguments are provided"
(ok (string= result "<div class=row></div>")))))
(deftest test-row-null-cols
(let ((result (spinneret:with-html-string (cl-sbt/grid:row (:cols nil)))))
(testing "Generates correct HTML when cols is null"
(ok (string= result "<div class=row></div>")))))
(deftest test-col-breakpoint
(let ((result (spinneret:with-html-string (col (:breakpoint (:kind :col :md (8 2)))))))
(testing "Generates correct HTML for column with breakpoint"
(ok (string= result "<div class=\"col col-md-8 offset-md-2\"></div>")))))
(deftest test-col-align-self
(let ((result (spinneret:with-html-string (col (:alignself "center")))))
(testing "Generates correct HTML for column with align-self center"
(ok (string= result "<div class=\"col align-self-center\"></div>")))))
(deftest test-col-spacing
(let ((result (spinneret:with-html-string (col (:spacing (:property :p :size 2))))))
(testing "Generates correct HTML for column with padding on all sides"
(ok (string= result "<div class=\"col p-2\"></div>")))))
(deftest test-col-no-arguments
(let ((result (spinneret:with-html-string (col ()))))
(testing "Generates correct HTML for column with no arguments"
(ok (string= result "<div class=col></div>")))))
(deftest test-col-default
(let ((result (spinneret:with-html-string (col (:default 3)))))
(testing "Generates correct HTML for column with no arguments"
(ok (string= result "<div class=col-3></div>")))))