Redefine types

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Marcus Kammer 2023-09-19 11:36:01 +02:00
parent c6d5aa843c
commit 5c776a54fb

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@ -30,16 +30,21 @@
(in-package :cl-sbt/questionnaire)
(defun plistp (lst)
"Checks if the given list LST is a property list."
(defun choicep (lst)
(and (keywordp (first lst))
(every #'stringp (rest lst))))
(deftype choice ()
'(and list (satisfies choicep)))
(defun choicesp (lst)
(loop for elem in lst
always (or (keywordp elem)
(stringp elem)
(listp elem))))
(stringp elem))))
(deftype plist ()
"A property list is a flat list containing keywords and strings."
'(and list (satisfies plistp)))
(deftype choices ()
'(and list (satisfies choicesp)))
(defun questionp (lst)
(loop for i from 0 below (length lst)
@ -47,9 +52,10 @@
always (if (evenp i)
(keywordp elem)
(or (stringp elem)
(plistp elem)))))
(choicesp elem)))))
(deftype question ()
" A question is a list of keyword value pairs."
'(and list (satisfies questionp)))
(defun resolve-input-type (type)