diff --git a/docs/pattern/questionnaire-page.html b/docs/pattern/questionnaire-page.html
index 3256140..1258c2e 100644
--- a/docs/pattern/questionnaire-page.html
+++ b/docs/pattern/questionnaire-page.html
@@ -1,145 +1,149 @@
- Questionnaire Examples
+ Questionnaire Example
+ href=https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/bootstrap@5.3.2/dist/css/bootstrap.min.css>
- Questionnaire Examples
+ src=https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/bootstrap@5.3.2/dist/js/bootstrap.bundle.min.js>
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/docs/pattern/questionnaire.org b/docs/pattern/questionnaire.org
index 9923ea1..55c48fb 100644
--- a/docs/pattern/questionnaire.org
+++ b/docs/pattern/questionnaire.org
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
#+title: Creating a Questionnaire using cl-sbt/questionnaire Macros in a Web Application
#+author: Marcus Kammer
#+email: marcus.kammer@mailbox.org
-#+date: 2023-11-09T18:27+01:00
+#+date: 2024-01-27T14:40+01:00
* Introduction
Questionnaires are powerful tools for gathering information and insights from
@@ -31,35 +31,27 @@ required for different types of questions in a questionnaire.
#+name: questionnaire-page
#+begin_src lisp :results output file :file-ext html
(defpackage my-web-app
- (:use :cl :cl-sbt/questionnaire)
- (:export :generate-button-page))
+ (:use :cl)
+ (:import-from :dev.metalisp.sbt :with-page)
+ (:import-from :dev.metalisp.sbt/pattern/questionnaire :questionnaire)
+ (:export :generate-button-page))
(in-package :my-web-app)
(defun generate-questionnaire-page ()
- "Generates an HTML page with questionnaires using cl-sbt/questionnaire macros."
- (spinneret:with-html-string
- (:html
- (:head
- (:title "Questionnaire Examples")
- (:link :type "text/css"
- :rel "stylesheet"
- :href "https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/bootstrap@5.3.0/dist/css/bootstrap.min.css"))
- (:body
- (:h1 "Questionnaire Examples")
- ;; ---
- (questionnaire "/submit"
- (:ask "How old are you?"
- :group "age"
- :choices (:radio "18-24" "25-34" "35-44" "45-54" "55+"))
- (:ask "Gender"
- :group "gender"
- :choices (:radio "Male" "Female" "Non-binary" "Prefer not to say" "Other" :text "Other"))
- (:ask "How many hours per day, on average, do you spend browsing the internet?"
- :group "webbrowsing"
- :choices (:radio "Less than 1 hour" "1-3 hours" "3-5 hours" "5+ hours")))
- ;; ---
- (:script :src "https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/bootstrap@5.3.0/dist/js/bootstrap.bundle.min.js")))))
+ "Generates an HTML page with questionnaires using cl-sbt/questionnaire macros."
+ (with-output-to-string (spinneret:*html*)
+ (with-page (:title "Questionnaire Example" :main-con t)
+ (questionnaire "/submit"
+ (:ask "How old are you?"
+ :group "age"
+ :choices (:radio "18-24" "25-34" "35-44" "45-54" "55+"))
+ (:ask "Gender"
+ :group "gender"
+ :choices (:radio "Male" "Female" "Non-binary" "Prefer not to say" "Other" :text "Other"))
+ (:ask "How many hours per day, on average, do you spend browsing the internet?"
+ :group "webbrowsing"
+ :choices (:radio "Less than 1 hour" "1-3 hours" "3-5 hours" "5+ hours"))))))
(format t (generate-questionnaire-page))
diff --git a/src/main.lisp b/src/main.lisp
index fed6152..4bad9f5 100644
--- a/src/main.lisp
+++ b/src/main.lisp
@@ -69,9 +69,9 @@
(with-open-file (stream filename :direction :output :if-exists :supersede)
(write-string string stream))))
-(defmacro with-page ((&key meta title add-css-urls add-js-urls) &body body)
+(defmacro with-page ((&key meta title main-con add-css-urls add-js-urls) &body body)
(unless title
- (error "Please add a title"))
+ (error "A page needs a title. Please add a title."))
(:html :data-bs-theme ,*color-theme*
@@ -89,7 +89,7 @@
collect `(:link :type "text/css" :rel "stylesheet" :href ,url)))
(:body (:h1 :class "visually-hidden" ,title)
- (:main ,@body)
+ (:main ,@(when main-con (list :class "container")) ,@body)
(:script :src ,(js-url))
,@(loop for url in add-js-urls