Use local var for class str

This commit is contained in:
Marcus Kammer 2023-09-02 09:32:54 +02:00
parent e9beee61cd
commit a0002fa0c1
Signed by: marcuskammer
GPG key ID: C374817BE285268F

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@ -181,13 +181,14 @@ Example 4:
(con (:fluid t :breakpoint (:sm t) :text (:weight \"bold\")) \"Bold text in a small fluid container!\")
; This will generate a full width (fluid) container that is small at the
; defined breakpoint, containing bold text."
(let ((fluid-str (if (null fluid) "container " "container-fluid "))
(breakpoint-str (if (null breakpoint) "" (format nil "~a " (apply #'breakpoint-class breakpoint))))
(text-str (if (null text) "" (format nil "~a " (apply #'cl-sbt/utility:text text))))
(spacing-str (if (null spacing) "" (apply #'cl-sbt/utility:spacing spacing))))
(let* ((fluid-str (if (null fluid) "container " "container-fluid "))
(breakpoint-str (if (null breakpoint) "" (format nil "~a " (apply #'breakpoint-class breakpoint))))
(text-str (if (null text) "" (format nil "~a " (apply #'cl-sbt/utility:text text))))
(spacing-str (if (null spacing) "" (apply #'cl-sbt/utility:spacing spacing)))
(class-str (string-clean (concatenate 'string fluid-str breakpoint-str text-str spacing-str))))
(:comment "START CONTAINER")
(:div :class ,(string-clean (concatenate 'string fluid-str breakpoint-str text-str spacing-str))
(:div :class ,class-str
(:comment "END CONTAINER"))))