Fix naming of arguments to better fit their meaning
This commit is contained in:
5 changed files with 50 additions and 47 deletions
@ -57,49 +57,52 @@
:data-bs-dismiss "alert"
:aria-label "Close")))
(defmacro alert ((&key (type "primary") (dismissible nil)) &body body)
(defmacro alert ((&key (color "primary") (dismissible nil)) &body body)
"This macro generates a Bootstrap alert component.
TYPE: Specifies the alert type. Can be 'primary', 'secondary', 'success', 'danger', 'warning', 'info', 'light', or 'dark'. Defaults to 'primary'.
COLOR: Specifies the alert type. Can be 'primary', 'secondary', 'success', 'danger', 'warning', 'info', 'light', or 'dark'. Defaults to 'primary'.
DISMISSIBLE: Specifies whether the alert is dismissible. If true, the alert includes a close button.
BODY: Specifies the content of the alert.
Example usage:
To create a basic alert of type 'danger':
(alert (:type \"danger\") \"This is a dangerous alert. Be careful!\")
(alert (:role \"danger\") \"This is a dangerous alert. Be careful!\")
To create a dismissible alert of type 'success':
(alert (:type \"success\" :dismissible t) \"Congratulations! You've successfully created a dismissible alert.\")"
(:div :role "alert"
:class ,(concatenate 'string (format nil "alert alert-~a" type)
:class ,(concatenate 'string (format nil "alert alert-~a" color)
(if (null dismissible) nil " alert-dismissible"))
,(if (null dismissible) nil `(btn))
(defmacro define-alert (type &optional (dismissible nil))
(defmacro define-alert (color &optional (dismissible nil))
"This macro defines a new macro for creating a Bootstrap alert of a specific type.
TYPE: The type of the alert (like 'primary', 'secondary', 'success', etc.).
COLOR: The color of the alert (like 'primary', 'secondary', 'success', etc.).
DISMISSIBLE: (optional) Whether the alert should be dismissible.
The newly defined macro, when called, will generate HTML for a Bootstrap
alert of the specified type and dismissibility."
(let* ((macro-name (intern (string-upcase (concatenate 'string "ALERT-" (if (null dismissible) "" "DISMISS-") type)))))
(let* ((macro-name (intern (string-upcase (concatenate 'string "ALERT-" (if (null dismissible) "" "DISMISS-") color)))))
`(defmacro ,macro-name (&body body)
`(alert (:type ,,type :dismissible ,,dismissible) ,@body))))
`(alert (:color ,,color :dismissible ,,dismissible) ,@body))))
(defmacro define-alerts (names)
(defmacro define-alerts (colors)
"This macro generates specific alert macros based on the provided names.
NAMES: A list of alert type names. For each name in this list, a macro will
COLORS: A list of alert type names. For each name in this list, a macro will
be generated: a non-dismissible alert and a dismissible alert of the
specified type."
,@(loop for item in names
for type-name = (string-downcase (string item))
,@(loop for color in colors
for color-name = (string-downcase (string color))
collect `(progn
(define-alert ,type-name)
(define-alert ,type-name t)))))
(define-alert ,color-name)
(define-alert ,color-name t)))))
(define-alerts (primary secondary success danger warning info light dark))
@ -54,44 +54,44 @@
(in-package :cl-sbt/badge)
(defmacro badge ((&key (role "primary") (pill nil)) &body body)
(defmacro badge ((&key (color "primary") (pill nil)) &body body)
"This macro generates a Bootstrap badge.
ROLE: (optional) The type of the badge (like 'primary', 'secondary', 'success', etc.). Defaults to 'primary'.
COLOR: (optional) The type of the badge (like 'primary', 'secondary', 'success', etc.). Defaults to 'primary'.
BODY: The contents of the badge.
(badge (:role \"success\" :pill t) \"New\")"
(badge (:color \"success\" :pill t) \"New\")"
(:span :class ,(concatenate 'string
(format nil "badge text-bg-~a" role)
(format nil "badge text-bg-~a" color)
(if (null pill) "" " rounded-pill"))
(defmacro define-badge (role &optional (pill nil))
(defmacro define-badge (color &optional (pill nil))
"This macro defines a new macro for creating a Bootstrap badge of a specific type.
ROLE: The role of the badge (like 'primary', 'secondary', 'success', etc.).
COLOR: The color of the badge (like 'primary', 'secondary', 'success', etc.).
PILL: (optional) If true, the badge will have 'rounded-pill' style.
The newly defined macro, when called, will generate HTML for a Bootstrap
badge of the specified type."
(let* ((macro-name (intern (string-upcase (concatenate 'string "BADGE-" (if (null pill) "" "PILL-") role)))))
(let* ((macro-name (intern (string-upcase (concatenate 'string "BADGE-" (if (null pill) "" "PILL-") color)))))
`(defmacro ,macro-name (&body body)
`(badge (:role ,,role :pill ,,pill) ,@body))))
`(badge (:color ,,color :pill ,,pill) ,@body))))
(defmacro define-badges (roles)
(defmacro define-badges (colors)
"This macro generates specific badge macros based on the provided names.
NAMES: A list of badge role names. For each name in this list, a macro will
COLORS: A list of badge color names. For each name in this list, a macro will
be generated: a badge of the specified type."
,@(loop for role in roles
for role-name = (string-downcase (string role))
,@(loop for color in colors
for color-name = (string-downcase (string color))
collect `(progn
(define-badge ,role-name)
(define-badge ,role-name t)))))
(define-badge ,color-name)
(define-badge ,color-name t)))))
(define-badges (primary secondary success danger warning info light dark link))
@ -88,10 +88,10 @@
(in-package :cl-sbt/btn)
(defmacro btn ((&key (type "primary") (size "")) &body body)
(defmacro btn ((&key (color "primary") (size "")) &body body)
"This macro generates a Bootstrap button.
TYPE: The type of the button (like 'primary', 'secondary', 'success', etc.).
COLOR: The color of the button (like 'primary', 'secondary', 'success', etc.).
SIZE: (optional) The size of the button ('lg' for large, 'sm' for small).
@ -103,14 +103,14 @@ Example:
(:button :type "button"
:class (concatenate 'string
(format nil " btn-~a" ,type)
(format nil " btn-~a" ,color)
(if (string-equal ,size "") nil (format nil " btn~a" ,size)))
(defmacro define-btn (role &optional (outline nil) (size nil))
(defmacro define-btn (color &optional (outline nil) (size nil))
"This macro defines a new macro for creating a Bootstrap button of a specific type, size, and outline style.
TYPE: The type of the button (like 'primary', 'secondary', 'success', etc.).
COLOR: The color of the button (like 'primary', 'secondary', 'success', etc.).
OUTLINE: (optional) Whether the button should be of the outline style.
@ -120,12 +120,12 @@ The newly defined macro, when called, will generate HTML for a Bootstrap
button of the specified type and size."
(let* ((size-name (if (null size) "" (format nil "-~a" size)))
(outline-name (if (null outline) "" "outline-"))
(role-name (concatenate 'string outline-name role))
(macro-name (intern (string-upcase (concatenate 'string "BTN-" outline-name role size-name)))))
(color-name (concatenate 'string outline-name color))
(macro-name (intern (string-upcase (concatenate 'string "BTN-" outline-name color size-name)))))
`(defmacro ,macro-name (&body body)
`(btn (:type ,,role-name :size ,,size-name) ,@body))))
`(btn (:color ,,color-name :size ,,size-name) ,@body))))
(defmacro define-btns (roles)
(defmacro define-btns (colors)
"This macro generates a suite of button-creating macros for each provided button type.
NAMES: A list of button type names. Each name should be a string
@ -139,14 +139,14 @@ button, and a small outline button.
The newly defined macros, when called, will generate HTML for a Bootstrap
button of the corresponding type, size, and outline style."
,@(loop for role in roles
for role-name = (string-downcase (string role))
,@(loop for color in colors
for color-name = (string-downcase (string color))
collect `(progn
(define-btn ,role-name)
(define-btn ,role-name t)
(define-btn ,role-name t "lg")
(define-btn ,role-name t "sm")
(define-btn ,role-name nil "lg")
(define-btn ,role-name nil "sm")))))
(define-btn ,color-name)
(define-btn ,color-name t)
(define-btn ,color-name t "lg")
(define-btn ,color-name t "sm")
(define-btn ,color-name nil "lg")
(define-btn ,color-name nil "sm")))))
(define-btns (primary secondary success danger warning info light dark link))
@ -13,7 +13,7 @@
(deftest test-badge-macro
(testing "Testing badge macro"
(let ((result (spinneret:with-html-string (badge (:role "primary")))))
(let ((result (spinneret:with-html-string (badge (:color "primary")))))
(ok (search "class=\"badge text-bg-primary\"" result)))))
(deftest test-badge-primary
@ -13,7 +13,7 @@
(deftest test-btn-macro
(testing "Testing btn macro"
(let ((result (spinneret:with-html-string (btn (:type "primary") "foo"))))
(let ((result (spinneret:with-html-string (btn (:color "primary") "foo"))))
(ok (search "class=\"btn btn-primary\"" result)))))
(deftest test-btn-primary
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