Use local var for constructing class str

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Marcus Kammer 2023-09-02 09:11:32 +02:00
parent b7d0007535
commit a8996b1a75
Signed by: marcuskammer
GPG key ID: C374817BE285268F

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@ -269,14 +269,14 @@ Examples:
(col (:spacing (:property :p :size 2)) \"Hello, world!\")
; This will generate a column that has a padding of 2 units on all sides,
; containing the text 'Hello, world!'."
(:div :class
(concatenate 'string
(if (null cols) "col " (format nil "col-~d " cols))
(if (null breakpoint) ""
(apply #'breakpoint-class breakpoint))
(if (null alignself) "" (format nil "align-self-~a " alignself))
(if (null spacing) ""
(apply #'cl-sbt/utility:spacing spacing))))
(let ((class-str (string-clean
(concatenate 'string
(if (null cols) "col " (format nil "col-~d " cols))
(if (null breakpoint) ""
(apply #'breakpoint-class breakpoint))
(if (null alignself) "" (format nil "align-self-~a " alignself))
(if (null spacing) ""
(apply #'cl-sbt/utility:spacing spacing))))))
(:div :class ,class-str