(defpackage dev.metalisp.sbt/tests/grid (:use :cl :dev.metalisp.sbt/grid :rove) (:import-from :dev.metalisp.sbt/grid :make-con-class :make-row-class :make-col-class :breakpoint-class)) (in-package :dev.metalisp.sbt/tests/grid) (deftest test-make-con-class-no-value (testing "Generates an empty string when value is NIL" (ok (string= (make-con-class "xs" nil) "")))) (deftest test-make-con-class-xs (testing "Generates correct class for 'xs' breakpoint" (ok (string= (make-con-class "xs" t) "container-xs ")))) (deftest test-make-con-class-sm (testing "Generates correct class for 'sm' breakpoint" (ok (string= (make-con-class "sm" t) "container-sm ")))) (deftest test-make-con-class-md (testing "Generates correct class for 'md' breakpoint" (ok (string= (make-con-class "md" t) "container-md ")))) (deftest test-make-con-class-lg (testing "Generates correct class for 'lg' breakpoint" (ok (string= (make-con-class "lg" t) "container-lg ")))) (deftest test-make-row-class-no-value (testing "Generates an empty string when value is NIL" (ok (string= (make-row-class "xs" nil) "")))) (deftest test-make-row-class-general-cols (testing "Generates correct class for 'cols' with 2 columns" (ok (string= (make-row-class "cols" 2) "row-cols-2 ")))) (deftest test-make-row-class-xs (testing "Generates correct class for 'xs' breakpoint with 2 columns" (ok (string= (make-row-class "xs" 2) "row-cols-xs-2 ")))) (deftest test-make-row-class-md (testing "Generates correct class for 'md' breakpoint with 3 columns" (ok (string= (make-row-class "md" 3) "row-cols-md-3 ")))) (deftest test-make-row-class-lg (testing "Generates correct class for 'lg' breakpoint with 4 columns" (ok (string= (make-row-class "lg" 4) "row-cols-lg-4 ")))) (deftest test-make-col-class-no-size-no-offset (testing "Generates an empty string when both size and offset are NIL" (ok (string= (make-col-class "xs" '(nil nil)) "")))) (deftest test-make-col-class-size-only (testing "Generates correct class for 'md' breakpoint with size 3 and no offset" (ok (string= (make-col-class "md" '(3 nil)) "col-md-3 ")))) (deftest test-make-col-class-offset-only (testing "Generates correct class for 'md' breakpoint with no size and offset 2" (ok (string= (make-col-class "md" '(nil 2)) "offset-md-2 ")))) (deftest test-make-col-class-size-and-offset (testing "Generates correct class for 'lg' breakpoint with size 4 and offset 1" (ok (string= (make-col-class "lg" '(4 1)) "col-lg-4 offset-lg-1 ")))) (deftest test-make-col-class-no-name (testing "Generates correct class when no name is provided, with size 2 and offset 1" (ok (string= (make-col-class "" '(2 1)) "col-2 offset-1 ")))) (deftest test-breakpoint-class-con (testing "Generates correct class for container" (ok (string= (breakpoint-class :kind "con" :md t) "container-md")))) (deftest test-breakpoint-class-row (testing "Generates correct class for row" (ok (string= (breakpoint-class :kind "row" :sm 2 :md 3) "row-cols-sm-2 row-cols-md-3")))) (deftest test-breakpoint-class-col (testing "Generates correct class for column" (ok (string= (breakpoint-class :kind "col" :lg '(4 1)) "col-lg-4 offset-lg-1")))) (deftest test-breakpoint-class-con-fluid (testing "Generates correct class for fluid container" (ok (string= (breakpoint-class :kind "con" :xs t :sm t :md t :lg t :xl t :xxl t) "container-xs container-sm container-md container-lg container-xl container-xxl")))) (deftest test-breakpoint-class-col-no-offset (testing "Generates correct class for column with no offset" (ok (string= (breakpoint-class :kind "col" :md '(3)) "col-md-3")))) (deftest test-breakpoint-class-no-arguments (testing "Asserts error is signaled for no arguments" (ok (signals (breakpoint-class))))) (deftest test-con-fluid (let ((result (spinneret:with-html-string (con (:fluid t))))) (testing "Generates correct HTML for fluid container" (ok (search "
" result))))) (deftest test-con-breakpoint (let ((result (spinneret:with-html-string (con (:breakpoint (:kind "con" :md t)))))) (testing "Generates correct HTML for container with breakpoint" (ok (search "
" result))))) (deftest test-con-text (let ((result (with-output-to-string (spinneret:*html*) (con (:text (:alignment "center")))))) (testing "Generates correct HTML for container with text utilities" (ok (search "
" result))))) (deftest test-con-fluid-breakpoint-text (let ((result (spinneret:with-html-string (con (:fluid t :breakpoint (:kind "con" :sm t) :text (:weight "bold")))))) (testing "Generates correct HTML for fluid container with breakpoint and text utilities" (ok (search "
" result))))) (deftest test-con-no-arguments (let ((result (spinneret:with-html-string (con ())))) (testing "Generates correct HTML for container with no arguments" (ok (search "
" result))))) (deftest test-row-cols (let ((result (spinneret:with-html-string (row (:cols 2))))) (testing "Generates correct HTML when cols is provided" (ok (string= result "
"))))) (deftest test-row-breakpoint (let ((result (spinneret:with-html-string (row (:breakpoint (:kind "row" :sm 2)))))) (testing "Generates correct HTML when breakpoint is provided" (ok (string= result "
"))))) (deftest test-row-align-items (let ((result (spinneret:with-html-string (row (:alignitems "center"))))) (testing "Generates correct HTML when align-items is provided" (ok (string= result "
"))))) (deftest test-row-justify-content (let ((result (spinneret:with-html-string (row (:justifycontent "between"))))) (testing "Generates correct HTML when justify-content is provided" (ok (string= result "
"))))) (deftest test-row-spacing (let ((result (spinneret:with-html-string (row (:spacing (:property "m" :size 2)))))) (testing "Generates correct HTML when spacing is provided" (ok (string= result "
"))))) (deftest test-row-no-args (let ((result (spinneret:with-html-string (row ())))) (testing "Generates correct HTML when no arguments are provided" (ok (string= result "
"))))) (deftest test-row-null-cols (let ((result (spinneret:with-html-string (row (:cols nil))))) (testing "Generates correct HTML when row is null" (ok (string= result "
"))))) (deftest test-col-breakpoint (let ((result (spinneret:with-html-string (col (:breakpoint (:kind "col" :md (8 2))))))) (testing "Generates correct HTML for column with breakpoint" (ok (string= result "
"))))) (deftest test-col-align-self (let ((result (spinneret:with-html-string (col (:alignself "center"))))) (testing "Generates correct HTML for column with align-self center" (ok (string= result "
"))))) (deftest test-col-spacing (let ((result (spinneret:with-html-string (col (:spacing (:property "p" :size 2)))))) (testing "Generates correct HTML for column with padding on all sides" (ok (string= result "
"))))) (deftest test-col-no-arguments (let ((result (spinneret:with-html-string (col ())))) (testing "Generates correct HTML for column with no arguments" (ok (string= result "
"))))) (deftest test-col-default (let ((result (spinneret:with-html-string (col (:cols 3))))) (testing "Generates correct HTML for column with no arguments" (ok (string= result "