;; https://getbootstrap.com/docs/5.3/components/navs-tabs/ ;; The Bootstrap Navs-Tabs component is a versatile navigation feature that ;; provides different styles of navigation elements. It's used to create sets ;; of nav links, which are presented in a series of tabs or pill-like buttons, ;; often used for switching between pages or sections in the same page without ;; a page refresh. ;; Bootstrap's Nav-Tabs component includes two key types: ;; Tabs: They are horizontal navigation elements that are styled to look like ;; physical tabs. They are commonly used for in-page navigation where the ;; selection of one tab changes the content of the page without requiring a ;; full page refresh. ;; Pills: These are similar to tabs, but they have a different visual style. ;; They appear as rounded rectangles, hence the name "pills". They serve the ;; same purpose as tabs, providing in-page navigation, but their unique styling ;; can help them to stand out more on the page or fit a specific design ;; aesthetic. ;; Nav-Tabs component also supports dropdowns and justified tabs or pills. ;; Dropdowns: These are special type of navigation elements that reveal ;; additional navigation options when clicked or hovered over. They are useful ;; for providing access to multiple links from a single nav item. ;; Justified tabs/pills: When you want your nav links to occupy the same ;; horizontal space, you can justify the links to distribute evenly across ;; their parent container. ;; Bootstrap's Nav-Tabs component is mobile-friendly and responsive, meaning it ;; adjusts its layout based on the size of the user's screen. This makes it a ;; flexible choice for a variety of web layouts. (defpackage dev.metalisp.sbt/component/nav (:use :cl) (:export :item :nav)) (in-package :dev.metalisp.sbt/component/nav) (defmacro item (name active url) "This macro generates a navigation item for a Bootstrap navigation list. NAME: Specifies the name of the navigation item. ACTIVE: Specifies whether the navigation item should be marked as active. URL: Specifies the URL that the navigation item will link to. Example: (nav-item \"Home\" t \"home\")" `(spinneret:with-html (:li :class "nav-item" (:a :class ,(if (null active) "nav-link" "nav-link active") :href (format nil "#~a" ,url) ,name)))) (defmacro nav ((&key (style nil)) &rest rest) "This macro generates a Bootstrap navigation list. STYLE: Specifies the style of the navigation list. If not provided, the default Bootstrap style is used. REST: Specifies a list of navigation items. Each item is a plist with the following keys: - :name: Specifies the name of the navigation item. - :active: Specifies whether the navigation item should be marked as active. - :url: Specifies the URL that the navigation item will link to. Example: (nav (:style \"nav-pills\") (:name \"Home\" :active t :url \"home\") (:name \"About\" :url \"about\") (:name \"Contact\" :url \"contact\"))" `(spinneret:with-html (:ul :class ,(concatenate 'string "nav " style) ,@(loop for tab in rest collect (destructuring-bind (&key name active url) tab `(nav-item ,name ,active ,url))))))