#+name: social-media-questionnaire #+begin_src html :tangle questionnaire.html
Hello and thank you for participating in our customer research questionnaire! Your feedback is incredibly important to us and will help shape the way we enhance our products and services. This questionnaire should take no more than 10-15 minutes of your time. Rest assured, all information will be kept strictly confidential and will only be used for research purposes. Let's get started!
#+end_src #+begin_src lisp :results value file :file questionnaire.html (defpackage feat-questionnaire (:use :cl) (:import-from :cl-sbt :with-page) (:import-from :cl-sbt/questionnaire :questionnaire-1)) (in-package :feat-questionnaire) (spinneret:with-html-string (with-page () (questionnaire-1 "/submit" (:ask "How old are you?" :group "age" :choices (:radio "18-24" "25-34" "35-44" "45-54" "55+")) (:ask "Your Gender?" :group "gender" :choices (:radio "Male" "Female" "Non-Binary" "Prefer not to say")) (:ask "How many hours per day, on average, do you spend browsing the internet?" :group "internet" :choices (:radio "Less than 1 hour" "1-3 hours" "3-5 hours" "5+ hours")) (:ask "Which of the following devices do you regularly use to browse the internet? (Select all that apply)" :group "devices" :choices (:checkbox "Desktop" "Laptop" "Tablet" "Smartphone"))))) #+end_src #+RESULTS: [[file:questionnaire.html]]