
128 lines
6.1 KiB
Common Lisp

(defpackage cl-sbt/tests/questionnaire
(in-package :cl-sbt/tests/questionnaire)
(deftest test-resolve-input-type
(testing "Test for resolve-input-type"
(ok (string= "radio" (resolve-input-type "single")))
(ok (string= "checkbox" (resolve-input-type "multiple")))
(ok (string= "text" (resolve-input-type "text")))))
(deftest test-resolve-input-and-choices
(testing "Test for resolve-input-and-choices"
(multiple-value-bind (type choices)
(resolve-input-and-choices '(:radio "A" "B"))
(ok (string= type "radio"))
(ok (equal choices '("A" "B"))))
(multiple-value-bind (type choices)
(resolve-input-and-choices '("A" "B"))
(ok (null type))
(ok (equal choices '("A" "B"))))))
(deftest test-extract-question-components
(testing "Test for extract-question-components"
(multiple-value-bind (ask1 group1 choices1)
(extract-question-components '(:ask "What is your favorite color?"
:group "favcolor"
:choices (:radio "Red" "Green" "Blue")))
(ok (string= ask1 "What is your favorite color?"))
(ok (string= group1 "favcolor"))
(ok (equal choices1 '(:radio "Red" "Green" "Blue"))))))
(deftest test-extract-question-components-missing-components
(testing "Test for extract-question-components with missing components"
(multiple-value-bind (ask2 group2 choices2)
(extract-question-components '(:ask "What is your favorite color?"
:choices (:radio "Red" "Green" "Blue")))
(ok (string= ask2 "What is your favorite color?"))
(ok (equal group2 '(:radio "Red" "Green" "Blue")))
(ok (null choices2)))))
(deftest test-extract-question-components-additional-keys
(testing "Test for extract-question-components with additional keys"
(multiple-value-bind (ask3 group3 choices3)
(extract-question-components '(:ask "What is your favorite color?"
:group "favcolor"
:choices (:radio "Red" "Green" "Blue")
:extra "some-extra-info"))
(ok (string= ask3 "What is your favorite color?"))
(ok (string= group3 "favcolor"))
(ok (equal choices3 '(:radio "Red" "Green" "Blue"))))))
(deftest test-create-questionnaire-single
(let ((result (spinneret:with-html-string
(questionnaire "/submit"
(:ask "Your Gender?"
:group "gender"
:choices (:single "Male" "Female" "Non-Binary" "Prefer not to say"))))))
(testing "Generates correct HTML for questionnaire with single choices"
(ok (search "<form class=py-5 action=/submit method=post>" result))
(ok (search "<legend>Your Gender?</legend>" result))
(ok (search "class=form-check-input" result))
(ok (search "name=group-gender" result))
(ok (search "value=male" result))
(ok (search "<hr class=my-4>" result))
(ok (search "<button class=\"btn btn-primary\" type=submit>Submit</button>" result)))))
(deftest test-create-questionnaire-multiple
(let ((result (spinneret:with-html-string
(questionnaire "/submit"
(:ask "Which of the following devices do you regularly use to browse the internet?"
:group "device"
:choices (:multiple "Desktop" "Laptop" "Tablet"))))))
(testing "Generates correct HTML for questionnaire with multiple choices"
(ok (search "<form class=py-5 action=/submit method=post>" result))
(ok (search "<legend>Which of the following devices do you regularly use to browse the internet?</legend>" result))
(ok (search "type=checkbox" result))
(ok (search "name=group-device" result))
(ok (search "value=desktop" result))
(ok (search "<hr class=my-4>" result))
(ok (search "<button class=\"btn btn-primary\" type=submit>Submit</button>" result)))))
(deftest test-create-questionnaire-mixed-choices
(let ((result (spinneret:with-html-string
(questionnaire "/submit"
(:ask "Which of the following devices do you regularly use to browse the internet?"
:group "device"
:choices (:multiple "Desktop" "Laptop" "Tablet"
:text "Others (please specify)"))))))
(testing "Generates correct HTML for questionnaire with multiple choices"
(ok (search "<form class=py-5 action=/submit method=post>" result))
(ok (search "<legend>Which of the following devices do you regularly use to browse the internet?</legend>" result))
(ok (search "type=checkbox" result))
(ok (search "name=group-device" result))
(ok (search "class=\"form-label group-device\"" result))
(ok (search "class=form-control" result))
(ok (search "<hr class=my-4>" result))
(ok (search "<button class=\"btn btn-primary\" type=submit>Submit</button>" result)))))
(deftest test-create-questionnaire-single-german
(let* ((spinneret:*html-lang* "de")
(result (spinneret:with-html-string
(questionnaire "/submit"
(:frage "Ihr Geschlecht?"
:gruppe "geschlecht"
:auswahl (:single "Männlich"
"Keine Angabe"))))))
(testing "Generates correct HTML for questionnaire with single choices"
(ok (search "<form class=py-5 action=/submit method=post>" result))
(ok (search "<legend>Ihr Geschlecht?</legend>" result))
(ok (search "class=form-check-input" result))
(ok (search "name=group-geschlecht" result))
(ok (search "value=männlich" result))
(ok (search "value=weiblich" result))
(ok (search "value=keine-angabe" result))
(ok (search "<button class=\"btn btn-primary\" type=submit>Absenden</button>" result)))))